D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

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The High Aldwin
OK, last chance for any additions before you press on into Vecna's Lair? Please, no changes to character sheets at this time.

Here is the Party! (and a round of applause for the players! :) )

- Level 20 Rock Gnome Evoker Wizard (@Stalker0) - D&D Beyond Character Sheet
Pyre - Level 20 Spring Eladrin Assassin Rogue (@FitzTheRuke) - D&D Beyond Character Sheet
Selossen - Level 20 Air Genasi Divine Soul Sorcerer (@DragonBelow) - (see attached)
Vyrlim - Level 20 (varaint) Assimar Devotion Paladin (@sleepyInsomniac) - D&D Beyond Character Sheet

Party Magic Items:
  • Ezabard - Bracers of Defense, Luck Stone, Necklace of Adaptation
  • Pyre - Bracers of Archery, Longbow +1, Studded Leather of Necrotic Resistance
  • Selossen - Staff of Power
  • Vyrlim - Mithral Plate, Shield +1, Sunblade

Party Pre-conditions:
  • Ezabard has cast the following spells: True Seeing, Fire Shield (Warm), Mage Armor (AC 17), False Life (+26 temp hp))
  • Pyre has horn of Silent Alarm (linked to Vyrlim) and bow in hand
  • Selossen has Otherworldly Wings (fly 30)
  • Vyrlim has Protection from Evil and Good (from Ezabard)

If there is anything you need updated, let me know. Those pre-conditions are set, however, at this time.

The scene:
After days of grueling exploration, battles, and dangers, the party arrived at the portal to Vecna's Lair. Once preparations were complete, the party manages to rest before the final push (benefits of Long rest). Girded for battle, the bold heroes activate the portal and take their final steps into Vecna's Sanctum...

You find yourselves in a narrow, dusty hall; the air is stale and carries a slight mixture of tang and decay. The light behind you vanishes as the portal closes, but you know the command word that should (hopefully) open it again after you have defeated the vile Archlich. With a silent nod of her head, locks of red hair falling before her bright eyes, Pyre moves forward down the hall--as quiet as the grave.

As she reaches the corner, she peers around, her fey eyes piercing the gloomy darkness ahead to the twin dim lights beyond. The narrow opening 20 feet before her blocks much of her sight so she cannot see the source of these lights, but even from this distance she can clearly make out the figure of a bound female human lying on a stone altar. A low wall, maybe 3 or 4 feet in height is behind the altar, blocks her view, but it is obvious there is an expanse of darkness further afield. A set of double doors lie smashed and broken on the floor beyond the opening.

So, what do you do...?


My standard order for declarations (until initiative is rolled) will be as follows for the present due to the current marching order:
  1. @FitzTheRuke - since Pyre is scouting ahead
  2. @sleepyInsomniac - as Vyrlim is at the forefront of the party
  3. @DragonBelow - with Selossen in the middle of the group
  4. @Stalker0 - as Ezabard with good AC, HP, and truesight takes up the rear

If you guys want me to rearrange the order, please let me know. :)

Once you have given me instructions, I will move the tokens and post screen shots for updates to movement, actions, etc. As I am new to Roll20, I don't want others moving things at present. My apologies for the inconvenience.


(Please let me know if that doesn't work for some reason. Another member is hosting the game, I am joined as DM/player).


  • Selossan.pdf
    749 KB · Views: 88


Pyre approached the narrow opening cautiously. She empathized with the victim; there was nothing she would like more than to rush to her rescue. But it wouldn't help either of them if she got herself killed rushing in. And with all the things she'd seen that led to this moment, she didn't trust Vecna one bit. It could be a trap. The girl could be dead already, or infected with lycanthropy, or magical necrosis. (Or any number of other possibilities).

With this in mind, Pyre carefully and methodically checked the hallway before her as she advanced, holding up a hand to the others to wait for her go-ahead.

OOC: Check for traps on the way to the narrowing, and around the threshold of that opening.


The High Aldwin
I will walk with Vyrlim up to the scene, the goal to scan the area with Truesight to see if anything new pops out.
To be clear, what do you mean by "the scene"? Where the body is on the altar???

Are you waiting for Pyre to give you the "all clear"?

Selossen will walk up to the first corner when given the green light, but will remain behind cover
This seems to indicate you're waiting for Prye to give the "all clear"?


The High Aldwin
With this in mind, Pyre carefully and methodically checked the hallway before her as she advanced, holding up a hand to the others to wait for her go-ahead.
RULING: This will take 1 minute per 5' section, with disadvantage due to the dim light (not that it matters with Reliable Talent LOL!).

I thought there was something in the PHB or DMG about the time it takes to search an area in 5E, but I've scanned the books and can't find anything. I thought about 1 minute for a 10' section, but that seems way too quick, more of a use for passive perception (maybe), but not when someone is "carefully and methodically" checking.

So, as a ruling, does that seem too long? I know fire shield and protection from evil and good are only 10 minutes, so that'll hurt, but the rest of the spells are longer.


Also, as soon as people reply to the last post (and what @sleepyInsomniac wants to do), I've move the tokens and get the "Ok" before continuing on.


To be clear, what do you mean by "the scene"? Where the body is on the altar???

Are you waiting for Pyre to give you the "all clear"?

This seems to indicate you're waiting for Prye to give the "all clear"?
Truesight's range is, what 120 feet? Pyre will wave them up to the corner, but ask them (using hand gestures) to stay at the corner while she moves toward the narrowing. That should give Ezabard a chance to give it a look.


RULING: This will take 1 minute per 5' section, with disadvantage due to the dim light (not that it matters with Reliable Talent LOL!).

I thought there was something in the PHB or DMG about the time it takes to search an area in 5E, but I've scanned the books and can't find anything. I thought about 1 minute for a 10' section, but that seems way too quick, more of a use for passive perception (maybe), but not when someone is "carefully and methodically" checking.

So, as a ruling, does that seem too long? I know fire shield and protection from evil and good are only 10 minutes, so that'll hurt, but the rest of the spells are longer.


Also, as soon as people reply to the last post (and what @sleepyInsomniac wants to do), I've move the tokens and get the "Ok" before continuing on.
I'll "rush" the first 10 feet, and then check the next two fives at a minute each (so 3 minutes to the narrowing). I dunno, make the dc a little higher for the first 10 feet, if there's anything there.


The High Aldwin
Truesight's range is, what 120 feet? Pyre will wave them up to the corner, but ask them (using hand gestures) to stay at the corner while she moves toward the narrowing. That should give Ezabard a chance to give it a look.
I'll "rush" the first 10 feet, and then check the next two fives at a minute each (so 3 minutes to the narrowing). I dunno, make the dc a little higher for the first 10 feet, if there's anything there.
Ok, I can run with those. :)

PRYE: Pyre scans the first 10 feet quickly, but notices a narrow crevice in the floor an inch or so deep (roll 6,14->Reliable Talent:10+14=24 vs DC 20), and traces the edge to the wall. It appears to be some form of mechanism that will slide from the wall, closing off the hallway from the lair.

@FitzTheRuke, it will take you 1 minute to spike the wall to (hopefully) keep the section from closing. At this location, you see no method of deactivating the trap. Do you want to spike it?

With the others moving up to the corner, Ezabard looks into the lair beyond and notices the dim magical glow of a symbol on the floor before the altar. He is fairly certain it is a symbol spell (roll 8+12= 20 vs DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check), but is unsure of the effect. (NOTE: ONLY EZABARD sees the symbol, but can tell the others of its presence.)

A short distance beyond the low wall, in open space Pyre and Ezabard see a pillar of darkness, writhing like cold flames of the deepest pitch.


EZABARD (ONLY): In the magical darkness, Ezabard sees a tower of stone with what appears to be arrow slits. (RED ARROW)

Again, NO OTHER PC SEES THIS: all the rest just see the pillar of dark-flame.


Next actions?
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