D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED


The High Aldwin
@DragonBelow, @FitzTheRuke, @sleepyInsomniac, @Stalker0:

You have just finished your long rest. Please let me know the following for your characters:

1. Any preparatory features or spells you want pre-active prior to the encounter beginning. I will be tracking rounds for anything active.
2. What items you currently have in your hands (i.e. carried).
3. I see you all have darkvision 60 ft., so please let me know if you have any other light sources.

How I will run the encounter:
I will set the stage and give you chances to tell me what your character wants to do. Until I announce we are rolling Initiative, there is no "order" other than what fits the narrative.

I encourage you each to discuss your actions/plans before committing to anything. You might want to use a group/private direct message via EnWorld for this, but it's up to you.

If there is anything your character will be aware of or should consider prior to your actions, I will try to inform you. But, the map is fairly detailed so hopefully it will inspire your actions anyway.

I am using the Dynamic Lighting feature, so if it shows anything incorrectly I'll inform you.

I think that's it. Just waiting to add a token for @sleepyInsomniac's paladin, and then we should be ready to begin. :)

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1. I'd like for the Sun blade to be pre-ignited.
2. The Sun blade and my +1 shield are in hand.
3. The Sun Blade counts as a light source.
Will we be communicating via this thread for the sessions? Or will we have some external communication ex: discord, etc.

Here's the token Picture.



The High Aldwin
1. I'd like for the Sun blade to be pre-ignited.
2. The Sun blade and my +1 shield are in hand.
3. The Sun Blade counts as a light source.
Got it. What level of light do you want for the sunblade (min 10, max 30 for bright and dim light).

Here's your token:


Will we be communicating via this thread for the sessions? Or will we have some external communication ex: discord, etc.
Through this thread, that way anyone who wants to follow the encounter can. Also, since people are busy with life in general, we have plenty of time to take and resolve turns as they happen.

If you followed the second battle in the other thread, I planned to do it a similar way.


Pyre will work her way a hundred feet (or so) ahead of the rest of the party, sneaking. She'll hold her horn in one hand and her bow in the other. Her plan is (if she gets in trouble) to blow the horn when she sees Vecna (unless she feels safe to silently observe him) and misty step away (unless it is safe to just walk back). She will be looking out for traps, etc.

Unless anyone wants to give her other instructions.


I know you have darkvision, so just to clarify no light source, right?

That is correct. I know that will give me disadvantage on perception (and probably investigation) checks while I'm scouting, if it's fully dark, but c'est la vie. It's not much of a sneak if a torch is bobbing along.


This is the character link for my own convenience.


Ok so the first big thing, I am NOT going to cast simulacrum (so that Vecna does not do the same). I was really tempted, as while I have gotten to DM simulacrum I have never gotten to use it myself as a PC, so I was itching to try it out. That said, I think the spell is singularly powerful, so much so that the results of our fight would be skewed towards its use and people would call the results into question (the only reason the PCs won was because of simulacrum.... Vecna with simulacrum is the reason Vecna stomped, etc etc). As the goal of this is still a test of Vecna's ability, I don't want to skew the results due to a single spell.

My spells pre-cast are as follows:
  • True Seeing (who needs light!)
  • Fire Shield (Warm)
  • Mage Armor (so AC 17 now with the bracers of defense)
  • False Life (upcast to 5th level)
  • Protection from Evil and Good (on our paladin) - If anyone would rather be polymorphed instead let me know, otherwise I'll default to this.
If I think we are about to go through a door and fight vecna, I will also throw on mirror image.

Item Wise: None of my items need to be in hand so I will keep them all on my person instead.

Goal is to stay within 10 feet of the paladin right now.


The High Aldwin
Got it all.

Obviously, update your expended spell slots if you haven't already. :)

False Life (upcast to 5th level)
This will give you 1d4 + 24 temporary hp. I'll roll that now and update your PC with the temp HP.

The roll was a 2, so you have 26 temporary hp (added to your normal maximum).

Voidrunner's Codex

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