news scoop: insider account of how the statement was drafted, and the fear-based culture in Wizards offices


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
And that's all I was saying. Twitter isn't unique - similar functionality can be had elsewhere. That's all. I was making no other assertion that needs countering.
Great, when the people breaking this news start doing it elsewhere, I’ll get it there. In the meantime, I think @Snarf Zagyg ’s question about “why are we sharing links to Twitter?” has been answered: because that’s where the news is being posted.

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Great, when the people breaking this news start doing it elsewhere, I’ll get it there. In the meantime, I think @Snarf Zagyg ’s question about “why are we sharing links to Twitter?” has been answered: because that’s where the news is being posted.
That's where uncourced allegations and clickbait are being posted. News is being posted on io9, among other places.

Granted, i don't think it's bad, per se, to follow certain people on Twitter to glean immediate information, but it is the very immediacy of Twitter that is the problem. Immediate information is often wrong and always incomplete.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
On the WotC and OGL situation? Where?

You tell me! What piece of actual news have you learned from twitter that wasn't quickly reported elsewhere?

On the other hand, how much completely useless rumor and gossip that only serves to inflame about the situation have you already forgotten, since it wasn't true?

And no, that wasn't an answer to my question. My question (if you recall) was more pointed- Twitter (the corporation) has done some horrific things lately, including screwing people out of money that they were contractually owed. So it would be nice if people would ... have even a little of the same outrage for that. Just a little bit.

Especially when it's UNSOURCED CLICKBAIT. Maybe just leave that stuff on twitter, m'kay?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Not for me! Personally, I never understood the recent "cult of the chicken sandwich," any more than I understood why someone would choose to get a sandwich from that particular place at that time.

Well, back before the company's activities were made known, it was a tasty sandwich.

What's to understand is "tasty fried chicken, delivered quickly". If fried chicken ain't your thing, that's fine.

But I am not everyone. :)

That's just what someone who was everyone would say, though....

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Well, back before the company's activities were made known, it was a tasty sandwich.

What's to understand is "tasty fried chicken, delivered quickly". If fried chicken ain't your thing, that's fine.

Fried chicken sandwich? Totally fine!

It was that weird period when people were lining up for hours to get a rando chicken sandwich from a fast food place.

I mean ... okay then?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
That's where uncourced allegations and clickbait are being posted. News is being posted on io9, among other places.

Granted, i don't think it's bad, per se, to follow certain people on Twitter to glean immediate information, but it is the very immediacy of Twitter that is the problem. Immediate information is often wrong and always incomplete.
Ok, see that’s a much more reasonable critique than “Twitter is unethically run, why are people sharing links to it?”


Mod Squad
Staff member
Maybe just leave that stuff on twitter, m'kay?

Some criticism of twitter as a source is okay, even warranted. It can be countered with the fact that, until very recently, many real journalists did use twitter a lot for gathering the news...
Some criticism of the thought process behind promulgating questionable information can be healthy, too.
But let's not get into telling people what they can and can't post. That'll start folks rankling.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Some criticism of twitter as a source is okay, even warranted. It can be countered with the fact that, until very recently, many real journalists did use twitter a lot for gathering the news...
Some criticism of the thought process behind promulgating questionable information can be healthy, too.
But let's not get into telling people what they can and can't post. That'll start folks rankling.

People can post what they want to. I personally recommend hyping up someone's clickbait. "Come see my youtube video on Wednesday," is not what I would call breaking news.

Voidrunner's Codex

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