D&D 5E Next 5e adventure speculation?

I'm guessing Feywild this spring and a two part 1-20 level multi-planar campaign next Fall/Spring that will feature travel to other campaign settings and the outer planes.

Actually guessing is the wrong word. More like irrationally hoping. :)

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It's been mentioned elsewhere that Mike dropped in a tweet or something that there would now be "one adventure" per year. With the build up we've seen over the past two summers for SKT and ToA... the autumn release is probably going to be that slot.

But what does that mean for the spring? Well, this past spring they released a series of adventure re-ups for 5E, all of which were thematically tied into the autumn adventure path-- the deadly dungeon crawl. So my guess would be that this spring's book will tie in thematically with next autumn's AP (and game mechanics book).

As my personal guess is that next autumn's AP is going to be a planar adventure, with the tie-in book being something like 'Elminster's Guide To The Planes'... this spring's book will be planar related as well. I wouldn't be surprised if this spring we got a gazetteer of like the five or six main campaign settings, each one getting a chapter of what it's about and some baseline info on the main areas (basically just re-writing copy/pasting the info that we already have in all the past setting books.) Like Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Eberron, Dark Sun, Sigil.

Then next autumn we get an adaptation of Expedition To The Barrier Peaks, where the first chapter is finding a "space ship" (a Spelljammer) high in one of the Faerun mountain ranges... and then in subsequent chapters using it to travel to the Feywild, Shadowfell, Sigil, perhaps the outer planes etc. And the big book of mechanics will give us all the player rules needed to run games in other planes or campaign settings-- the Mystic for DS, the Artificer for Eberron, the various Eberron races, the three Dragonlance wizard subclasses, the rules for Defiling/Preserving magic in DS, etc. And then also DM rules for Spelljamming, portal hopping, and so forth.

It's been mentioned elsewhere that Mike dropped in a tweet or something that there would now be "one adventure" per year. With the build up we've seen over the past two summers for SKT and ToA... the autumn release is probably going to be that slot.

But what does that mean for the spring? Well, this past spring they released a series of adventure re-ups for 5E, all of which were thematically tied into the autumn adventure path-- the deadly dungeon crawl. So my guess would be that this spring's book will tie in thematically with next autumn's AP (and game mechanics book).

As my personal guess is that next autumn's AP is going to be a planar adventure, with the tie-in book being something like 'Elminster's Guide To The Planes'... this spring's book will be planar related as well. I wouldn't be surprised if this spring we got a gazetteer of like the five or six main campaign settings, each one getting a chapter of what it's about and some baseline info on the main areas (basically just re-writing copy/pasting the info that we already have in all the past setting books.) Like Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Eberron, Dark Sun, Sigil.

Then next autumn we get an adaptation of Expedition To The Barrier Peaks, where the first chapter is finding a "space ship" (a Spelljammer) high in one of the Faerun mountain ranges... and then in subsequent chapters using it to travel to the Feywild, Shadowfell, Sigil, perhaps the outer planes etc. And the big book of mechanics will give us all the player rules needed to run games in other planes or campaign settings-- the Mystic for DS, the Artificer for Eberron, the various Eberron races, the three Dragonlance wizard subclasses, the rules for Defiling/Preserving magic in DS, etc. And then also DM rules for Spelljamming, portal hopping, and so forth.
[MENTION=697]mearls[/MENTION] spoke of an "annual adventure" on Twitter: that suggests they will go with one AP storyline at the end of summer every year, instead of two. He also said that Tomb of Annihilation is a model for future setting material in response to a question about following up on SCAG, so gazeeters, other than AP subsections, seems unlikely.

I think you are right about an "Eliminster' Guide to [Planes/Cosmic Stuff]" being the Fall release, structured along the lines of Volos Guide, following some AP at the end of Summer (Feywild, Great Modron March...?).

Spring is a wildcard. They have expressed satisfaction with the three book schedule, but they've done different things each year: homage to a classic module in an original AP, expansion of a classic module into an AP and a straight reprint with rule updates if earlier modules. In addition, Goodman Games is now doing reprints with rules updates on WotC behalf, so maybe something different this Spring? Volos Guide to Dragons, with complete dungeons for each Dragon type...?
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An update of the classic "Castle Greyhawk" module from 1988.

That word "classic". I do not think it means what you think it means. It was received fairly negatively at the time, and remains a fairly disliked adventure. It's a silly adventure (Col. Sanders, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the cast of Star Trek, etc.) which, at least at the time, was perceived by many as a parting shot directed at Gary Gygax after he was kicked out.

In fact a lot of people would argue it was this product which killed Greyhawk, and is the reason Forgotten Realms today has become the default setting instead of Greyhawk. Castle Greyhawk is probably the single worst Greyhawk adventure choice, if WOTC were to bring any Greyhawk back.

That word "classic". I do not think it means what you think it means. It was received fairly negatively at the time, and remains a fairly disliked adventure. It's a silly adventure (Col. Sanders, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the cast of Star Trek, etc.) which, at least at the time, was perceived by many as a parting shot directed at Gary Gygax after he was kicked out.

In fact a lot of people would argue it was this product which killed Greyhawk, and is the reason Forgotten Realms today has become the default setting instead of Greyhawk. Castle Greyhawk is probably the single worst Greyhawk adventure choice, if WOTC were to bring any Greyhawk back.
I reckon the dude was joking, like the Revenge of the Forest Oracle crack? But who knows.

It's been mentioned elsewhere that Mike dropped in a tweet or something that there would now be "one adventure" per year. With the build up we've seen over the past two summers for SKT and ToA... the autumn release is probably going to be that slot.

But what does that mean for the spring? Well, this past spring they released a series of adventure re-ups for 5E, all of which were thematically tied into the autumn adventure path-- the deadly dungeon crawl. So my guess would be that this spring's book will tie in thematically with next autumn's AP (and game mechanics book).

As my personal guess is that next autumn's AP is going to be a planar adventure, with the tie-in book being something like 'Elminster's Guide To The Planes'... this spring's book will be planar related as well. I wouldn't be surprised if this spring we got a gazetteer of like the five or six main campaign settings, each one getting a chapter of what it's about and some baseline info on the main areas (basically just re-writing copy/pasting the info that we already have in all the past setting books.) Like Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Eberron, Dark Sun, Sigil.

Then next autumn we get an adaptation of Expedition To The Barrier Peaks, where the first chapter is finding a "space ship" (a Spelljammer) high in one of the Faerun mountain ranges... and then in subsequent chapters using it to travel to the Feywild, Shadowfell, Sigil, perhaps the outer planes etc. And the big book of mechanics will give us all the player rules needed to run games in other planes or campaign settings-- the Mystic for DS, the Artificer for Eberron, the various Eberron races, the three Dragonlance wizard subclasses, the rules for Defiling/Preserving magic in DS, etc. And then also DM rules for Spelljamming, portal hopping, and so forth.

This would be a fantastic way to go. Crossing fingers that it happens.

I wonder if for spring if they would try having each mini campaign setting adventure run from say 5th to 7th level to land in the sweet spot or if different levels would be associate with the different settings like in TFtYP

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This would be a fantastic way to go. Crossing fingers that it happens.

I wonder if for spring if they would try having each mini campaign setting adventure run from say 5th to 7th level to land in the sweet spot or if different levels would be associate with the different settings like in TFtYP.

I actually wouldn't think they'd be adventures at all. My guess is that the gazetteer would be purely setting material (not that I think they're actually doing what I supposed anyway.)

In my opinion it would be counter-productive to release a collection of adventures from the various different campaign settings a full eight months prior to the game mechanics book that would include the proper player options to play in those settings. Who would want to run and play an Eberron adventure without the rules for dragonmarks, artificers, or the four additional races? If they were going to release an Eberron re-up adventure (along with a DS, Greyhawk, DL etc.), they'd be better off doing a collection of those in 2019, rather than this spring in 2018.

It's been mentioned elsewhere that Mike dropped in a tweet or something that there would now be "one adventure" per year. With the build up we've seen over the past two summers for SKT and ToA... the autumn release is probably going to be that slot.
I wouldn't read too much into casual Twitter statements. They're often quickly written and not edited. Steam of consciousness stuff. Like a spoken interview.
Especially when he didn't pop back in to clarify or further tease.

He might have mean bi-annual. Or they might internally think of the annual storyline adventure different than the reprint. Or they're continuing to do collections in the spring.

Until the spring book is announced or he clarifies his statements, I wouldn't make any bets.

But what does that mean for the spring? Well, this past spring they released a series of adventure re-ups for 5E, all of which were thematically tied into the autumn adventure path-- the deadly dungeon crawl. So my guess would be that this spring's book will tie in thematically with next autumn's AP (and game mechanics book).

As my personal guess is that next autumn's AP is going to be a planar adventure, with the tie-in book being something like 'Elminster's Guide To The Planes'... this spring's book will be planar related as well. I wouldn't be surprised if this spring we got a gazetteer of like the five or six main campaign settings, each one getting a chapter of what it's about and some baseline info on the main areas (basically just re-writing copy/pasting the info that we already have in all the past setting books.) Like Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Eberron, Dark Sun, Sigil.

The catch with this is they're doing a big book in November. Which is what Mearls and Crawford have been working on for a year.
Getting another entire book written in just five months will be hard.

There's a reason the spring adventures have been reprints, and why the Perkins didn't work on Tales from the Yawning Portal...

I wouldn't read too much into casual Twitter statements. They're often quickly written and not edited. Steam of consciousness stuff. Like a spoken interview.
Especially when he didn't pop back in to clarify or further tease.

He might have mean bi-annual. Or they might internally think of the annual storyline adventure different than the reprint. Or they're continuing to do collections in the spring.

Until the spring book is announced or he clarifies his statements, I wouldn't make any bets.

The catch with this is they're doing a big book in November. Which is what Mearls and Crawford have been working on for a year.
Getting another entire book written in just five months will be hard.

There's a reason the spring adventures have been reprints, and why the Perkins didn't work on Tales from the Yawning Portal...
Yeah, hard to know; Spring is a wide open wildcard right now. A second TftYP ytpe book would make sense, but who knows?

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