Next converted classic adventure...

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Psion said:
Would you like a LIST? :p

Well, first we'd need to focus in on the type of modules that would be best suited for this. For instance I doubt we'll see any that have sequals to them like the A1-4 or the giants and drows. I also think they want popular modules that people will want to go through again or for trhe first time.

Now I don't doubt Psion has a list of modules he feels are better then White Plume Mountain, but I think many of them get elimintated when we look at it closer. :cool:


Eternal Optimist
Psion, I clearly read Crothian talking about White PLUM mountain. It is obvious a Chinese adventure I'm not familiar with. ;)

I like White Plume Mountain, so I'm happy to see it converted. (I can't access ENworld from work, which is why I asked Psion to pass on the info).



MerricB said:
Psion, I clearly read Crothian talking about White PLUM mountain. It is obvious a Chinese adventure I'm not familiar with. ;)

I like White Plume Mountain, so I'm happy to see it converted. (I can't access ENworld from work, which is why I asked Psion to pass on the info).

I liked WPM more for the original legend's Greyhawk background and its proximity to the Rift Canyon and the awesome Erol Otus MAP!!! moreso than for anything about the module itself. Erik Mona's excellent RPGA Adventure "River of Blood" is also based on a throw-away line from the original module. The Old AG module "Dragotha's Lair" (which ties into Return to White Plume Mountain) is decent, and it's inclusion in RtWPM would have strenghtened an otherwise relatively-ho-hum adventure. That said, I still didn't need another super-weapon (and a copycat one at that), and while the Keraptis-clone-things were an interesting concept, they seemed a bit over the top and cheapened the cool stuff in the original adventure. Using the maps and general environment, though, as the original Keraptis' indoctrination center helps to redeem the sequel.


First Post
The weapons, giant crab, and material that's been developed after the adventure itself, like the original death dragon, some spells of the master of the place and other worthies, are all interesting bits of D&D lore. I'll be real curious to see how Black Razor winds up this time.


First Post
Crothian said:
Well, first we'd need to focus in on the type of modules that would be best suited for this. For instance I doubt we'll see any that have sequals to them like the A1-4 or the giants and drows. I also think they want popular modules that people will want to go through again or for trhe first time.

Don't ever say that again!!!!!!!!! :mad: Joking of course.... :heh:

I would love to see them do the Giants and Drow series, since they are my favorites. However, I am just glad they are doing what they are. Since most (haven't checked them all) of their 3rd edition adventures are OUT OF PRINT now.... :mad: Not Joking really does peeve me.

On a plus note I have never played through WPM so look forward to it.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Practically speaking, the adventures they'll update will probably tend to be the older, shorter adventures. WPM couldn't have been more than 32 pages. I'm happy to see any of these updated.

Voidrunner's Codex

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