Next converted classic adventure...

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Jim Hague said:
Damn. I was hoping for Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Killer mushrooms and blaster rifles.
Yeah me too. Still, I am now hoping that we are going to see all the "S" series modules converted in order - hopefully S3 will be next. Clutching at straws a bit here, I know, but I'd love to see an updated version of "Barrier Peaks" nevertheless...

Dungeon 77 Ex Keraptis Cum Amore by Andy Miller for 2edADnD Greyhawk lvls 8-12 was a better adaptation than Return to White Plume Mountain

I'd assume, if WotC do another one, it will be Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Why?

S1: Tomb of Horrors
S2: White Plume Mountain
S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks....

Good point although I always thought that S3 would end up in Dungeon. I seem to recall Erik Mona mentioning his fondness for this adventure with great frequency (or am I confusing it with another?) plus it might be too big a job for a website freebie.

I think S4 is a good candidate for an update or perhaps the Desert of Desolation series?

The current Age of Worms adventure path (in Dungeon magazine) is about to feature a journey to the Rift Canyon. This conversion of White Plume Mountain could come in real handy....

Well, I really like what they do. It's nice to see the classics everybody talks about in an easily usable form. I don't know the original White Plume Mountain, and I'm really curious about that one.

One thing I'd like to hear are reports from those people who played the originals and now do the same with the updated versions. Do you still feel the awe (in case you ever felt it :D)? If not, do you think it's due to system differences or just the thing that you cannot capture nostalgia? That would be some interesting stories :).

Turjan said:
One thing I'd like to hear are reports from those people who played the originals and now do the same with the updated versions. Do you still feel the awe (in case you ever felt it :D)? If not, do you think it's due to system differences or just the thing that you cannot capture nostalgia? That would be some interesting stories :).

partly it is a system problem

in the real classics... you were ready to retire or had retired by the time you reached the levels involved. 8th - 14th.

the new system... you aren't even out of puberty and you are level 20.

Psion said:
It appears that White Plume Mountain is the next one.

I, for one, can think of more worthy candidates...

Bleh. :P

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are converting some of the old stuff, but I'm just not excited about this one.

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