Next converted classic adventure...

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Crothian said:
They've done one. Itr was pretty much straight but it always made perfect sense. So, I imagine they will do them all straight and I'm glad for that. If they try to make them fit into a campaign, who';s are they fitting it into? If they fit into one persons they could very ewasy mnake it impossibe lto fit in mine. I like them they way they are.

And its electronic, no paper wasted :D

I didn't mean fitting into a particular campaign - i meant understanding that the things you find and that happen in a module can have an effect on the campaign as a whole.

I mean using the rules of the game to create the villians, traps and other encounters - instead of the one-time "special" cases that always seemed to pop up in those old adventures.

What do you mean by they converted them "straight but it always made sense"?

Crothian said:
Huh?? If you play a module you can't use it every again!! :confused: :eek: :lol:

Not if you are running multiple games in the same world/setting.

If Group X runs through "White Plume Mountain", in the next campaign set in the same world/timeline Group Y shouldn't be able to . . . I mean, the site of the adventure might still exist and a different adventure might take place there - but the exact same module, npcs and events? That's cheesy.

As someone who runs all my games in the same setting and timeline (i.e. the events of one campaign can affect another further down the line) I can never re-use modules - though I often re-use the sites and some NPCs advanced for the time passed.

I can understand why it was White Plume Mountain, and even when we were giving our wish-list in the previous thread, I KNEW it was going to be WPM.


WPM has the same attractive features as TOH:

1) Short.
2) Stand-alone; no unusual NPCs, classes, spells, etc. to get in the way.

Comparatively, Expedition and Tsojcanth had lots of extras that were important to the adventure - spellbooks, new creatures not easily handled with a template, etc. TOH had a picture booklet, but it wasn't essential.

I know I'd love to see Lost Temple of Tharizdun converted to 3E; The D&D Lightsaber must live again! :D

BiggusGeekus said:
I enjoyed those modules, but honestly I think the A series is overrated.

I'm as big a fan of the old adventures as there is, and I agree with you.

Think Wizzo's would convert some 3e modules to AD&D1 for some of the recalcitrant old farts like me? Yeah, probably not. (At least Goodman is converting some of their DCCs to C&C. That's pretty close.)

IF I were in the market for OOP mods converted to 3e (which I'm not), I think Expedition to Barrier Peaks would have to be pretty high on my list simply because there's so much stuff in there that you'd need to work on to convert - mutated plants, laser blasters, and so on. I'd imagine it would be an absolute bear to do yourself.


BiggusGeekus said:
I enjoyed those modules, but honestly I think the A series is overrated.

The A modules would be great if they were completly converted from the ground up to be more organic and not tournament modules (for example one of them assumes the PCs are captured) - I ran two of the four them in a 2E campaign and it was great - but still I had to change a lot.

el-remmen said:
What do you mean by they converted them "straight but it always made sense"?

Tomb of Horrors for me never seemed odd. Everything in there made sense given the background of the module.

el-remmen said:
Not if you are running multiple games in the same world/setting.

If Group X runs through "White Plume Mountain", in the next campaign set in the same world/timeline Group Y shouldn't be able to . . . I mean, the site of the adventure might still exist and a different adventure might take place there - but the exact same module, npcs and events? That's cheesy.

As someone who runs all my games in the same setting and timeline (i.e. the events of one campaign can affect another further down the line) I can never re-use modules - though I often re-use the sites and some NPCs advanced for the time passed.

Even beyond that, if your PLAYERS have played it once in 2nd edition, there is very little interest in doing it again (in 3.5) cept for the gold. They'd be bored and remember most of the key adventure items anyway (here comes the crab guys...)

Same with ToH: one of my players DMed it, so he remembers it too well...

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