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All right!
One of my favorites!
What are the names of the Efreeti , Nix and Nax?
One of my favorites!
What are the names of the Efreeti , Nix and Nax?
Crothian said:They've done one. Itr was pretty much straight but it always made perfect sense. So, I imagine they will do them all straight and I'm glad for that. If they try to make them fit into a campaign, who';s are they fitting it into? If they fit into one persons they could very ewasy mnake it impossibe lto fit in mine. I like them they way they are.
And its electronic, no paper wasted![]()
Crothian said:Huh?? If you play a module you can't use it every again!!![]()
Crothian said:For instance I doubt we'll see any that have sequals to them like the A1-4 or the giants and drows.
BiggusGeekus said:I enjoyed those modules, but honestly I think the A series is overrated.
BiggusGeekus said:I enjoyed those modules, but honestly I think the A series is overrated.
el-remmen said:What do you mean by they converted them "straight but it always made sense"?
el-remmen said:Not if you are running multiple games in the same world/setting.
If Group X runs through "White Plume Mountain", in the next campaign set in the same world/timeline Group Y shouldn't be able to . . . I mean, the site of the adventure might still exist and a different adventure might take place there - but the exact same module, npcs and events? That's cheesy.
As someone who runs all my games in the same setting and timeline (i.e. the events of one campaign can affect another further down the line) I can never re-use modules - though I often re-use the sites and some NPCs advanced for the time passed.