Next converted classic adventure...

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i loved WPM when i had the chance to play thru it, although i wish they would remake the Isle of Dread... by far my favorite campaign i have ever played in. (went from Isle to WPM to RtWPM)


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My answer to what 'adventure classic' would be udated next would be Keep on the Borderlands. It's stand-alone, an iconic classic that nearly all veteran gamers know about (S3 may actually not fit into that category), and it's setting neutral as well.


johnsemlak said:
My answer to what 'adventure classic' would be udated next would be Keep on the Borderlands. It's stand-alone, an iconic classic that nearly all veteran gamers know about (S3 may actually not fit into that category), and it's setting neutral as well.

i'll somewhat agree with you.

partly why i think they converted B2, S1, S2, G1-3, and A1-4 for 2edADnD "Return to" series and esp for the 25th Anniversary. as well as releasing the 25th Anniversary boxed set with reprints of many of them. ;)


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RithTheAwakener said:
i loved WPM when i had the chance to play thru it, although i wish they would remake the Isle of Dread... by far my favorite campaign i have ever played in. (went from Isle to WPM to RtWPM)

Isle of Dread definitely has my vote. It was the campaign that got me into D&D.



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theRogueRooster said:
Isle of Dread definitely has my vote. It was the campaign that got me into D&D.

diaglo said:
they did this one in Dungeon. ;)

They certainly did something to it, I agree. The movers were a trifle clumsy when they relocated the Isle of Dread to the Greyhawk setting. The backstory changed to accomodate the new setting and several of the original locations were partially destroyed, sunk, or removed entirely. I'm unsure whether these changes were made on a creative level or if the authors knew they weren't going to have the space to provide the necessary maps and such.

The Dungeon coverage did provide some general information on the Isle as well as give us an interesting adventure. But the adventure never leaves the village of Mora and we don't have any maps of the different locations, apart from the adventure and an overhead map of the entire island. To quote Ulysses Everett McGill, Dungeon's Isle of Dread managed to "arouse my appetite without bedding her back down again."



First Post
White Plume Mountain is the next conversion? Very cool - I'm happy with that.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed - I wasn't happy at all their ToH conversion (too low level, and I didn't like the decisions they made), but it was still an impressive endeavor (and the updated map was wicked).

I very much look forward to their updated version of WPM.

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