Next converted classic adventure...

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diaglo said:
partly it is a system problem

in the real classics... you were ready to retire or had retired by the time you reached the levels involved. 8th - 14th.

the new system... you aren't even out of puberty and you are level 20.
But these points are not adventure-specific. I suppose you mean that these modules were meant to be the grand finale after some long adventuring career?

One thing I notice about these conversions is that WotC picked two adventures where I see that people are of two minds. Both, Tomb of Horrors and White Plume Mountain, are adventures that provoke reactions of both ends of the spectrum, glowing approval and scathing criticism. Perhaps, they are testing the waters for new adventures ;).


Turjan said:
But these points are not adventure-specific. I suppose you mean that these modules were meant to be the grand finale after some long adventuring career?

no and yes. the 20th lvl prepubescent sorc PrC Avatar of X... isn't going to have the difficulty that the 1edADnD 9th lvl cleric had. the Avatar has all the spells, all the feats, all the magic he can carry and use. the 9th lvl cleric had to scrape to get his +2 mace and has very few spells. no bonus ones... so when faced with Tomb of Horrors... even the converted one... the kid will cruise and say.. WTF??? WHAT WAS SO HARD ABOUT THIS NOSTALGIA> TAKE OFF YOUR ROSE COLORED GLASSES LOOZRZ.

the 9th lvl guy in 1edADnD terms was next to god to all those that worshipped at his church. the one he spent all his hard earned coin on to build. and it took years to build.

One thing I notice about these conversions is that WotC picked two adventures where I see that people are of two minds. Both, Tomb of Horrors and White Plume Mountain, are adventures that provoke reactions of both ends of the spectrum, glowing approval and scathing criticism. Perhaps, they are testing the waters for new adventures ;).

yup. it really is not the same game.


First Post
diaglo said:
the 9th lvl guy in 1edADnD terms was next to god to all those that worshipped at his church. the one he spent all his hard earned coin on to build. and it took years to build.

From my experience, to properly convert 1E modules to 3E, you have to almost double the level most of the time. A 9th level module in 1E should be an 18th level module in 3E. This is for proper flavor as well as to make use of similar monsters in many cases. Not to mention that the average party size has been halved at least.
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Eternal Optimist
I'd be surprised to see another conversion from Wizards in the near future, but I'd be very happy if they did so.



Moderator Emeritus
Question: When they do these "conversions" do they convert them "straight" or do they try to make them make a little more sense, have verisimilitude in terms of the rules, and fit within the context of a campaign, etc? Because if it is the former, it is waste paper.

As much as I love the outrageouness of the old modules - none of them were ever runnable as presented.


First Post
el-remmen said:
Question: When they do these "conversions" do they convert them "straight" or do they try to make them make a little more sense, have verisimilitude in terms of the rules, and fit within the context of a campaign, etc? Because if it is the former, it is waste paper.

As much as I love the outrageouness of the old modules - none of them were ever runnable as presented.

They've done one. Itr was pretty much straight but it always made perfect sense. So, I imagine they will do them all straight and I'm glad for that. If they try to make them fit into a campaign, who';s are they fitting it into? If they fit into one persons they could very ewasy mnake it impossibe lto fit in mine. I like them they way they are.

And its electronic, no paper wasted :D

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