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No Man's Land (IC)


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Not being so quick to jump into battle, Thorn stays hidden as she leaps and flashes from shadow to shadow, finding a position where she can see the Disciple inside the massive cathedral doors. She does want to see his face, and will try to get close enough to do so (but not getting closer than 40' regardless).

Hide Check 47: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1179742

(if I can get there with just a move action, I'll hold my standard action to Ghost Step out if attacked)

AC 45, Touch AC 37 (incorp touch 45)
202 HP
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
Nondetection Cloak (DC 20 caster level check)
Immune to mind-affecting effects
+3 to save against any magical effect
Hide check applies vs blindsight/blindsense

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My sincerest apologies gents, real life sucks. I shall hopefully be back to my daily posting. Munthrek Casts Bless on his fellows, and Bull's Strength and Eagle's Splendor on himself then he and Tekumo wait in the sky for the dicsiple.

Munthrek stares down from his draconic mount, his lance in his hand waiting for the disciple to come out into the open. "Easy, Tekumo, we shall vanquish our foe soon enough" he says in Draconic.

As soon as the disiple comes out of the building Munthrek will use his Deadly Charge and his Smite Evil against him.
Damage=103 (90 peircing + 3 Fire + 10 Smite) (I forgot to add the Bonuses from Bull's STR, Eagle's Speldor and Bless into his attack and damage on Invisible castle, they have been added in here)

Bless: 49 rounds left
Bull's Strength: 49 rounds left
Eagle's Splendor: 49 rounds left

236 / 236
AC 41
DR 5/ Magic
Light Fort 25%

145 / 145
AC 36
Cold Resistance 20
Cold x2 Damage
Immunity to Fire, Magic Sleep Effects, and Paralysis

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OOC: Assuming psionic/magic transparency applies, Lowryllyth will act as desribed below. Otherwise, she'll just observe this round.

Having suddenly become a 12 foot tall ghost, and reeling from the intensity of union with her cohort, Lowryllyth drifts through the assembled defenders to the Lady. With the cool haughty look typical of nobles she whispers, "My regrets for the necessity ..."

Not finishing the sentence, she aims a thin green ray at the Lady, intent on her utter destruction. Psionic Disintegrate 45 to hit DC 27 82 damage on a failed save, 22 damage on successful save


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OOC: I'm going to wait a day for Fenris2 to post, since Sylvie goes first on initiative. If nothing comes up, I will assume the black blade of disaster option and continue.

The young Elven woman regards Obsidian for a moment, pondering how much of a threat he is. Considering the constructs appearance, his first impression doesn't seem to be going too well.

"And why exactly do you wish to see the capitol of this fine nation. We're not exactly a tourist country here. No friends. No allies. Only betrayal, enemies behind every corner, and endless undead. We don't need more strife to brighten up our days."

Therin manages to connect with a direct hit on the Undead, however he doesn't gain the effect he was hoping for, and the creature regenerates back to its normal self in seconds. As Whin halts his fellows, the Zombies just wait for a few more minutes, and then a great roar tears through the air. Looking up at the sky, the party sees a large White dragon heading towards them, only this creature seems to de just as decayed as the monsterous beings behind them. Speaking of which, the Zombies suddenly pop to life, taking advantage of the moment to all rush foreward and attack.

OOC: Whin gets attacked by 2 of them, both of which miss him. Therin is attacked by 2, and is hit 2 times, taking 36, then 37 damage. Grift is attacked once, and hit for 38 damage.


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Obsidian & Granite

To gain trust from allies one must show all weapons and leave no mysteries. In one swift motion Obsidian locks Granite across his back and motions for both of his comrades to gather.

In his usual tone he says, “Lilian, sent is she in the place of the Barbarian King Dormun. Paul this is, sent in place is he of the Volcanic Lord Harborgens. Resisting against an invasion are they and like you, of the undead force from the north. Verge of being seized is Victory by those who walk amongst the un-living. These tides can change and Victory shall be ours when a coalition of sacrifice and alliances is marshaled together.

There is slight pause before finally addressing the young women. As non-hostile as a dark, hellish, large construct can look he says, “Complete this Alliance will the Kingdom of Abel be, and why an audience with High Priest Gerode is what we seek.
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Sylvie backs up a bit trying to keep as much distance between her and baddioe as she can and still poke him with the black blade of dispair... Ready to go 'shields up' and veil as before as a reaction.


Sorry for the away folks, but the water people had a leak on the street main somewhere and managed to variously take out cable, phone, electric and water (of course) over the last few days... In theory they fixed it all for now. . . However if I disappear, please npc Sylvie for a bit as that is probably the reason grr...


"You're kidding me, Smart zombies? Meekor, Kill these things, will you? I got Draco." Whin grins ear-to-ear as he flies upwards towards the dragon (How far is it btw? Action to follow when more Info is available)


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Darimaus said:
OOC: Nephyts: Ok, heres what you manage to find.

You find all of the Tomes you are shopping for.

You find two rings of your +20 Diplomacy and Gather Information.

You find your 2 portable holes.

You find Dimensional Shackles.

You find the Rod of Absorption.

You find a Mantle of Epic SR.

You find Boots of Teleportation

You find Gem of Seeing.

However, you cannot find any slotless items, since the shopping here is basically "out of the books". If you want slotless you will have to get it crafted and wait the appropriate timespan.

Yashar buys his items, leaving a few lucky shopkeepers up to their knees in gold and returns 997000 gold pieces poorer to the King.
"Your Majesty", He asks coureously, "is everything ready?"

ooc: :)


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Sylvie launches a black blade of disaster at the Disciple, who just stands and waits on the pile of weaponry. However, the blade doesn't have the desired effect, striking him, but showing no effect. The disciple continues to wait, ignoring this attack. However, when Lowryllyth attempts to disintigrate the Disciples charge, he leaps into action, dissapearing from his spot and suddenly appearing directly in front of the psionic. With a powerful kick, he staggers Lowryllyth enough to cancel out her attack. (OOC: 61 damage, your concentration isn't enough to make the DC to save your psionic attack). The Rest of the party lies in wait outside, ready to catch the disciple as he leaves.

Jemal - OOC - The Dragon is 200' away and 50' in the air.

The Elven woman looks on at Obsidians party with skepticism.

"And what makes you believe you can convince Gerode with this? You haven't heard, have you travellor. He has grown paranoid since his seperation. Everyone is a threat to him. If any of the high ranking military officals see you, your prescence here may even be construed as an act of war."

The King smiles heartily at Yashar.

"We are indeed ready. All is as you asked. Feel free to begin at your own leasure."


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Sylvie will try again with the blade, guses she missed? -- So long as someone is there fighting. But she has little hope for any resolution.

But if L retreats, then its time to 'Run Away! Run Away!'. Ethereal and if that fails, use a move action outta there. After all if he can shrug off disjunction and she can't touch/effect him with black blade, well, not sure what she can even do to him really... His SR must be so high its time to anskry and find and easier task...

Voidrunner's Codex

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