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Naked and living in a barrel
Did (does) anyone really expect him to finnish it?

Dan Simmons on a conversation with Martin in 1981.
George in 1981: “If I were really cynical I would start some medieval sword and sorcery thing, say it’s a trilogy, then keep writing it for the rest of my life.”


Martin is, of course, not a cynic.

No surprise. I've given up on anticipation and will get excited when it's finally in bookstores.

As I keep saying, if we really want it finished, give it to Brandon Sanderson to ghost write. That man can meet a deadline.


Naked and living in a barrel
No surprise. I've given up on anticipation and will get excited when it's finally in bookstores.

As I keep saying, if we really want it finished, give it to Brandon Sanderson to ghost write. That man can meet a deadline.

But will he write has many unnecessary subplots!?


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Voidrunner's Codex

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