No XP/Laughs?


I always liked the old rep system better anyway, since you could only get repped by newbs, as it would stop anyone from repping you who had repped you recently. As such, I thought it encouraged people to be nice and helpful in a way that the like system just encouraged cliques. In fact, the like system came to largely be used as a weapon in arguments, and the best way to farm XP from it was simply be controversial.

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Ah, that explains why even though my join date was in 2002, most of my posts were from 2014 and newer (and most of my XP that I got up to level 27 with), and why I'm now just a valued member.

Edit Well, I just became a hero! "Time to be a hero!" (as the 4 year old always yells after PJ Masks)


Once A Fool
Ah, that explains why even though my join date was in 2002, most of my posts were from 2014 and newer (and most of my XP that I got up to level 27 with), and why I'm now just a valued member.

Edit Well, I just became a hero! "Time to be a hero!" (as the 4 year old always yells after PJ Masks)

Ha! You young whippersnappers with your 2002 join dates! Some of us were around before there was a 2002!


Once A Fool
Just as a PSA, no one has a join date earlier than January 2002. There was a major crash then that wiped out pretty much everything.

Oh, I remember. Hence the “before there was a 2002” part. It was funny in my head, anyway.

I guess this is as good a place as any to mention that I can’t see any join-dates on a mobile device, at all, though.

Edit= Unless I tap on the user-name/avatar, that is!


The "tapatalk app" is marketed as "EN World" app by "Morrus" (complete with the official graphics) so I think users are excused for believing this site can help them with issues regarding the app.

Voidrunner's Codex

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