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Not With a Bang, I: Its Own Reward

Brevin was starting to mouth a protest but Tuli quickly disappeared into the crowd. Casting a glance at the pony and then at Baril, he said, "She always manages to stick me with the pony. You'd better get in there and make sure she stays out of trouble while I see about stabling Frolic. I'll be there shortly."

With a quiet sigh, Brevin led the pony through town looking for a nearby stable. I hope she doesn't do anything too crazy. Brevin liked a good prank or joke as much as or perhaps more than the average person but he worried about Tuli. He cared about her and was fiercely protective of her and having her out of sight in a strange place put him on edge.

Brevin will locate the nearest stable as quickly as possible, secure lodging for Frolic and return to the inn. He'll press through the crowd, searching for Tuli and Baril.

OOC: I guess it would be helpful if I posted the spells that Brevin has prepared for the day. Lazarus, if you want them posted somewhere else in the future, just let me know.

0 Level
Detect Magic

1st Level
Shield of Faith
Expeditious Retreat (Domain Spell)
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Re: In trouble already

Originally posted by Nojin
"AHHHHHH, how could I lose me own bruther. What kind of dwarf am I." Nojin smashes the mug of ale, still half full, over his helmeted skull and lets out another mighty bellow. The patrons of the Hog's Back look on with much concern at the surrly dwarf, as he orders anoter ale and glass. "Ye, best not give me any lip about it either lass because Im not near drunk and believe me a drunk dwarf is a lot safer then a sober one that wants to be so just keep um comming"

Grunlor looks up, hearing the half-drunk roar of a dwarf at a table across the room. I don't recall seeing that dwarf before. Lost his brother.... What a horrible story.

Intrigued, Grunlor closes his book and walks over towards where the (surprisingly) short dwarf sits. "Uhem. Woud'ya mind some compny? Wit' all the racket yer making, counldn't help but for hearing 'bout yer bruther. How'd ya go and lose him?", asked Grunlor, speaking in what he considered his "heritage dialect" (as opposed to how he speaks around the elders of the Church of Telenn).


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Heh, there goes my goblin theory, Tuli's just made it through. "Easy, Brevin. Tuli's gonna be just fine. Knowing her, I'm more worried about the other customers." Yeah. Sure. Better go after her.

Baril starts making slow progress, pushing and elbowing people in his way. Looks like it's that message board, that has everybody's attention. I wonder what it is? When he finally gets through he begins to read. Hmm... Some fellow wants back his family heirloom... Yea, yea, seen that, done that... These jobs never pay you much. This one here is surely gonna send some poor soul running across the land and all he's gonna pay is 1500 gold... "What?!?! 1500 gold!" I knew it! Always trust your nose for gold and glory. Baril, you lucky bastard, sometimes you surprise even me! Suddenly Baril has completely forgotten he was supposed to go after Tuli.
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The half-elf sighs. "Three days," she mutters. Glancing around the tavern, she selects a seat, with back against wall if possible. She sits and orders soup, bread and water, when offered. Then she sighs again, and a heavy tear winds its way down her face, clearing a trail though the dust, until it falls from her nose, to land on the table. She snuffles, wipes her nose and glances about self-consciously.


First Post
Grinder reaches the Hog's Back Inn without difficulty. Getting past the crowd, however, looks slightly more daunting. He scowls slightly, puffs up his chest, and tries to plow through the mass by aura of authority alone.

It doesn't work so well.

After getting bounced around between dozens of much taller humans, Grinder eventually finds himself near the front of the crowd, standing before a messageboard of sorts. Well, he thinks to himself, I suppose there could be something interesting to find here...a bit of work perhaps.

Realization as to the nature of the crowd quickly dawns on him while he reads the freshest and most conspicuously placed notice on the board. Someone beside him blurts out Grinder's very thoughts: "What!?!? 1500 gold!"

Grinder turns and does the slightest of doubletakes. "Well, well, well," he calls out loudly, so as to be sure he can get the man's attention over the noise. "I'll be a goblin's whipping boy. Baril, what the heck brings you to these parts?"
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Baril was still having a hard time believing his eyes. He read the part "1500 gold" again and again just to make sure it really was there. Then he heard a voice from behind call him by the name, a familiar voice, but one he hadn't heard in quite some time. He turned around, from one surprise to another.

"Grinder! My absolute favourite dwarven evoker!" Baril was visibly glad to be bumping into a good old friend. "What am I doing here? To be honest, I wasn't so sure five minutes ago, but I have since found 1500 little golden reasons for the visit." The bard had a big grin on his face as he continued with a excited tone in his voice: "Come and read this yourself. I'll introduce you to some other friends of mine after you're finished." Yes, that's what I'm going to do if I just found them first. Where did that little sneak go? I hope she hasn't gotten into any trouble yet.
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"Sounds like our paths are one and the same at the moment," Grinder says. "I was on my way here to the Hog's Back to find some reason for having traveled here. Looks like a pretty good reason right here.

"I'm curious about who this Melian character is. 1,500 gold is not something that many people can just be throwing around for rewards. And if he has that kind of resources, why ask for unknowns to handle such an important job?

"Hmmm...for that matter, I wonder if he might not be a wizard. There is that little comment about a Staff of the Magi. Not exactly a casual subject, even among adventurers."


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Larra storms into the salle, why can't he see that I'm not a child? She wonders, angry at the recent arguement with her father. She begins to clean and repair her armor, knowing that she needs to work off some of her temper before practicing blade-work. At first, she is so angry and frusterated that she doesn't pay any heed to the others in the room. After a while she notices that two of the guardsmen are talking about a job that they'll most likely not take... they're worried about the danger & not sure how long it'll take.

Hog's Back... Alten's Rock... three days... I can do this, prove myself... . Practice forgotten, she gathers her gear and leaves the castle, stopping at a market-stall to pick up some supplies, and heads out toward Alten's Rock.

"Bah I ain't be needen none of yer sympathy right now, I only be needen the sympathy of this here drink," he raises his mug vilently splashing half of it on the bar, then drinks the rest most of which ends up blending into his yellow beard. "and the next drink," waving to the bartender, "and maybe a few more after that. Nope unless you the scum that took me brother or know who is I want nothing to do with ye, I be needen some good thinkin time," raising his glass to show what thinking time means, "on figuring out a way to search for my bruther, but what can I do I got no leads, no money, and no bruther, AHHHHHHHHHH how could I lose me own bruther!" With that another mug meets it end on the top of Nojin's spikey helemt spraying Grunlor with what remain, (most) of the ale. After sipping the last drops out of the shattered bottom, Nojin raises his hand "Better get me another one keep and it better be quick."


First Post
Those of you coming into Alten's Rock for the first time will notice that, even though it's relatively small, it's highly cosmopolitan. The main square, a large grassy field, is lined with shops of every type--including, of course, the Hog's Back Inn--and the city guard seems--well, if not lax, at least a bit diffident. If you're not making trouble, they're not going to make trouble for you.

The Hog's Back would seem spacious if you were here at noon, but it's early evening, and the place is packed. There are several dozen tables, and half a dozen barmen and barmaids harriedly serving the customers. Nojin, Grunlor and Arkan are being served by Cala, a human girl of--maybe--15 years. Kelta remains at the actual "bar" or back in the kitchen, overseeing everything that happens.

Those of you (almost all of you) who have joined, at one time or another, the throng surrounding the posted message, notice an interesting timbre to the mutterings of the locals. "A great reward, but my farm needs tending..." "If only my wife would let me look into it..." "Right, and give up the business?" Many of them seem to think that Alten's Rock is, perhaps, not the place to advertise for adventurers.

Tuli looks around, seeing if there are any purses that are obvious targets, but notices none. However, someone notices her. Tuli feels a hand on her shoulder, and turns around abruptly to see Kelta standing behind her. Kelta isn't a large woman, but given Tuli's stature, she certainly seems large. She smells of a host of good things--meat, potatoes, and ale. "I saw you sneakin' around, lass. You don't want to get yourself caught with your hand in someone's pocket. Besides, people around these parts keep their purses pretty close. I--"

Kelta looks at Tuli queerly, steps to her side and looks at her in profile. "I could swear I've seen ye before. Have you been in Alten's Rock before?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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