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Notes on the Aether (Rae judging)


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"There's just one thing, Cassandra."

Tarag looks worried as he mentions it.

"With the wounds that we've taken, I'll need to expend all my healing spells tomorrow just to get us back to full health. Now it's clear that we'll be needing more of Chennet's blessings when we tackle the top floor, so it'll be the day after tomorrow before we're ready to proceed. Can those pipes hold that long, do you think?"

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Rae ArdGaoth

"If they can hold for a day, they can hold for two. It's not like Thyin is in any position to complain, either. If you all hadn't been coming here for a completely unrelated purpose, the gods only know how long he would be stuck in that magically insulated room."


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"They've held for nearly a week at this point, I should hope they will continue," Rapture says. "Thank you m'lady, you have been most helpful. We will return in the morning, and with a stratergy to finish this."


Keldar picks up his slightly soiled cleric robes on the way down, and retrieves his bedroll and lantern from outside the tower door, though he leaves the oil flasks in the kitchen.
Rae ArdGaoth said:
"Finished for now? I saw that you took care of the last earth pylon."
Keldar rolls his eyes - and rubs his shoulder - at this, but he holds his tongue.
"Tomorrow morning or the next, whatever you need. Rest well."
"Are you sure you won't be bored all by yourself?" Keldar asks. "We can leave you a book to read, or you could come with us and give the townsfolk a bit of a shock. No? Well, farewell."

Keldar heads off along the short road back to Grenton. "Perhaps we could get longspears for tomorrow, just to make sure the elementals keep their distance. Not so good on staircases, though. And it wouldn't be so easy for me to wield one of Thyrin's wands while hefting a spear in two hands. I was thinking I might buy a rapier. My morningstar has served me well enough, but it never really suited me. It seems, I don't know, a little brutal and thuggish, lacking in subtlety. I prefer my daggers. Though perhaps I should wait until we're paid by a grateful Thyrin, and Rilithorne, and get a master smith to make me something special. Tarag? Do you think... do you think you could give me the name of one?"


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Galwynn just takes one look at the tower as they leave. "Doesn't seem right to just leave it there, unguarded..." he mumbles, and then does his best to ignore Keldar's prattle. he was tired, and hurt, and hungry.


Tommy's conversation on the way back to Grenton is limited to monosyllabic grunts that could mean anything, emerging as they do from deep within the pages of one of Thyrin's books of scrolls.

ooc: Tommy wastes no time trying to learn as much as possible about the "borrowed" magical stuff, starting with the scrolls, then the wands, and saving the spellbook for when he can be indoors and preferably alone, so that his concentration is not disturbed.


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Trouvere said:
I was thinking I might buy a rapier. My morningstar has served me well enough, but it never really suited me. It seems, I don't know, a little brutal and thuggish, lacking in subtlety. I prefer my daggers. Though perhaps I should wait until we're paid by a grateful Thyrin, and Rilithorne, and get a master smith to make me something special. Tarag? Do you think... do you think you could give me the name of one?"
Tarag is tired, hungry and sore. He listens to Keldar's prattling with increasing irritation, until the point at which the young human asked his barbed question. He then draws a deep breath, preparatory to cursing the young fool ... and stops. His blue eyes, framed in a face dirty and with the beard singed from his chin, look more deeply into Keldar's own.

He turns more fully to face Keldar, and drops his voice so that what he says is not overheard by the others. [sblock=Keldar]"So, are you so uncertain of your own worth that you must cast every request as an attack, lest you be denied and rejected?"

"Keldar, I do not know what your history is - the true history, not the prattle you give us at every opportunity - but let me tell you a part of mine. To be a member of a dwarven clan is to be part of something which demands great loyalty, and at its best repays that loyalty with unshakeable belonging. Grasp that, and you understand a large part of what makes us who we are."

"We are not Clan, you and I - but we are comrades, who have shared the dangers of battle together. My life has been in your hands, and yours in mine. I will not refuse you my aid, so long as we journey together. Do not doubt it - and if you are wise, do not belittle it."

"I can already see the rapier I will make for you - and hear the song of its creating."[/sblock]


Keldar stops short and strange emotions play over his face. He talks low and fierce to Tarag, and several times he points at other members of the party.[sblock=Tarag]"Listen," he says, "I don't doubt my worth. I'm Keldar, Keldar Warbray, and there will be songs sung, even if I have to sing them myself at first. I throw barbs, you say, and I joke and jest and talk nonsense until my jaw aches. It's a habit I can't seem to break. There've been some strange things happen to me in my life."

"Look at Galwynn, stomping along, scowling. He looks angry, but he's not alone, Halina's always with him. You think I despise him? I admire his sense of purpose, and... I wish I were more like him - and if you breathe a word of that, I'll… I'll pick the lock on your front door and fill your forge with rust monsters! And Rapture – something bad happened to her, you can tell, she hints at it, but she's found a way through it. She's - well, never mind that. And you – you're devoted to your god and your craft."

"But I don't have that kind of faith. I live by my wits, and by being quick, and if people call me thief and think I'm a fool with an empty head and cease paying attention to me, so much the better. I'm safer when I'm the only one not kept off-balance.

"There, now you know a secret or two, as if it weren't obvious to anyone who did pay attention. Enough. Songs I understand. If you can hear the song of a rapier, then I'd be pleased to learn it and to sing it with you. And then somewhere I'll put it to good use. Because, whatever, I am still..."[/sblock]"Keldar Warbray!" he shouts, suddenly. He gives Tarag a peculiar look with an eyebrow quirked.


First Post
Wik said:
Galwynn just takes one look at the tower as they leave. "Doesn't seem right to just leave it there, unguarded..." he mumbles, and then does his best to ignore Keldar's prattle. he was tired, and hurt, and hungry.
"Remeber the door m'lord? No one is getting in unless they have the key or Cassandra lets them in. Things will be fine," Rapture assures him. "But Valessa would smile on your concern. Tis sweet."

Voidrunner's Codex

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