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[October] What are you watching?

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
There are some new shows this Fall on television but I'm mostly sticking with my favs from recent years like Castle, Big Bang Theory, Daily Show, Colbert Report, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and my guilty pleasure Survivor. Doctor Who, Alphas, and Terra Nova have been scifi additions for me, catching up with Who, enjoying Alphas, too, but Terra Nova seems a bit thin and I might not continue with it. I checked out The Playboy Club and Two Broke Girls but neither one is catching on with me yet and Two Broke Girls has such poor writing that I'm dropping it right away from my lineup. A few others I'll post about later are also in the mix.

For movies, I am looking forward to The Three Musketeers in a few weeks but I recently saw Moneyball and enjoyed it a great deal. That and some Great Courses I pick up from the library make up most of my non-television offerings.
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I've got to where I record all the shows I'm interested in watching and watch them on Friday nights, or Saturday, or Sunday night. That said this is what I'm liking.

Strike Back - yeah the level of cursing borders on the ridiculous and juvenile, but the stories and missions are just plain superb. And I like that kinda small team, tight-ordered mixed espionage/counter-terrorism/military op.

Inspector Lewis (Masterpiece Mystery) - Lewis himself leaves me cold as a British Dick, because as a Dick he often is far more than not. Though occasionally he has a few flashes of brilliance. Usually though he's way behind the ball. Hathaway is the one who I really like. He's smart, he has a really interesting background, and he's a superb Dick. Plus the guy playing him acts a lot like and looks just like an old buddy of mine except my bud ain't a towhead. I wish we got that new Sherlock Holmes over here too, but I can't find it.

Daniel Boone - my daughters and I are still running through the old series on the weekends.

Mantracker - also watched with my girls. My oldest daughter adores this show and we often talk about tracking and evasion methods as we watch it.

Eureka and Warehouse 13 - my wife and kids like these and we watch them together as family shows

Lost Worlds, and Ancient Discoveries - taping the whole series

Biography - sometimes. Just watched 2 excellent episodes on HH Holmes and the Murder Castle (I've been researching this case since I was in my 20s), and the Chessboard Killer.

Foyle's War - making my way through the whole series, but on DVD

Damages - I watch this off and on, when I can stomach Glenn Close, which ain't often.

Living the Discerning Life

The Catholic Church: Builder of Civilization

The Avengers

The Brave and the Bold

Young Justice, and of course

Thundercats - which I watch with my family

I don't even know of any of the new shows coming out. If someone wants to talk about them I'll be glad to see if anything strikes my interest.



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Oh, and I'm taping and watching Battlestar Galactica, which I like even better this time around than the first time.

And I still miss Lost. One of the few shows I ever watched that I actually looked forwards to seeing every week.



Love and Honor - The third film in Yoji Yamada's Samurai Trilogy. Not as good as The Twilight Samurai but still a very good film nonetheless.

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