odd request(ot) (help me build a dragon!)

I'd be glad to send you some clay from Central California ( if I can tell the difference between clay and mudd ) how many ounces are you looking for, or does it matter?

I'm supposing you want straight from the earth stuff right, as any other clay ( ina store ) may be from out-of-state...


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BigFreekinGoblinoid said:
I'd be glad to send you some clay from Central California ( if I can tell the difference between clay and mudd ) how many ounces are you looking for, or does it matter?

I'm supposing you want straight from the earth stuff right, as any other clay ( ina store ) may be from out-of-state...


i am looking for enuf to make a pencil sized object, and yes, from the ground, not storebought clay :)

alsih2o said:

i am looking for enuf to make a pencil sized object, and yes, from the ground, not storebought clay :)
Had I but known, I would have slipped some clay into that package I sent you recently. :D

I have no idea where to get clay around here, but I'll ask around. :)


First Post
Barendd Nobeard said:
Had I but known, I would have slipped some clay into that package I sent you recently. :D

BD got me an orc and pie t-shirt at gencon, i recieved it in the mail today and did a happy dance you should all be glad you didn't have to see :)
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That's Latin for "cool"
Where from Washington, DC would you like your clay? Let me know if there's a specific memorial or buliding. I'll see what I can arrange.

Also, what is the exact difference between clay and dirt? Finally, how exactly does "alsih2o" mean "clay"? I've been waiting for an opportunity to ask you for about a month.


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BiggusGeekus said:

Also, what is the exact difference between clay and dirt? Finally, how exactly does "alsih2o" mean "clay"? I've been waiting for an opportunity to ask you for about a month.

the basis of any potters clay body is alumina (al) plus silica(si) with water (h2o) nearl always with other additions...but this is the base all plastic clay is built on. this is a drastic oversimplification, but calling water h2o is too :)

i have no preference for site or color, part of the kick for me is the differences. if you hap upon something purple or green i am thrilled, otherwise all clays please me :D

all clay could be construed as dirt, but lots of "dirt" is mostly organic matter, where pure clay contains no organic matter. dirt is a very generic term (yes, i know, clay is too:p ) refering to eroded rock and organics combined. clay is a plastic material containing alumina and silica that harden to a vitrified state at a specific temperature. the temperature varies according the impurites (or additives) in the clay body. clay can range from white to purple to brown, red, orange, yellow, green...but most fired clay is either white or some "earth" tone.

dictionary.com defines clay as:
A fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated, consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks, tiles, and pottery

and dirt as: Earth or soil

but these definitions can easily overlap.

a true chemist would never use AlSiH2O as clay, but true chemists make lousy pots;)
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First Post
If I get the time, I'll get you some clay from down here. I just sent off a package to auroragyps dice-collection project, so I'm happy to help another ENWorlder.

btw, you can make your sig an actual link by adding (url) (/url) tags around the address, replacing ( ) with [ ].

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alsih20's Clay Project

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