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Of Vile Darkness

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Rogue/Corruptor/Bondblade)

*Thinking to herself, Of course you do my dear .Loviana smiles and then replies, “Predel, It really wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now would it?”*

*They small talk while Loviana allows him to escort her for a block or two. After that she leans into his ear whispering, in a sultry voice, telling him where to go, and when to turn.*

*As they travel the town around them goes from upscale and classy, to middle class, to finally lower class and only functional. Upon reaching their destination Predel see a modest but homey common house that about 4 times as nice than the of the block that lays mostly in squalor.*

*Loviana knows this place well, it’s one of a few safe houses scattered through the town for the Loviatar’s worshipers and more importantly her agents. Loviana scans the outside looking for one of the agents stationed there to help other agents in various actives, from scams, to running interference, and protection. Upon finding the agent in questions she brushes her hand threw her hair signing that she needs help.*

*As they continue towards the building Loviana looks to Predel to judge his reaction and also to reassure him, “I’m not very wealth either, but it’s nicer than most can afford.” Smiling reassuringly she continues, “Plus I’m a good housekeeper and my room is very clean.”*

*As they approached the doorstep a bag lady, her eyes long ago milked over, carrying her meager possessions staggers out runs into the young couple. The old bag lady, an agent of Loviatar and not truly blind, falls over as her possessions scatter in the dirty street.*

OOC: Loviana reaction depends upon Predel’s if he stops to help the bag lady, something I’m expecting she’ll whisper in his ear her room number and will disappear into the building. If he ignores the bag lady, she’ll tell him her room number and that she’ll be in shortly, and then she will help the bag lady.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Predel, as expected, stops to help the woman, nodding absently to Jenela. He goes up to her room after a few moments and enters with a bright smile on his face.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Roach, you catch the attention of several of the passers-by of the square, but none want to have any truck with fever or disease. But at least one other beggar child takes off at a run. A few minutes later a priest of Heironious from the (relatively) nearby Honor's Shield charity house comes running back with him.*

"Good woman!" he calls, slowing to a stop near your side. "I was told your son was sick, please, come with me to the charity house. We can get him cleaned up and healed there. Please..." The man isn't terribly young, and seems like a very earnest but older acolyte, someone who wasn't able to make it to the upper ranks of the priesthood. The beggar child who brought him, you notice, has vanished into the alleys.

*The priest begins to guide you and your "son" in the direction of the charity house. He begins to pull the rags away from Jak.*

"Let me see what's wrong- Heironeous' Light!" he exclaims, turning pale as the ruin of Jak's face is revealed.

*Ralam, the Guild can supply the slow-bleed poison for you at minimal cost, twenty gold a dose. It's so cheap because the Healer's Guild and half the temples use a derivative of it in medicines. If you're caught with it, you probably won't even be charged.*

*Yill will spar with you after you've arranged your room and eaten, remaining silent and sullen the entire time. Uncannily silent, you can barely hear him breathing. This is why Yill is the Grandmaster's second; he's so quiet without magical or alchemical aid it's rather scary.*

*Hasord has a message waiting for you at the guild hall after you're finished sparring; he will speak with you and Torr this evening in private at one of the guild hall's safe houses in order to finalise details.*

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: half-nymph/female (Corruptor/Bondblade/Rogue)

*Loviana waits only a second to make sure that Predel is thoroughly occupied with the bag woman before she turns and walks through the doors. Walking with purpose she quickly makes it through the wandering hallways to her room. *

Her room is simple in shape and simple in decoration and consists of a bed, with a mattress, and a few pieces of simple furniture. In the far corner is a privacy screen and behind that has a simple lantern to provide a natural but dim light source. The privacy screen protects the user from being viewed by the door and most of the room, someone lying upon the bed could partially see in.

*Loviana proceeds to the lantern starting it and while glancing around the room to judge the lighting she adjust the lantern it to fit the mood. Once satisfied by the lighting she turns and removes the upper part of her dress once her left side is exposed she grimaces in pain as she pulls upon part of her skin. It quickly pulls off and is reviled to be a small pouch.*

*She proceeds to go through vials the pouch before she decides upon one that the locals call [/i]smile[/i] and she pulls that vial from the pouch, she quickly hides the pouch from view and smiles as she applies the soft smelling cream to her full lips. As she waits for Predel to show up she decides to change her dress to a more private one meant mostly for sleepwear.*

*Predel walks in as Loviana bends down to slide the last bit of her dress of off her legs causing herself to smile wishing she could see his reaction. Predel himself is unable to see the details of her body but is able to see her silhouetted figure through the thin privacy screen.*

*Loviana nonchalantly asks, ”Does one not knock when one is in the service of Sune?” as she wrap the unworn sleepwear protectively around herself while behind the screen*

OOC: poison selected: Smile.
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First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Let me see what's wrong- Heironeous' Light!" he exclaims, turning pale as the ruin of Jak's face is revealed.

"Ghastly, isn't it?" Roach replies, his voice dropping two registers and becoming much more masculine. "Catch."

*Roach tosses the boys limp form up into the priest's face, while simultaneously, a psuedopod lashes out from under his rags slashing toward the priest's leg like a slimy whip. Regardless of the success of his tactic, Roach roars at the priest, spittle flying from his lips.* "How dare you invade my alleys with your santimonious salvation! These people are mine! You save those that come to you and only those!"

[OOC: Roach intends to attack furiously, but not to kill. He wants the priest to run back to the others and spread the message. Roach doesn't know if this guy is the savior or not and doesn't really care. He intends to basically give them thier one warning. Unless the Acolyte suddenly presents a threat, Roach will do subdual claw attacks at a +9. Meanwhile, his psuedopod will attack with a +13 touch attack to inflict Blinding Sickness, then Cackle Fever, and then the Shakes, in that order, once per every other round. One standard action to activate, one to attack. I'm happy with you narrating the confrontation, or going round by round. Whichever you prefer.]


Ralam Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

*After sparring with Yill, Ralam purchases two doses of slow-bleed poison and returns to his apartment to get cleaned up and ready for his meeting with Hasord. Donning his best outfit he takes a leisurely walk, ending up at the safehouse.*

OOC: Deducted 40gp and added poison to inventory.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Loviana nonchalantly asks, ”Does one not knock when one is in the service of Sune?” as she wrap the unworn sleepwear protectively around herself while behind the screen*
"My apologies Janela, that was thoughtless of me," Predel says, moving to sit on the bed. "Perhaps I can make it up to you..."

*Smiling happily he will give Janela a kiss when she comes out from behind the screen, smearing the cream on her lips. Loviana will notice the characteristic blankness of one under the influence of her poison as he pulls away, smiling a bit vacantly now.*

[OOC: He failed he save, so he will effectively be charmed for about five minutes.]

*Roach, the acolyte clumsily catches Jak, but can't evade your pseudopod. It hits him square and you see him stagger briefly under the child's slight weight. His eyes go gray, but not entirely blank, and fill with a moment of pure panic.*

"Begone devil!" he cries, stumbling backwards, clutching the child. You manage to backhand the harried man a few more times before he turns and runs hell-for-leather back to where he came from. As he runs, you notice an unnatural silence all around you. You feel the eyes peering at you from behind boarded-up windows and broken shutters, but not even a cat is stirring in the courtyard.

*Ralam, the safehouse is the back room of the Griffon's Tongue, an inn of decent reputation that doesn't lie too close to The Hollow. Hasord is already waiting for you when you arrive, and nods absently when you come in.*

"Good to see you Darkhand. Torr should be along later, he never rises before noon, but he's a good fighter. Never leaves a job half-done, that one. So, what do you wish to know of Captain Keldare and his merry men? Lieutenent Keldare is far too clever for his own good, but he dearly loves his captain-father. What kind of method did you have in mind to set the Lieutenent off the scent?"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: half-nymph/female (Corruptor/Bondblade/Rogue)

*Loviana smiles from behind the screen to herself, Oh their really is no doubt that you will make it up to me. As she pulls the lavender sleepwear over her head and gracefully shoulders she acting as if it is a bigger deal than it truly as she replies to him in a slightly hurt voice that shows her that she will want him to fallow through upon his words, “Well it will require some work upon your part but I’m sure you think of a way to repay me.”*

*As if to change the subject Loviana steps out from behind the screen and as she gives a small smile she moves her arms over herself protectively in an attempt to show modesty. Modesty was something Loviana had not felt in years, if ever, as she loved showing off her body even when clothe in something cheap like her current nightgown. Made of cloth it wasn’t the expressive and exotic sleepwear she preferred but even with its commonness she had always like the exotic shade of lavender it gave to her skin.*

*After giving Predel a quick chance to gaze upon her scantily clad body she sits down upon the bed next to him on his right. Loviana looks at Predel, judging him and sizing him up one last time, before she closes her eyes and waits with her full lips slightly puckered.*

*She smiles broadly at his blanked drugged expression and after kissing him deeply one more time she pushes him down upon his back while she lays slightly upon him but mostly next to him. She brushes a stray locket of her red hair from his eyes as she slides up next to him so they can continue there kissing.*

*Once settled she begin to whisper suggestively to him while she plays with his right ear alternating between her tongue and teeth, “Tell me, how beautiful am I?” Loviana doesn’t wait for an answer as her hands find the flesh under Predel’s clothing, “I am I not more beautiful you’re your Sune?" She waits for his replies with a cold cruel smile upon her lips.*

OOC: How much of this will he remember when his not under Loviana’s charms? If Loviana hurts him in a “pleasurable” way will he wake from the charm?

Again, if the above is qualifies for too much “info” please let me know here, OOC, chat or email.
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First Post
Roach - Human Cancer Mage

*As the unnatural silence falls over the courtyard, Roach grows still, drawing into himself and peering about with narrowed eyes. He turns in a slow circle, confident that his 'guest' will inform him if something attempts to sneak closer.*

You are not the only one who can engineer an ambush, human. Perhaps it be best for us both if you'd retreat deeper into the alleyways. There are few living men who can track us when we wish to be lost. *The soundless voice buzzed angrily in Roach's head, advice reasonable, if unheeded.*

Retreat would gain us nothing, and I feel a need to uncover whomever could be responsible for this intruige. *Roach looks about, and if he doesn't spy anything immediately, he'll begins to travel back into the darkness of the alleyways, attempting to escape the area of magical silence. If attacked, Roach will fight back just long enough to try to get a feel for his attackers, then attempt to retreat.*
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Voidrunner's Codex

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