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Of Vile Darkness


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*It hands you a scrap of parchment with three names on it along with a brief description and a place of residence and work.*

"Commit those to memory and burn that before you leave this room," Wode commands, inhaling again. "As for payment... the Butterfly has considered 'sponsoring' some of your little charges as Guild apprentices. Get them off the streets, train them up as loyal thieves and assassins... Or an equivalent amount in cash or even magic if you wish."

*Roach listens to the creature's offer without comment, even when his own actions are called into question and criticized. His attention, while nominally on the disgusting, drug sotted, wart before him, wanders about the room, drinking in the ambiance of abject escapism and self destructive behavior. He actually has a bit of a smile as he acepts the slip of paper and reads it over. As Wode finishes it's offer, Roach nods dropping the slip of paper into a nearby brazier.*

"Such an assignment is just what I need to keep my hands busy, idle hands being what they are. As to payment, I select the apprentices and have a small hand in thier training. It wouldn't do for me to turn over my best and brightest with only the vague promise they'll be trained, only to never see them again. One clarification before I go. The protection on the watchers, does that extend to loved ones?"

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Loviana, Eloma nods as you mention your ring.*

"That will do well enough, if your behavior matches your alleged beliefs. Orshallan does not mind half-breeds, nor does he know your appearance. I am glad, my daughter, that you're willing to undertake this. You, of all of us, have the best chance to succeed," she says smiling.

*As you mention your desire for a ritual Eloma simply ushers you to the middle of the room and manacles you into place. Taking up several large needles, she approaches you, a malicious glint in her eye.*

"No scars," she whispers seductively, and begins.

*Aekir, Wode considers a moment before answering.*

"She's at the temple of Kelemvor, and they'll probably have a priest do the speaking by tomorrow morning. But why so much worry? One of the reasons the Butterfly likes using you is because we don't have to worry about the priests talking with someone's spirit about their killer with you," it says, furrowing its brow in the largest display of emotion you've ever seen it make.

*Ralam, Hasord offers no more comments as you leave.*

[OOC:] Did you want to do any further research on your target or make any other special preparations before your strike?

*Roach, as you ask you questions, Wode's eyes suddenly become too bright and focused for a drug-addled fool.*

"A small hand the Grandmaster will allow, I'm sure. As for the loved ones... no death or maiming, at least at first. If they refuse to bend, then we'll see," Wode murmurs, watching the Beggar King with too-bright eyes.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Rogue/Corruptor/Bondblade)

*Loviana replies back to Eloma’s seductive smile with on of her own as she waits for her to finish placing the manacles upon her but Loviana’s thoughts do not stay upon Eloma for long as the pain brings her to a level of clarity that few being ever experience.*

*As Eloma’s skill and her instruments causes her pain Loviana moans and squirms in a painful delight that only a masochist can truly enjoy. As she begs Eloma for more and offers prayers to Loviatar for the pain that she has received Loviana realizes that she feels more closer to both than she has in years and that she doesn’t want the night to end but finally Loviatar’s duty calls and the night ends.*

OOC: Loviana has nothing else to do before her lesions as an acolyte to Heironeous. Well nothing that needs to be handled in game. New clothes, nothing fancy and dropping of anything that could connect her to Loviatar.


First Post
Roach - Human Cancer Mage

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"A small hand the Grandmaster will allow, I'm sure. As for the loved ones... no death or maiming, at least at first. If they refuse to bend, then we'll see," Wode murmurs, watching the Beggar King with too-bright eyes.

"More than enough rope for a hanging, to be certain. Very well, I can be ... persuasive, within the guidelines you've set for me." *Roach glances about the sybarite filled room, then looks back at Wode, his spittle covered lips quirked into a strange smile,* "I'll leave you to the festivities. Drugs have never been my particular poison."

*With that, Roach turns and begins walking off, taking his time as he strolls along, pausing here and there to pass on his own particular high to certain revelers. Mindfire is one of the world's greatest escapes.*

<<Roach will head back to his haunts, adopting a disguise as a nondescript beggar along the way. Once there, he'll begin searching out these watchers as best he can, not approaching, but trying to get a feel for them.>>


First Post
Aekir speaks with no emotion, “If the temple of Kelemvor has undead wandering it’s halls, it may draw undue attention. The logical conclusion is that a powerful demon or undead took her spirit. It may throw oil on an already flammable situation concerning the undead they are using as labor in the city. As the logical conclusion would be there was a rogue necromancer/rogue undead out there and the authorities ability to control their undead will be called into question.”

“If this is something you wish to avoid, then I best destroy the wight soon, as I imagine she has already risen. If not, then I shall be back here tonight.” He waits patiently for a response.


Ralam, Human Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

*After leaving the meeting Ralam wanders a bit and runs over the plan in his head. He also finds a royal guardsman to tail for a short while to get a good look at the uniform and fix its design in his head. After getting a good mental image of the uniform he retires to his apartment and relaxes with Renna for a few hours before going to bed.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Roach, your current victims are Ralleon Phadren, also known locally as Ralph, Darvan Earthshaker, and Lilliwend Isi. Ralph is a young man that works as an honest laborer in various warehouses. By keeping his ears open and plying a bit of ale with his fellow workers he manages to collect quite a bit of information about the Hollow's Underworld.*

*Darvan Earthshaker is a dwarven cook and sometimes guard. Too old to do caravan duty any more, and with a peg-leg to boot, he currently works as the cook of the Drunken Pig tavern. Though he doesn't move too fast, he's still strong enough to sometimes help the bouncers in the case of a violent drunk. By seeing who is celebrating some victory and who gets the most drunk, he keeps tabs on various local criminals.*

*Lilliwend Isi is a fallen woman, a tavern wench who recently turned to prostitution in order to support her two children. A lovely and lithe half-elven woman of extraordinary beauty, she is often sought-after at the Jewelbox (a house of joy). Her clients are often fairly highly placed members of various criminal organizations, and she keeps track of their pillow talk.*

*All three have sympathies with the church of Heironeous and give their information there though currently undetermined channels. Ralph has no known family, though he has several drinking buddies and more than one female friend. Darvan treats his kitchen staff like family, including all three serving wenches, the tavernkeeper's young son, both of his teenaged helpers, and the simpleton errand boy. Lilliwend obviously has two young children, one of six years of age and one of nine.*

*Ralam, you are easily able to find a guardsman if you go outside the Hollow. Casually strolling though one of the better markets, you can get a close look at the uniform and are confident you can reproduce it in illusion tomorrow.*

*Aekir, Wode considers your words for a second then shakes its head.*

"Don't worry. If an undead walking the halls of Kelemvor's temple scares them, all to the better. It will actually serve a useful purpose. So, tonight then."

*Loviana, you're easily able to find simple, conservative clothes to wear at a secondhand clothes market. When you return to your safehouse, a messenger is there. It's the skin runner whom you met before. This time she bares her entire back, showing a lengthy message from another of the senior priestesses on how to appropriately petition the temple of Heironeous to accept one as an acolyte.*


First Post
Lord Torr Stormbringer; human weretiger/rogue/fighter

*Torr takes his leave of Ralam and Hasord once arrangements to have a uniform tailored for him are finalized. As he walks in a round-about fashion back to his house, he goes over the planned scenario in his mind a couple times. He has never been fond of taking the fight to his target's home. Stalking prey when they are out of their element has always been his preferred methodology. Call it instincts.*

Yes, Stormrider whispers in his mind, stalking adds such a delectable element of terror in people. I wouldn't mind having a taste of the fear and shock ellicited by having one's home violated, though. Mustn't become too complacent.

*Torr considers it a good sign that his symbiont has at least rendered a favorable opinion about the mission. Up until this point, the idea of working with another person - even a professional killer - has rubbed him the wrong way.*

Now, now, Stormrider playfully chastises him. You know that killers are among the most trustworthy of folk. You always know where you stand with them. Assassins in particular.

*Torr spends the rest of the evening at home, relaxing and enjoying Rosalyn's company. Tomorrow evening, assuming the uniform has been delivered, he will stuff the clothes in a bag and travel to a discreet location some distance from the house to change into it. He will then head toward the target at the appointed time...counting on the assassin to arrive as expected.*


First Post
Aekir considers Wode for a moment, nods and leaves. He follows the same procedure as he left last time, walking for a ways, taking a sharp turn into an empty alley, change to a rat, scurry back and see if he is being followed.

Assuming he isn’t followed, he will begin to hunt the streets of the Hollow, looking for street toughs, people who you would expect to meet a messy end. If he can actually catch them in a predatory act, all the better, his true purpose is to kill 4 of them with Lifesong to charge it, and consume a fifth’s soul, but if he can hide his acts under the mask of vigilante justice, then all the better.

Afterwards he will sneak back to his room and rest. The following afternoon, he will rise and get a bite to eat from a local street vendor, he will hunt down and kill a rat and begin making his way to the Godswalk and the temple of Pelor. Along the way, outside of view, he will assume the likeness of the fifth street tough whose soul he consumed. When he reaches the temple he will inquire politely with an acolyte if there are potions of healing that he might purchase. Assuming no complications, he will purchase 20 Cure Light Wound potions and will give the church 1100gp, the extra hundred for the poor.

He will purchase a small waterskin and fill the skin with the potions [ooc: ounce per potion], resuming his natural form once he returns to the Hollow. He returns to his room and waits for night to come, then he goes to the Hydra’s Glass early.


First Post
*Roach wanders away from the Blind Lady, idly thinking over the list of names he was given. Ralph is young...simple. No outside leverage, but his youth should serve as all the leverage one needs. Darvan Earthshaker is a dwarf. They are generally stubborn, difficult to intimidate. Threatening him or his loved ones would only cause him to fight. Threatening his livelihood, rather... that would be precious. Lilliwend Isi could also be swayed by threats against her livelihood, but why waste time. Her actions are undertaken for the love and support of her children. The only way to truly sway her is to play on that love. A broad, twisted grin slides across Roach's face as he lumbers along. Simple.

*As it's yet early this evening, Roach will attempt to find the young Master Ralleon Phadren. The lad may yet be out carousing and would best be approached at a vulnerable moment. Best way to catch said moment is to keep a close eye. As the Cancer Mage prowls along, his form shivers momentarily, as if viewed through a pool of rippling water. The deformed, leperous forms melts away, replaced by the image of an overweight ... tradesman perhaps. A soiled tunic is stretched taunt across his immense belly, yet fails to cover it completely. The fat man's cheeks and nose are botchy and ruddy, a sure sign of heavy drink. The man doesn't so much walk as waddle, and what little hair he has left rings his head like a crown and hangs down in greasy strands.*

<OOC: Disguise at +24>
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