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Of Vile Darkness


Ralam Human Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

*Ralam frowns at the arrival of more guards.*

"We don't have time for this, the king is expecting a status report. Let's clear a path out of here and meet at the rendezvous point."

*If Torr agrees, Ralam will cast Pass Without Trace and then work with him to try to get past the guards and out into the street. Once there he will try to lose the guards, then go to the rendezvous point to cast Invisibility on Torr. After Torr is made invisible Ralam will use Never Eyes to become invisible and slowly make his way home, shift disguises the whole way and becoming visible about half way there.*
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First Post
linnorm said:
*Ralam frowns at the arrival of more guards.*

"We don't have time for this, the king is expecting a status report. Let's clear a path out of here and meet at the rendezvous point."

*Torr drops the limp guard from his blood-drenched jaws. He listens to Ralam's plan and agrees. Unable to speak, he simply looks back at him and gives a quick growl and nod of approval. He then leaps the intervening distance between himself and the closest charging guard - performing a full pounce attack.*

ooc: will be out of town (away from computer) until next Wed.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*The weretiger pounces onto the closest swordsman, while his companions try to stop you. The other swordsman slashes at you, opening a shallow gash, while his companion's crossbow bolt goes wide. The guard you pounce on is obviously not the flower of Andeluvian youth; probably little more than a clerk. You rip through his throat and belly, leaving him twitching on the floor; he barely had time to scream, though his flesh is flavored with terror.*

*Ralam, the other guards seem to be ignoring you for now. Perhaps they were deceived by your uniform. You cast your spell to leave no traces behind, wrapping yourself in a sheath of magical obfuscation.*


*Aekir, Ssessarina nods at your words.*

"If you wish the watching, for I understand you can do that quite well, then there's the man that works at the Honor's Shield charity house. Brother Terrel, a laybrother with a penchant for trying to pick up some of the laysisters is our target. Middling height, slightly overweight, dark blonde with gray eyes, likes to dress in red, owns a golden holy symbol of Heironeous. He is likely to act on his advances some time soon, and when he does in one of the back alleys... I will watch you, the watcher, and we will both be able to get at the Knight when he appears."


*Loviana, you remain quite busy for the rest of the day, but you end up better taken care of. Lady Felsadora sees that you get food, and her lips have a bit less of the pinched look that make her look so sour. It becomes apparent that Honor's Shield is not exactly full of paragons of virtue, though most of the people here are far more savory that the majority of those they treat. At least one laybrother, Brother Terrel, shows a bit more interest than is seemly in the new volunteer. As you wash up, he approaches you at the trough.*

"Larissa, isn't it? I'm Terrel. I'm please to see such a lovely young woman wants to devote her time to the poor, I can scarcely imagine better company in which to work. Tell me, could I convince you to share a good dinner at an inn I know of? We don't eat much better than our charges here, but the least I can do for such a diligent and beautiful lass is offer a fine meal," he says with a broad smile. He's of middling height, a bit overweight but not grossly so, dark blonde hair, gray eyes, and deep red robes. He bears a golden holy symbol of Heironeous around his neck, and an air of arrogance. He's not entirely bad-looking, but its obvious he's not used to being turned down.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Rogue/Corruptor/Bondblade)

*With the approaching end of her shift Loviana is pleased with her performance and progression as she reflects upon her fist day but little of her happiness shows on her face as she continues to work with a solemn look on her face.*

*She turns to Terrel with Larissa’s customary meek look on her face and slightly surprises herself when she falls to fill the normal unquenchable desire to corrupt those of the cloth. She fills like brushing him off but realize that the meek Larissa would never do so.*

Blushing she drops her eyes to the floor, “I simply do what I can Brother Terrel but to be honest theirs not much I can do.” She gives a small smile as brings her eyes up and gazes into Terrel’s gray eyes, “but, Brother Terrel, I do try.”

Looking nervous she wads up her hands in the hem of her dress, “I guess that would be okay… I’m rather famished anyway.” She finishes off her agreement with a charming smile.

*She waits to see if he will take her arm and guide her like a true gentlemen.*

OOC: I don’t think I really need it but good I have a sense motive (+8) check?


Ralam Human Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

*Ralam carefully makes his way to the exit, trying not to be noticed. He pokes his head out into the street and searches for any guards coming to aid their fellows. If there are none, he turns back inside.*

Raising his voice over the din of battle, "I assume you have this well in hand? I'll see you shortly, try not to take too long." With that, Ralam shifts form to look like a fat merchant and makes his way to the rendezvous point.


First Post
Aekir 1 Ranger/4 Fighter/6 Soul Eater Earth Genasi, male

She wishes to study me. I don't trust this situation at all.

"Is our goal to place a tracker on one of there "knights" or is to kill one for a close examination? We should arrange a time to scout this location and so I can recognize the priniciple players." he looks at her with his cold dark eyes.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Aekir, Ssessarina looks at you with a cold green gaze.*

"You are the best at watching, I know of your talents Aekir. It is the Butterfly's desire to track the Knights. However, my hiding talents do not allow me to follow swiftly, yours do. I can track you while you watch, and make certain our prey does nothing unexpected that would cause him to slip his leash. It is simply a compromise, a pooling of our resources," she says a bit haughtily.


*Torr rips through the two remaining guards, as Ralam checks the progress of the remaining guards. Looking out, he sees the place quiet and still, with no one else arriving. Shifting into the form of a fat merchant, he slipped out and began walking nonchalantly down the street.*

*Ralam, walking out onto the street, the first thing you notice is its utter silence. At this time of day there should have been many people about; it's barely past noon. Even with a riot in the offing there should have been people here, as the streets of Andeluvay are rarely clear. But now it is as silent as a graveyard, almost like a ghost town. Fear prickles at your heart, and you blink quickly. As if nothing was wrong, the streets are now filled with people, as they should be. Trying to shake off the strange incident, and feeling a headache coming on, you head toward the rendezvous point.*

*Torr, you make quick work of the other two, taking a few more slashes for your trouble. Young cadets not ready to face the riots, they were easy prey for you, full of youthful terror and the betrayal of their wasted lives. The slashes had enough force behind them to hurt you even if they weren't silver. Hoping you don't bleed too much, you shift back to human form and slip out of the guard station, getting to cover quickly before your bleeding becomes obvious, and eventually making your way to meet Ralam.*


*Loviana, Terrel seems please by your response, and has you take his arm as he escorts you to dinner. Obviously his intentions are for a meal, an evening out, and anything else he can get or force out of you. But for now he's being cordial. He brings you to the Three Wands inn, one favored by students from the mage's guild. Despite the large amount of young people, this inn is not particularly noisy, as control is the first thing all young mages learn. The cooking is truly excellent, roast duck, fresh vegetables, and fine honey-sugar pastries for desert. Terrel pays for it all, along with a good red wine, and talks to you over dinner.*

"So, what brought a lovely creature like you to toil away the best years of her life tending pox-ridden poor and accident-prone workers?" he asks, flashing a charming smile.


First Post
Lord Torr Stormrider - human weretiger/rogue/fighter

*Torr rips through the last of the guards, savoring the feel of warm blood. Stormrider conveys a quiet sense of satisfaction from somewhere in the back of his mind.*

*He quickly slips back into human form, finally bothering to notice the series of small cuts. He hastens to his rendevous with Ralam before the blood soaks through too badly.*

*Catching up with the 'fat merchant,' Torr breaks out in a big grin.*

"Invigorating, wasn't it?" he says with naked bloodlust in his eyes.


Ralam Human Rogue 5 / Assassin 7

A puzzled look crosses the merchant's face briefly before being replaced by a look of content boredom. Ralam continues walking, "Indeed my good sir, indeed. Would you like to proceed with the final part of the plan or part company now?"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Loviana: Half-Nymph/Female (Rogue/Corruptor/Bondblade)

*Loviana finds herself more and more comfortable with the idea of corrupting Terrel and her minds starts the cold calculations that have mad her so valuable to Loviatar. Shyly she plays the role of Larissa, a naive young lady, who is obviously over her head.*

As Loviana slips upon the 3 or so glass of wine, careful not to drink more than Brother Terrel, she replies with a charming smile to his question but not before blushing fully, “I don’t know that’s a hard question to answer, but only cause the words fail me, it’s indeed hard work but I feel so good after a full day of doing it. I hope that makes some sort of sense. What about you Brother Terrel? How did you come into the service Heironeous? I can only imagine that must be a truly amazing story and I would love to hear it.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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