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Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:


First Post
Whoa, didn't expect to get that much XP already, considering I haven't done much of anything yet. Not complaining though! :D

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Thy wounds are healed!
I don't give out XP for "doing stuff" which usually translates to fighting monsters. I give it for posting and you did post 15 times the past 5 days. So there you go.

Actually you get no XP for beating up monsters just so you know. Running is allowed. ;)



First Post
Ah, okay. And yeah, I figure I might have to run some of the time - Even right now, actually. Regenerating Hydra's are scary. :p


Thy wounds are healed!
RED INK time

Lord Alexander Julian Ravensworth, IV. Longest name to date and didn;t fit in the Roll Call lol
Chaotic Neutral, Beguiler

Strength: 9
Dexterity: 14
Construction: 10
Intellect: 18
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14

Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (human)
Age: 17
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 169 lb
Eyes: Black outer irises that abruptly turns dazzling golden in a ring around the pupils.
Hair: Brilliant and golden in the middle; raven black at the ends and roots with no gradation
Skin: Light tan
[sblock=Description] Alexander has the iconic hair of the house Ravensworth nobles: it naturally forms into feather like locks, no matter how long or short it is cut, with a pattern, which abruptly changes from black to gold then to black again, that mimics the natural V strip found in feathers on any given lock of hair.
Alexander’s a normal hair cut has four locks forming bangs, the two towards the middle are much shorter the outer two and drop down to the point that they moderately fall below his eyebrows; the longer two fall down beside his face and frame it while dropping down to be level with his mouth. All four of his bangs shoot up before bending down into their specified resting places; if pulled strait down, they would obscure his eyes and cover his face’s length respectively.
The rest of his hair forms into what could be described as a feathery mane that surrounds his face, and hides his ears. Those seeking his wrath could also say his hair style looks like an odd sun flower.

His eyes are possibly more striking than his hair; they’re fairly large and abruptly change from a near black gray at the outer irises to a blinding golden hue before hitting the void of his pupils.
Another, less noticeable though still distinguishing, trait Alexander has is cruelly sharp looking teeth from his canines back, causing him to grin threateningly if he does much more then crack an acute smile, something he is well aware of.

His clothing is of fine black fabric and is highly durable, his leather boots and gloves have the same cloth alchemically cured onto them. His clothing is also detailed with golden embroidering that extends all the way from his boots to his cape and mantle; the only visible items of clothing that does not share the golden detailing are his pants and gloves, which are simply black.
the viable elements of Alexanders Clothing are: Boots, Cape and Mantle, Coat, Overcoat, Undershirt, its snug fitting collar is all that is viable is the top of it can be seen coming up from beneath the more loose fitting Coat collar; Pants, and Gloves.


Languages: Auran, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Gnoll, Hafling, and Undercommon.
Proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons, Light armor. plus hand crossbow

Total hit points
: 6 (1d6)
Speed: 30’

Armor Class: 12/16 = 10 [base] + 2 [dexterity] + 4 [Mage Armor; when active]
Touch AC: 12/16
Flat-footed: 10/14

Initiative modifier: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 0 = 0 [base] + 0 [Constitution]
Reflex save: + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [Dexterity]
Will save: + 3 = 2 [base] + 1 [Wisdom]
Attack (handheld, Normal): - 1 = 0 [BAB] – 1 [Strength]
Attack (handheld Finesse-able weapon): + 2 = 0 [BAB] + 2 [Dexterity]
Attack (missile): + 2 = 0 [BAB] + 2[Dexterity]
Grapple check: - 1 = 0 [BAB] – 1 [Strength]

[sblock=Caster Level 1]
Spells per a day:

-Level 0: 5
-Level 1st: 4

Additional spells:
-Level 0: [FONT=&quot]Prestidigitation and Mage Hand[/FONT] just extra advanced learning ;)

Light load: 30 lb. or less
Medium load: 31-60 lb.
Heavy load: 61-90 lb.
Lift over head: - 90 lb.
Lift off ground: - 180 lb.
Push or drag: - 450 lb.

the above should be listed under equipment

Skill Points: 52 = [8 (class) + 4 (INT) x 4 (lvl 1)] + 4 (human)
Max Ranks: 4/2
ACP: -0


Ride +2 = 2 [ranks] +2 [Dex] able learner means this cost 2 pts less for two ranks correct? and mark cross-class skills please
Diplomacy +8 = 4 [ranks] + 2 [Cha] + 2 [Negotiator]
Bluff +6 = 4 [ranks] + 2 [Cha]
Gather information +6 = 4 [ranks] + 2 [Cha]
Intimidate +6 = 4 [ranks] + 2 [Cha]
Sense Motive +8 = 4 [ranks] + 2 [Cha] + 2 [Negotiator]
Use magic Device +4 = 2 [ranks] + 2 [Cha]
Knowledge (arcane) +8 = 4 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Knowledge(nobility&royalty) +8 = 4 [ranks] + 4 [Int] why is this black?
Knowledge (geography) +6 = 2 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Knowledge (history) +6 = 2 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +6 = 2 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Appraise +6 = 2 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Spell Craft +8 = 4 [ranks] + 4 [Int]
Concentration +4 = 4 [ranks] + 0 [CON]
Speak Language 4 ranks [Auran, Gnome, Halfling and Undercommon]

[Level 1] Weapon Finesse
[Racial Bonus] Able Learner
[House rule] Negotiator


Horse, light 75Gp
Riding Saddle 10 Gp 25Lb
Saddlebags 4Gp 8Lb
Feed(5 days) 25Cp 50Lb

Explorer’s Outfit 10Gp 60Lb (Worn)
Traveler’s Outfit 0GP 5Lb (Default, I think? ^^; )you can get one or the other for free I would take the more expensive one for that and pay for the cheaper of the two.

Spell component pouch 5GP 2Lb
Signet Ring 5Gp
Rapier 20 GP 2Lb
Dagger 2Gp 1Lb

Water skin 1Gp 4 Lb
Rations(5 days) 25Sp 5Lb

Bedroll 1Sp 5Lb
Soap: 5Sp 1lb
Flint and Steel 1Gp

Lantern, hooded 7Gp 2Lb
Oil, six 1-pint flasks 6Sp 6Lb

Funds remaining: 6GP 5Cp with the clothing change I have you at 15gp 5 cp leftover

No backpack so I must assume it is all in the saddle bags so total weight carried on Alex??[/sblock]

[sblock=Trades, Hose rule]
Class skill Sleight of hand for Intimidate
Class skill Hide for Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty)
Class skill Swim for Knowledge (geography)
Class skill Open Lock for Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)
Class skill Climb for Knowledge (history)
Trap finding for All Martial weapons

[sblock=Biography:] Lord Alexander Julian Ravensworth IV, the youngest, and now only, son of House Ravensworth, heir apparent, and, forth most in the eyes of his father, failure. Alexander’s brother, Lord Samuel, was the favored son and was groomed to be the successor; a role he seemed destined to fulfill. Sadly Lord Samuel died to unfortunate circumstances many years ago.

Alexander’s memory of Samuel has faded since the latter’s death; Instead Alexander recalls his brother as more of an ideal, and the ideal that has steadily replaced the memory of his brother is vague, is unattainable, is Perfection, is expected, and is demanded of him and he has failed in the eyes of his father, who still grieves the loss of his true heir.
However, do to the young age he was when his brother died, Alexander cannot recall not being actively raised and groomed to be the next head of the Ravensworth family, and being potentially compared to an idealized figure of what he should be has not done his mental health any benefit. Further he has grown to intensely both revere and loath his dear brother. The slightest insult to, and on occasions the mere mention of, his brother is perceived as a grievous personal attack, to which Alexander reacts poorly to; and at the same time, Alexander is agonized by positive remarks about his brother.

And while never being his brother’s equal, Alexander has continually excelled in his studies and has known it; this has given him a very mangled sense of self-worth, on one hand, he knows he is the superior to most any man, noble or not, yet he also knows that he can’t possibly live up to the destiny that his elder brother has left unfulfilled and is thus a failure for all times. His mixed Inferiority and Superiority complex is, luckily, tempered by his intellect, while he knows he has enough raw talent to waltz through most things in life and come out ahead, he also knows that without real experience, that he has woefully little off, he will never live up to a tenth of his potential, and while he knows he can’t surpass his brother’s destiny, he also can’t deny his undying urge to surpass his brother.[/sblock]

Like this character a lot better than the other. I am ready to throw him into the camp thread when you are.



First Post
Well, not counting clothing, he is carrying 5 pounds of gear(Rapier, Dagger, Spell pouch)... XD
(The horse would end up carrying it all any ways, so why make it drag along backpack as well! ^_^)

Also, forgot to mention this the horse is caryying 111/291 Lb (Without/with Alexander on it respectively) and at a Light/Medium load. (Alexander is 180 once every thing is factored in)

So I'll start fixing it up, and I'll go and try to find the main IC thread again XD
Any ways, onto two details.

The black bit; some times random words from MS-word copy black and I just don't notice it to fix it every time ^^;
And about the extra spells; So should I list it as a feat (Advanced learning) and then make it be a Sblock with all the spells he has in addition to class bass spells? if not, how would you like it handled?

Voidrunner's Codex

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