Official status of deliveries?

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Still no delivery ...


Still no delivery here ... is there really no way to track individual orders? That way, I could bug Lulu or the post office, or wherever, instead of you ...



Well, that was fun
Staff member

Still no delivery here ... is there really no way to track individual orders? That way, I could bug Lulu or the post office, or wherever, instead of you ...


There isn't, unfortunately. Because of the size and weight of the darn thing, I had to use Lulu's cheapest shipping options (about $15 to the US, $50 to Europe and $Infinite in Japan/Australia). The more expensive shipping options, while quicker and with tracking, ran to about $50 for the US, $150 for Europe and insane amounts for Japan and Australia - far more than the value of the book itself.

All I can say it this: I think you'll be very pleased with the book when it arrives! Lulu is expensive and slow, but the quality of the product is excellent!


First Post
There's about 8 (I'm given to understand) still in transit. The other 60 or so have arirved at their destinations. But they've all been sent!

I still haven't gotten mine either. I hope I am also one of those 8 and nothing has gone wrong.


Voidrunner's Codex

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