D&D 4E Official Unofficial 4E Rules FAQ


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Ruin Explorer said:
Nikos - I'm pretty sure it says in the PHB quite specifically that anything that specifies "an Ally" includes you. So I'd love to know how they're justifying Paladins not being able to LoH themselves.

No, "ally" does not include you. PHB, page 57, "Target"

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HP Dreadnought

First Post
Maybe just organize them into groups by class, and then an "everything else" category?

In your summary in the first post, you've integrated a rogue question into a cleric question.


halfling staff users

As it stands, wizards must wield staves two handed, staves are two handed weapons, so halflings cannot benefit from implement staves? Is this a mistake by the designers? Should the Small keyword have ben added to the staff?
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Lay On Hands

Says: You spend a healing surge. Regain no hitpoints, Instead, the target regains hitpoints. Using it on yourself means contradiction: if you don't, then The Target regains hitpoints" has been denied, if you do, then "You don't regain hitpoints" has been denied. Weird. However, would probably follow Wizards and allow it (specially since it always used to work on you) and clarify it by saying "unless you are the target, you regain no hitpoints"

By RAW Enemy is any creature not an ally, regardless of whether it is hostile. So an "any enemy" power could work on you. What powers would cause weirdness with this?

Lay on Hands says INSTEAD the target regains hit points as though they spent a healing surge.

There is no denial of anything. The paladin did not spend a healing surge and gain hit points equal to their healing surge value. They spent a healing surge and a power gave them as many hit points as IF they spent a healing surge. The power does not say you cannot heal. It points out that spending the healing surge does not gain the user hit points.

Flavor text in the class feature description has no bearing.

They changed the target to one creature because they intended the power to work on the paladin himself.

Then the WotC reps have also said this is how it was intended.

I don't see the problem.


First Post
hamishspence said:
By RAW Enemy is any creature not an ally, regardless of whether it is hostile. So an "any enemy" power could work on you. What powers would cause weirdness with this?

Forced movement?


First Post
temporary hit points

PHB p.294
Don’t Add Together: If you get temporary hit points from different sources, use the higher value as your temporary hit point total instead of adding the values together.

One of my players wants to play infernal warlock and we were discussing temporary hit points. We are not sure about "source". Does that mean divine, martial and arcane or source as used power?


Longwords and other weapons

I think (but am not sure) that they will be saying that all references to One Handed or Two handed always, without exception, refer to the weapon type, not how its being wielded.

so longsword never, not even in hands of halflings, benefit from anything that says "If you are using a two handed weapon, do extra damage"

Whether that will remain the case, I am not sure.

Another one: Does teleportation count as movement for Intermediate Reaction powers of monsters? I.E. if eladrin teleports next to Orcus, can he be tail-whacked? Since nothing in description of these powers, whether dragon or Orcus, says they count as Opportunity attacks.


First Post
Ketolos said:
PHB p.294

One of my players wants to play infernal warlock and we were discussing temporary hit points. We are not sure about "source". Does that mean divine, martial and arcane or source as used power?

No. Source doesn't mean the power source of your abilities. It is meant in a literal sense. Power A gives you 5 temporary hit points. This is a source.
Power B gives you 2 temporary hit points the next round (I assume that you lost no hit points inbetween). This is another source. Since temporary hit points do not stack ("Don't add together", PHB, page 294) you still have 5 temporary hit points.

If you would activate power B first, and A in the next round your temporary hit points would look like that:
R1: B -> 2
R2: A -> 5

Temporary hit points are explained in detail on page 294. :)

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