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Ohio Gameday 3: March 13th - Event is over! - Planning for Gameday IV begins?

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Enkhidu said:
We had a really small turnout for this gameday, and everyone that showed was local (in fact, we all game together!).

It happens. We've had one Boston gameday with 4 people, two with seven, and one with 30+. I think it just varies naturally.


Yeah, I'm not overly worried about it, and am trying to figure out if its feasible to do a quarterly get together or not (and if it should be held in Dayton, Columbus, or some parts north).

So, what do you guys think?


First Post
OK here is the quick breakdown.

Enk = DM
Fett = Malachi aka Shield ( 5th level Human Cleric with no chance to hit anything but has a real nice AC with his magical shield and Plate Armor)
Bubblicious = Jerimiah Joeffrey Johanson Jr or something like that aka 4J (5th level dwarven warrior with the smackdown of a magical Ax and power attack)
Dshai = Enol the Infiltrator (1st level rouge 4th level wizard the brains behind the group except that he is real shy but he does have a staff of frost

We were hired to eliminate an island stronghold of slavers that had been terrorizing the coast, so we hired a ship and set out. The ship dropped us off and scheduled a return visit for 1 week to pick us up. More than enough time for our skills. Along the shore we spotted the keep, but more importantly we found a slave. Unfortunately his time was near, but before the reaper hauled him away we were able to find the location of a secret entrance to the keep. One that maybe even the slavers didn't know about.

Using our new knowledge we cautiously snuck up to the rear of the outer wall. We were able to avoid any chance encounters thanks to perfect planning much to 4J's dismay. The secret door was quickly found and the pathetic trap disarmed easily allowing us access.

Once we got inside we found many empty rooms that contained wonderous boxes, shelves and crates to fill them up, but no owners. We navigated through several hallways before we found a room that looked like a fireball had exploded in it some time ago leaving only a pile of rubble and ash in its wake. Before we entered the room though we noticed a lack of scavengers (Bugs, rats etc) despite the fact that there was the overwhelming stench of dead emanating through from the room.

Taking no chances (of harm to the wizard) the armored ones entered the room to investigate. Suddenly an undead figure leapt from a crack in the wall despite the holy energy pulsating from Shield. His reward was to be skewerd by a crossbow bolt before his feet touched the ground thanks to the safe wizard watching from the hall.

Our joy was short lived as 8 more exploded from the soft floor, two of which were halfling-like but exulding a gut wrenching stench. 4J's Ax laid waste about him and Shield held his ground (protecting the mage) and soon the battle was won with only minor wounds (None to the wizard). After a bit of touch up we adventured on, hoping to find the slavers quick and have a bit of refreshment and relaxation for a week.

Our next stop was a room with no floor, except for a slender board angled over the pit. One look at the armored allies (or when one fell off the board) and it was decided that a few levitations spells were in order to get across the chasm (Except the Agile mage).

Leaving the chasm room behind we quickly found a set of stairs leading of all things to a pile of refuse guarding a door. Since 4J hadn't attacked anything lately, it was decided that he should investigate the room empty of everything but a pile of garbage. The end result was a dead pile of garbage stuck to 4J and Shield (but not the mage). Using barrels of alcohol found in a previous empty alcove this problem too was quickly solved.
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First Post
Once the goo was washed off the warriors we examined the door and found it securly locked. Not wanting to exhaust 4J the door was quickly disabled by the skillful hands of Enol the Infiltrator and the group was free to move on. A door to the left looked promising and 4J moved forward to investigate. Not being able to see through doors, 4J moved into the room to have a look. Although the room was empty, 6 orcs abandoned thier card game and rushed to meet the brave dwarf while one slave cowered in fear. Shield and 4J easily dispatched 5 of the orcs as the sixth moved to hold the slave as a hostage. His plan was shortlived though as 4J found a place to hold his ax while we talked to the now freed slave. (The hallway was kept well guarded by the mage while all this was happening so that no one would sneak up on us)

We found out quickly that the slave had no tounge and thus Shield was forced to communicate with quill and ink to our new friend. 4J and Enol looked for clues amoung the orcs' belongings (Orc #4 would have won that particular hand of cards). Nothing of interest was found but we now had a guide. As a precaution, Shield felt it necessary to cast shield of faith on our frail friend to help protect him while he traveled with us.

Moving back into the hallway we proceeded in the opposite direction from the empty orc room. our guide signaled for us to turn right indicating that it led to a set of stairs. What it really led to was a set of stairs with two decapitated orcs thanks to 4J and his instinct for an ambush. Meanwhile the sounds of pursuits came from behind us and suddenly our guide was grinning like a cat who had just trapped some mice. These particular mice though have a staff of frost which creates a wall of ice to stop reinforcements from coming in from behind. The Ax wielding dwarf quickly alerted Shield that he should end his protection spell on the doppleganger now or else he might feel a bit of a sting. The doppleganger's grin quickly disappeared, along with his life.

With our retreat cut off by a well placed wall of ice, We decided to move forward down the stairs. Another ambush waited for 4J though and this one was a bit better thought out, catching the dwarf from two sides. Shield, though, managed to push his way down and tie up two of the elite orcs with his awesome ability to not get hit. Meanwhile 4J fought like a dwarf posessed and forced the orcs into retreat, or so we thought. A third ambush, this one involving an ogre, was well designed and caught our warrior of guard until a certain mage evened the odds by enlarging the dwarf and thus multipling his reach and devastating attack power.
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First Post
And on with the show..

Now that the mage had evened the odds for our dwarven warrior the ogre and orcs were quickly dispatched. Knowing that an alarmed had been raised we felt it best to travel quickly at this point which meant shrinking the dwarf back down to size so that he could fit through the smaller parts of the caverns. Making haste, we chose to pass up a ladder leading up to a trap door and proceeded on down the rocky corridor; that is until we heard the chittering. It was just loud enough to be heard over our own clanking armor and seemed to be coming from around the bend. Fearing another ambush we volunteered 4J to use his ring of invisibity to scout ahead, knowing his armor noise would be drowned out.

4J's stealth didn't last long though as he decided tossing a bead from his necklace of fireballs was a better tactic than alerting us to the dangers lurking in the room beyond. The resulting explosion caused Shield and Elon to round the corner though just in time to see 4J attacking a Queen Larvae of some sort and her eight insect guardians, each of which bearing dual weapons and shields in their four hands.

The fight looked easy enough, especially when Elon laid an ice storm directly over the queens head, but looks are often decieving and when 4J's ax laid waste to the queen all insect hell broke loose. The eight guardians which up to this point had been mostly defensive went beserk and surrounded the dwarf battering him from all sides. Only the sure aim of Elon's Shocking crossbow and Shield's brave dash saved the dwarven war machine. A freezing cone of cold from Elon's staff should have helped even more but the chitinous warriors seemed oblivious to the magical frost. To make matters worse large ants, the size of a war dog, started tunneling in from the rear.

Things looked grim at this point, but once again a well placed Wall of Ice stopped the flow of reinforcements and Shield and 4J were able to mop up the remianing warriors. Still the battle had taken its toll and the group exhausted its remianing healing to get back up to fighting strength.

Elon being the master siege planner that he was decided it was time to fortify a base camp to continue the assualt once the groups magical stores were replinished. The problem was that no location to this point had been defensible. That left only the ladder and trap door in hopes that it led to a more fortifiable loaction.
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