Old timers?

Anyone still around from the "early" days of the site? gets out walker to move

I remember I started posting here around 2002. I don't have a high post count though compared to some.
I've been coming to ENWorld since it was Eric Noahs' 3rd Edition News and Rumors page.

I was just a lurker on the forums for the first few years, but I registered in September 2003. . .I think it was the whole controversy over product standards and WotC changing the terms of the d20 STL over the release of the the Book of Erotic Fantasy that got me to actually register and post the first time, that and I had a d20 Modern conversion of the Dark*Matter setting I really wanted to share at the time too.

I think a lot of posts from those early days are lost, because no posts about either of those issues seems to exist when I look at my posting history going way, way back.

I've been less active in the last decade because I rejected 4e with gusto, felt actively "fired" by WotC and like they didn't want me as a customer anymore, got burnt out with the Edition Wars and with them felt less reason to post here, and there isn't a lot of interest, point or welcome for a 3.5 fan to be here anymore it seems (ironic since this was created as a fan site for 3e). . .but I'm at home constantly during the pandemic (albeit working from home) so I've had more time and been on here some more.

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Been here since 2003 I think. But I didn't post much, because I never was a fan of 3e or 4e, and I didn't feel the need to post on forums about games I didn't like complaining about them. Imagine that ;)
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I can't remember the last time I've seen so many familiar faces around here.

I registered in November 2002, but I was a regular visitor to Eric Noah's old site before that. Probably at least 2000.


Hmmm, it says I joined in 2007. I'm a castaway from PlanetAD&D. I forgotten exactly what happened, but I seem to remember that the PlanetAD&D server "blew up", and I was forced to get my daily dose of messaging off the Gleemax forums. But the D&D development guys wouldn't post on those forums, so I started coming over to Eric's pages for info. I guess when they finally shut Gleemax down, I must have migrated to here. I must say, I do enjoy perusing these forums.

I drifted away during the 4E era, now I split my time between DakkaDakka (Warhammer 40K) and here.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I registered in November 2002, but I was a regular visitor to Eric Noah's old site before that. Probably at least 2000.

I don't think you'll find any registration dates prior to January 2002. If I recall correctly, that was the Great Database Failure in which almost the entire contents of the prior EN World were lost. Many of the Old Timers have join dates in January 2002 because that was when they got accounts re-established. Again, IIRC.


I don't think you'll find any registration dates prior to January 2002. If I recall correctly, that was the Great Database Failure in which almost the entire contents of the prior EN World were lost. Many of the Old Timers have join dates in January 2002 because that was when they got accounts re-established. Again, IIRC.

Oh, I'm well aware the oldest accounts go back to January 2002, and there was some message board activity before that. I've been here long enough to recognize those January 2002 dates. However, I don't think I ever looked at the boards on the original news site. Of course, that's now 20 years ago, so I barely remember things. Back then, I was discussing things on Usenet and then WotC's boards before coming here.

Aaron L

I basically lived at Eric Noah's/ENWorld from '99 through '05 or so, until outer-world stuff started getting me out of the house for a few years. But I have always been around, even if only in the wings at times.

Voidrunner's Codex

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