Mission 2, Encounter 7, Round 20.
Cultist chosen one #2 is hidden from view.
Cultist chosen one #1 is dying.
Cyrill moves to the base of the stairs, stepping over the bleeding body on the floor, and looks up ready to shoot any hostiles, he does not see anything (Modified perception roll of 9) at the top of the stairs.
Human #6 remains still on the ground.
Carl yells to the still unsecured human #1 to remain on his stomach while placing his hands behind his back so that they can be secured. He then moves over to secure human #1.
Human #7 remains still on the ground.
Rudy has stopped bleeding and is stable.
Sarge moves into the room and checks the alcove to the north west of the stairs before taking up position behind Cyrill and informs Cyrill, “You can move when ready, I will provide cover.”
Jacob waits patiently for Carina to arrive.
Human #1 complies to Carls request and places his hands behind his back and is secured.
Mel checks the room carefully and does not notice anything unusual and moves to the stairs next to Cyrill, she looks towards the top (Modified perception roll of 25) and does not notice anything unusual waiting for the squad.
Human #8 lies on the floor unconscious.
Carina comes running into the room where Jacob is guarding the civilians. “Alright Jacob, go back up your team mates. I will take care of the civs.”, Carina says with a wink.
Squad actions please.