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Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


My take on it...

JonnyFive said:
Jacob will continue to move to sarge's loaction, shouldering anybody he needs to outa the way.

i should have a movment of 40' while in armor. also defensivly withdrawing shouldn't provide an AoO, unless its different than 3.5

Quite right... however your first square would not provoke the attack but moving through the second square would (One where Mel was standing)... Quote..."Withdrawing from melee combat is a full-round action. When a character withdraws, he or she can move up to twice his or her speed. (The character doesn’t also get a 5-foot step.) The square the character starts from is not considered threatened for purposes of withdrawing, and therefore enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against the character when he or she move from that square.
If while withdrawing, the character moves through another threatened square (other than the one started in) without stopping, enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal."

About the other point... your movement is 30' + 5' (Mobile Infantry - On the bounce) = 35' but when considering the power armour speed is limited to 30' as per the amour description for M-1A4 armour.

Let me know if I made a mistake so that I can do it right...

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Mel fires a burst at Worm 11, trying to clear their way to the door.

"Guys! We have to get moving! Don't get pinned down in there!"

(5 round burst at W11)


Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 28.

FT 1: Bishop swings the heavy SAW at worm #9, (Modified melee attack roll of 13 + 10 (AB) = 23, a hit doing 7hp damage!), knocking the worm in the side of the head. As Bishop brings the SAW back to his side he slips a large box magazine into place. However as his attention is distracted by concentrating on the weapon worms #9 and #11 seize the opportunity to attack. (Both get AOO for Bishop reloading his weapon. Worm #9 modified melee touch attack roll of 14, a miss and worm #11 modified melee touch attack roll of 23, a hit. Worms grapple check roll of 17 vs Bishops grapple check roll of 7, success). The first slicer worm bites miss but the second slicer worm latches onto Bishops right hand as he slipped the mag in. Bishop is grappled. Carl aims at worm #10 that is busy munching through the barricade, (Modified ranged attack roll of 12 + 10 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 2 (Double Tap) = 21, a hit doing 9hp damage!), and pulls the trigger to his Morita twice in quick succession and puts two holes through the slicer worm.

FT 2: Cyrill takes a step to the left while slipping in another mag and fires at worm #9, (Modified ranged attack roll of 4 + 9 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) = 14, a miss), clipping the barricade in front of him though and send the slug off target. Jacob pushes and shoves civilians out of the way to gain a position to Sarges right. Sarge gives Jacob a quick nod to acknowledge his arrival.

FT 3: Dave moves to cover the corridor outside the airlock chamber now that he sees that Sarge it taking control. He can see that the sarge is an old hand at dealing with stressful situations. Mel takes aim at worm #11 but as she is about to squeeze the trigger the worm latches onto Bishops hand and not wanting to risk hitting Bishop she changes target to worm #9, (Modified ranged attack roll of 18 + 10 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) – 4 (Burst) – 2 (Cover, Bishop is in the way) = 23, a hit doing 17hp damage!), and squeezes the trigger. The 5 rounds burst out of the Morita punching the rifle hard into her shoulder from the recoil as they exit and fly true hitting the worm dead centre, leaving only a greenish mist of goo where once the worm was. Worm #9 is most definitely dead.

FT 4: Jonass starts to get a bit uppity with Sarge about the slow progress of the transfer of civilians but backs off when Jacob arrives to backup the sarge. Zane moves with Dave to offer his superior officer cover by the corridor.

Sarge: Sarge continues to let civilians go through the door counting as they go. He knows that he is going to have to stop the boarding once the body count reaches maximum or the Black Knight’s safety gets compromised. Eventually Sarge says, “Ok, it looks like only a couple more of you can go on the Black Knight, the rest will have to come with us.” On a the secure channel and not via external mic Sarge informs the squad that there may be a need to go down to the lower deck again and should not alarm the civilians just yet.

Worm #2: Is dying.

Worm #9: Is dead.

Worm #10: The slicer worm continues to rip into the barricade which starts to show signs of cracking up as the worm gnaws with unearthly ferocity into the obstruction.

Worm #11: The slicer worm once again lunges at Bishop, (Modified melee touch attack of 26 vs Defense 16, a hit. Worms grapple check roll of 11 vs Bishops grapple check roll of 23, fail), biting him on the right forearm but Bishop gives his arm a good shake and the foul worm looses its grip and falls at his feet!

Cyrill hears (Perception check roll of 23 vs DC 18) something large moving in the stairwell to the West, it seemed to be moving slowly, perhaps trying to be stealthy.

Squad actions please.


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Carl shouts to the rest of the group “Guys Mel is right, we can’t get bogged down in this area, we have to get into the passage way where we can easily defend ourselves with the flamers.

With that Carl exits the room and moves into the passage way shouting “Bishop, Kowaltzki come on, lets move” If Bishop is unable to move because he is grappled by one or more worms Carl will drag him out. (Carl’s final destination is 10 feet north of Mel’s current position)


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

"Ok, let's move it! By the way: there is something bigger comin' up the stairs."

Cyrill double moves a far as possible into the corridor.
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As he sees the squad retreating, Bishop cannot help but think that he's gonna be the sacrificial lamb ... either that or he's fighting with the Italian troopers!

If the worm pins Bishop he will try and escape from pin otherwise he will draw his Peacemaker and take a shot at the worm.

Bishop can't help but wonder how far back he'll make it it he fires the power suit's jump jets ???
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Don’t worry Bishop, I said in my post I would drag you out if you fail your grapple with the worms. ;)
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"I'm here sarge, orders?" Jacob will ask over the MI secure channel then wait for any orders the sarge may issues (ready to do what sarge says)

ok, i had my sheet a bit jacked up. the on the bounce should apply to all speeds, as if you go to equipment such as a marader suit, you gain even more speed. also the speed restriction, it is as if you were a normal human, even in DnD when dealing with padded armor, that doesn't slow you, you have a speed of 30 aka normal movment for a standard human. also by the mockup sheet at the back of the book, the trooper wearing the m-1a4 armor has 35' movment. [/sblock]


Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 29.

Worm #10
Worm #11
Mantis Hunter Bug #2

FT 1: While wrestling with the slicer worms on the ground Bishop notices (Spot check of 18 vs Hide check of 15) something strange in the stairwell. The light seems to bend and warp like a water ripple and then he sees the all too familiar shape of a hunter bug! The bug is clinging to the West wall as it slowly ascends the stairwell. Trying to concentrate on the problem on hand though, he draws his peacemaker and places the barrel against the worm #11s temple and pulls the trigger, (Modified ranged attack roll of 19 + 9 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 29, a hit doing 11hp damage!). The worm had only milliseconds to think about the consequences before its brain was punctured by the slug killing the worm. Worm #11 is dead. Carl sees that Bishop is still wrestling with the slicer worms and decides to try and help him out… with out much ceremony Carl grabs Bishop under one arm and drags him, with worm in tow, into the corridor.

FT 2: Cyrill moves quickly 60’ into the corridor. Jacob provides Sarge with backup helping to get what civilians are still allowed onto the Black Knight.

FT 3: Dave tells Sarge, “Sir, I think your troops had rigged up some explosive device in a room just south of here. Maybe we could blow a hole in the floor or something… to drop through, you know.” Mel moves 10’ north and aims into the corridor to the south to make sure there are no more worms coming from that direction.

FT 4: Joanss yells, “COME ON, COME ON!”, when he sees Cyrill enter the corridor and running towards the airlock. Zane continues to aim down the corridor trying to see if the rest of the troopers are behind Cyrill or not.

Sarge: Sarge asks into the intercom, “We going to have to hold up here at the airlock until we can make a plan about those life boats. Anyone one got any ideas of how we should get to them?”.

Worm #10: The slicer worm slithers over and joins its companion grappling Bishop, (Modified grapple check of 16 vs Bishops grapple check of 8, success), Bishop tries to kick the worm as it bites at his leg but the slicer worm latches onto his left thigh.

Worm #11: The slicer worm hanging on Bishops right hand begins to gnaw into the power suit, Bishop can feel the metal buckling and pressing into his hand as the creature slices into the suit.

Mantis Hunter Bug #2: The hunter bug surveys the room beyond as it ascends the stairwell.

Squad actions please.


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"If you need a hole in the floor, i can make one, but at this time its probably just gonna help the bugs. after the ship is loaded i can knock out a section of the decking with a demo charge, just need my kit from the ship. Or i can try the nade lancher, thou that would probably be a bad idea." Jacob will radio over to sarge as he helps with the croud control

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