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Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


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As Carl is busy dragging Bishop out of the room his eye catches sight of the shimmer effect created by the hunter bugs cloak, the shape is instantly recognisable.

Dropping Bishop just outside the room he shouts to the troupers behind him “Close the door to the room ….. Close the %$@# door it will buy us time and give us cover so Jacob can set off his trap.” (If no one is close enough Carl will hit the door switch himself)

Carl then radios Jacob (broadcast to whole squad) saying “Jacob I didn’t think we would need it, but it looks like your trap is going to come in very handy. There is a big hunter bug coming up the stairs that we need to send to bug heaven. Only problem is I had to close the door to shield us from the blast. Does your trap have a proximity switch so we can achieve maximum effect?“

Looking down Carl sees that there is still one slicer worm attacking Bishop and takes a swipe at it with the butt of his Morita.

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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Via Comm: "Sarge, do have a clue where those life boats are located? That info would realy help making a plan..."

To G1&G2: "What about you? Where're those life boats?"

Cyrill moves till he stands in front of G1, turns around and readies himself to shoot any bug coming out of ventilation shafts or other openings.


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Bishop will fire another round with the Peacemaker at the worm eating away at his suit. If it gets killed he will get up from prone ... again :)

Over the comm to sarge: "Do we have any spare powersuits/spare parts on the Black Knight? Wouldn't mind changing into a new one when we have a quiet moment!"


Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 30.

OCC: As the fire teams are almost dissolved into one fighting unit again the summary will be in order of initiative now.

Worm #10
Mantis Hunter Bug #2

Cyrill speaks to the Sarge who informs him that access to the life boats is on the lower deck about 100’ south of their current location.
Worm #10 gnaws hard into Bishops left thigh and bites through the power suit… Bishop is feeling very vulnerable with nothing between the worm’s razor sharp teeth and his leg.
Jacob radios over to Carl where the location for the booby trap switch is.
Jonass remains on guard ready to shoot any targets.
Sarge lets through the last remaining civilians when he hears over the intercom, “Sarge there is no more space… where are you guys?”, inquires Kate but Sarge replies, “Not to worry… we are going to ride the life boats out of here! Do a scan for the nearest planet so long for us.
The hunter bug moves stealthy into the barricaded room, unaware of the booby traps placed there. It moves closer and begins climbing up the south wall.
Bishop rolls over onto his right side to try and lift the worm attached to his left thigh higher, for a better shot, and pulls the trigger to his peacemaker, (Modified ranged attack roll of 12 + 9 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 22, a hit doing 5hp damage), and blows the worms head open! Worm #10 falls limp to the ground and is dying. Bishop is no longer grappled.
Dave continues to remain ready for any targets.
Zane stands by waiting for further orders.
Mel moves a little north.
Carl sees the hunter bug moving around in the room beyond and slams the switch to close the door, the door hisses closed before the hunter bug has time to react.

Squad actions please.


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill moves next to Sarge.

"The life boats are down there ... are you kiddin'? I guess that the lower deck is swarmed with worms and hunter bugs. This worms are relay hard to kill, ask Bishop, he developed a very close relationship with this lovely things."


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(OOC - sorry for the delay there...things got a little hairy)

Mel comms, "They're tough, but if we advance in formation, with at least two shooters on any one target, they should go down easy enough. Use flamers to seal off any side passages we go past and cover our flank...they don't enter fire. We can use IR to spot the hunters."

She pauses, "It's that or ride on the outside of the ship...which I still think might work if we don't have to do it for too long."


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"Umm mel, remember what happened to the IR display last time i used the flamer infrount of ya? but reguardless, you want holes in the floor sarge?" Jacob will ask


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Bishop kicks the remainder of the worm away as he gets up, holsters the Peacemaker and takes hold of the SAW ... again ... checking the magazine to make sure its full this time :)

Satisfied that the mag is full he takes aim at the closed door ready to let rip at whatever comes through it! :]

"Carl, you gonna blow that room?"


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Carl pulls the switch that sets of Jacob’s trap. As the ship shakes a little from side to side as the grenades go off Carl turns to the rest of the crew saying “I don’t care how the hell I get off this ship as long as we make it quick. This place has got far to many surprises for my liking.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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