D&D 2E On AD&D 2E


As an aside about Druid multiclassing, I recently came upon this tidbit from 1e's Unearthed Arcana that I didn't know about: I'd always assumed 2e was less restrictive about multiclassing compared to 1e, but it's actually the reverse:
Actually what page is that chart in UA? I keep looking for such a thing and not finding it.


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Page 72. Its in an appendix
Page 71 is the end of the spells, page 73 is the TOC beginning of the DM section.

Page 72 of my PDF is a full page picture.




It was an errata file. The premium copy swapped out the picture. I can get you a copy later today if you want?
That would be great. I got my PDF from the original WotC store in the early 2000s, before they joined drivethru years later so it predates the later drivethru premium copy ones.

I ran a long 1e campaign using a lot of options starting just after UA came out and one of the players was a drow cleric magic-user and I was recently stymied trying to look up where it references that as a PC option as the PH only allows half-elf cleric MUs. I allowed a ton of options, but they were all by the book whether it was the PH, UA, Best of Dragon, even an antipaladin from a Dragon I did not have.

That would be great. I got my PDF from the original WotC store in the early 2000s, before they joined drivethru years later so it predates the later drivethru premium copy ones.

I ran a long 1e campaign using a lot of options starting just after UA came out and one of the players was a drow cleric magic-user and I was recently stymied trying to look up where it references that as a PC option as the PH only allows half-elf cleric MUs. I allowed a ton of options, but they were all by the book whether it was the PH, UA, Best of Dragon, even an antipaladin from a Dragon I did not have.


In the 2e PH it is odd that they have the 1e UA everybody can be clerics, but then they make elves not be able to multiclass clerics while half-elves can be cleric/fighters, cleric/rangers, cleric/mages, and cleric/fighter/mages. Also dwarves can be fighter/clerics and gnomes can be cleric/fighters, cleric/illusionists, or cleric/thieves.



Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
UA also does not explain multiclass options for those new allowed classes even though it uses a hill dwarf fighter/cleric with an 18 strength as an example to compare with a hill dwarf fighter with an 18 strength who can go two levels higher.
Yeah, a table for that was published in Dragon 103 as part of the UA errata inserts. I cut up those pages and taped the errata pieces in my UA. That specific table didn't have a designated space in the UA, so I put it on the back of the front cover.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I never took a close look at the UA multiclass options until recently there's some wacky ones that didn't survive into 2E. Halfling Druid/Thieves, Deep Gnome Illusionist/Assassins, and even Drow Ranger/Mages (something that we wouldn't see again until 2e Aasimar).


In the 2e PH it is odd that they have the 1e UA everybody can be clerics, but then they make elves not be able to multiclass clerics while half-elves can be cleric/fighters, cleric/rangers, cleric/mages, and cleric/fighter/mages. Also dwarves can be fighter/clerics and gnomes can be cleric/fighters, cleric/illusionists, or cleric/thieves.

Early D&D has some weird stuff going on with elves and gods. For one thing, elves can't be raised, only reincarnated or resurrected. I believe this is because elves don't have souls, but instead have spirits (whatever the difference is supposed to be). So in that view, it makes sense that it'd be harder for elves to have connections to their gods, and that doing so would require more dedication than the dabbling of a multi-class character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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