D&D General One Piece of Art VI (Maps)- What is Your Favorite D&D Map?

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Also, anytime maps come up, wanna give a shout about the Trilemma Adventures maps. So creative and singular inventive interesting oh I’m using all my words they‘re amazing. They’re not connected to DND brand settings so not nominating, just saying, best maps ever.


Also, anytime maps come up, wanna give a shout about the Trilemma Adventures maps. So creative and singular inventive interesting oh I’m using all my words they‘re amazing. They’re not connected to DND brand settings so not nominating, just saying, best maps ever.
Ooooh, never saw those before. Those are COOL. And they'd be super easy to adapt too. Thanks.



Maybe it’s because I got this when I was about 15 and ran my first campaign there?
Maybe it’s because I now know that it resonates with the early history of the game and ties into the whole Egg of Coot/ Nosnra thing?
Maybe it’s just a cool map?

It was this or the Wilderlands of High Fantasy map but I forced myself to stick to the rule of one this time.


How inconvenient

Bit of map nerd lamp, me – it’s in the blood.

Perhaps rather typically, my all-time favorite maps are those of the cities of Hârn and more specifically the one of Coranan (N. Robin Crossby, Cities of Hârn, Columbia Games, Inc., 1983) and the map accompanying the Runequest adventure The Black Broo of Dyskund (Ken Rolston, in: White Dwarf 51, Games Workshop, 1984), the latter not only because of how beautiful I think it is, but also because it is the first attempt at a “realistic” “D&D map” of a cave system I ever laid eyes on. Over the years, I have used modified versions of all of these maps in many adventures.

I also have very fond memories of the empty map of Tegel Manor (JG27; Judges Guild, 1977), which the DM handed us after we’d been completely blown away by the first session in the mansion (and gained some levels by touching statues, obviously) – the realization that much, much more of that was to come filled me with utter glee.

However, because none of these are strictly “D&D maps” and because we are allowed to choose one map only, I must now choose one D&D map, and one map only. The map of Castle Ravenloft (I6, obviously; TSR, 1983), the wilderness map of The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (S4; TSR, 1982), the map of Blackmoor (JG39; Judges Guild, 1977) have all been done, so I suppose I’m left with:

The map of the haunted mansion of the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (U1; TSR, 1981) – because it was the first map I ever had to draw for D&D;

Both maps in The Wandering Trees (Dragon 57, TSR, 1982) – the first, well, for obvious reasons, and the second because I think it is gorgeous and because, after endlessly trying to get the first map right both during and after play, I never got to make it because we didn’t get further into the adventure than the lower right corner of it. That river! What on earth was on the other side!?;

The map of the mountains surrounding the The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (WG4; TSR, 1982) – just because and also because of the memorable sessions we played in it;

All maps in Pharaoh (I3; TSR, 1982) – because they are magnificent;

The map of Porpherio’s Garden in Beyond the Crystal Cave (UK1; TSR, 1983), because that module is the first I ever bought and because of its intoxicating promise of magical adventure I’ve known I’m never going to be able to get onto the table ever since;

And Robert J. Kuntz’s original, hand-drawn map of Bottle City (El Raja Key Archive, here, 1972).


S-o-o-o-o tempted…

But I suppose there can be only one – because, maybe, one day…


Artist: Graeme Morris
Source: Dave J. Brown, Tome Kirby, and Graeme Morris, Beyond the Crystal Cave (TSR, 1983)
Map Depicts: Porpherio's Garden


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