D&D 5E One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (IC)

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Hassan leads the way his light cast on the end of his halberd. He moves down the narrow hallway and then suddenly...



A crazy shrieking noises starts to fill the area. The group has but moments to react.

OOC: Fungus INIT: [roll0]
Post your action and rolls to try and stop the fungus.
Also post an INIT to see how long it shrieks before you stop it.


Badger hears the screams, and flashes back to a moment twenty years ago. The screams. The blood. Anna.

Badger’s rod spun deftly in his hand as he raised it towards the fungus, fire erupting from the ground around the fungus.

Init: [roll0]
Action: Cast Create Bonfire centered on the fungi. DC 13 Dex saving throw or they take [roll1] fire damage. Fungus must make saving throw at end of every turn it stays in that spot or take an additional d8 of damage.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
An uncharacteristic scream erupts from Snorri. The normally quiet dwarf drops his weapon and shield, turns his head away while covering one ear with a hand while his other hand instinctively makes a warding gesture at the source of the noise. A sliver of bright celestial energy arcs towards the shrieking fungus.

OOC: Init: [roll0]
Casting Sacred Flame: Target must make a DC 12 Dexterity save or take [roll1] radiant damage.


Skulltop Hillock

Initiative: 1D20+3 = [18]+3 = 21

Milady grimaced, covering her ears. Oh, bloody hell! And the dwarf screaming was even worse!

Milady pulled a torch out of her bag and lit it. Then a bonfire erupted in the middle of the fungus.

Milady sighed. “Figures,” she muttered, standing there holding her burning torch as Snorri shot out sacred fire, as well.

OOC: Technically, lighting a torch is an action, I believe (she does have a tinderbox, so not sure if that shortens the time. I am AFB), so that is all she can do.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


OOC: [roll0] [roll1]
pretty sure it is taking all that dmg + the extra each round

"Forget that!" Hassan says moving further down the hallway. "Look!" he says using the shining light from his halberd to point at a pair of double doors made of stone.

"Let's go!" he yells not waiting to see if anyone follows and disappears through the stone doors.

OOC: Use your INIT above to give me your actions. Everything is happening fast, wish to keep it all fair.
Round 2:

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Snorri tries to quit screaming, and instead the volume lessens to a groan as he follows Hassan at a run, swinging his hammer carelessly at the toadstool in passing.

OOC: Move my speed up the corridor and attack when next to the shrieker: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.


Skulltop Hillock

Milady rolled her eyes. “Yes, let’s rush through doors that we have no idea what is on the other side,” she said, following after Hassan. The shriekers were harmless, just very loud, and everyone in the cave complex would know they were here now. Milady tossed the torch she had lit at the shrieker and then readied her crossbow and rapier as she moved through the doors after Hassan.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


Through the stone doors is an impressive temple like chamber, 25 feet wide and 40 feet long. The center of the floor is dominated by a pentagram carved into the floor. Almost all of the engraved symbol is filled with silver. Beyond the pentagram to the right is a large metal brazier holding a roaring flame that softly illuminates the room. At the far end of the room, the south wall has been carved into the likeness of a hideous frog-like demonic head with a wide maw. The lower half of the mouth forms a small altar, and gemstones serve as eyes. A five foot wide hole is situated on the floor in front of the altar. A stooped wrinkled human male with chalky white skin is busy at the brazier. Using a pair of tongs, he holds a crucible over the greedy flames, melting its contents. Near the brazier is a stack of silver ingots, and a pile of fire wood.


Warned by the shrieking fungus, the wizard has already started a spell. Then he moves towards the back of the room, a mist rising from the floor following him. Thin at first, but as it rises it grows faster and thicker until finally the room is engulfed in a fog cloud.

OOC: Everyone effectively blinded. So disadvantage on attacks.
There is a "five foot wide hole" in the floor that the wizard is hiding behind.
So if you advance on him for melee, you will need to roll a DEX save to avoid it.

Suto casts fog cloud
Party - is up

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