D&D General One thing I hate about the Sorcerer


Morkus from Orkus
Everything in the Players Handbook IS the Forgotten Realms setting. The religions, the Human ethnicities, the places, the classes, the spells, the planes, and so on. The 5e Players Handbook updates the 5e version of Forgotten Realms.
That's weird. My 5e PHB has gods of the multiverse, not gods of the Forgotten Realms. In my 5e PHB I see gods of Greyhawk, gods of Dragonlance, gods of Eberron, non-human gods, Celtic gods, Greek gods, Egyptian gods and Norse gods. Does your PHB only have the Forgotten Realms?

What's more, my 5e PHB talks about elves in Dragonlance, Greyhawk, and the Forgotten Realms. It makes similar mentions in the other races as well.

The 5e PHB is not just the Forgotten Realms. It makes effort to include the other settings as well.

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Morkus from Orkus
It's less that they aren't fun and more like some folks won't accept them being fun because they do not allow for the non-supernatural fantastic. They need an excuse as to why a person in a fantasy world can do something that your most dead-average Earthican pre-corpse can't.

They need an reason as to why a person in a fantasy world can do something that the absolute best possible Earthican pre-corpse can't.

That's accurate now. If you can be better than the absolute best a natural person can possibly achieve, you are supernatural, not natural.


The name doesn't really matter. The PHB lists druids, rangers, etc. as divine. If they change it to primal, then primal will also access the weave. Psionic as well. Any sort of "magic" accesses the weave.
For Druid, they can make Old Faith be Primal without Weave, but New Faith be Divine with Weave.


Morkus from Orkus
For Druid, they can make Old Faith be Primal without Weave, but New Faith be Divine with Weave.
They can make it draw power from pixies, too. They won't, though. They will be consistent and have all the types of magic draw from the weave, just in different ways.


Morkus from Orkus
Its also weird...wizards can cast wish, but they cant research or create a spell to open locks because...?
Because they can wish for the locks to open!!! :p

But seriously, it's a silly argument. If you don't have a rogue, the wizard takes knock. If you do have a rogue, the rogue can reliably open pretty much any lock so the wizard will take not-knock instead. Players don't waste resources by using a highly coveted and limited resource like a memorized spell spot for something another PC can do.


They can make it draw power from pixies, too. They won't, though. They will be consistent and have all the types of magic draw from the weave, just in different ways.
The tradition is, Psionic is a personal Weave that each person emanates. This is nonidentical with the multiversal Weave.

Primal can be like Psionic.

Notably, Ki is non-Weave as well.


Morkus from Orkus
The tradition is, Psionic is a personal Weave that each person emanates. This is nonidentical with the multiversal Weave.
That's roughly what was said, but it was contradicted by treating psionics like magic and allowing them to be dispelled and rendered useless by anti-magic. Personal psionic power wouldn't be affected by those things.

But seriously, it's a silly argument. If you don't have a rogue, the wizard takes knock. If you do have a rogue, the rogue can reliably open pretty much any lock so the wizard will take not-knock instead. Players don't waste resources by using a highly coveted and limited resource like a memorized spell spot for something another PC can do.
rogue: "alright i'm going rogue so i can pick all the locks"
wizard: "oh good, that frees up one of my spell choices"
rogue: "...i'm worth a single spell choice to you?"

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