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Sorry for the delay guys. Takes longer than I thought.

Here's the bare bones of my character so far; let me know how it is.

I still need to come up with all hte fluff, including the name, and tidy up a few things. I'd like to also consider my selections in feats, equipment, and skills for a a bit. Any advice would be welcome.

Race: Human
Character Level: 10
5 Levels in Gestalt Rogue-Fighter

Str: 12
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

HD: 5d10+10 + 5d6+10
HP: 72
BAB: +9/+4
Ranged Attack: +14/+9
Melee Attack: +10/+5
Initiative: +9
AC: 24 (17 Touch Attack)

Fort save: 6 + 2 = 8
Ref save: 7 + 5 = 12
Will save: 3

Feats: 8 (3 Fighter Feats)
Weapon Focus: Longbow (Level 1)
Point Blank Shot (Level 1 Fighter Bonus Feat)
Improved Initiative (Human Bonus Feat)
Rapid Shot (Level 2 Fighter feat)
Weapon Finess (Level 3 Feat)
Weapon Specialization: Longbow (Level 4 Fighter Bonus Feat)
ManyShot (Level 6)
Precise Shot (Level 9)

Skills: (8+3 skill points per per level)

Hide: 14 Ranks + 19
Move Silently: 14 Ranks +19
Escape Artist: 14 Ranks + 19
Balence" 14 Ranks: +19
Open Locks: 14 Ranks +19
Tumble: 14 Ranks +19

Int: +2
Search: 14 Ranks +16

Wis: +0
Spot: 14 Ranks: +14
Listen: 14 Ranks +14

Str: +1
Climb: 14 Ranks +15

Cha: -1
Use Magic Device: 14 Ranks +13

+2 Studded Leather (+5 Armor bonus, 25 lbs, 0 armor check penalty)

+2 Composite Longbow (+1 STR Bonus)
Attack: +19/+14 (BAB 9/4 + 5 DEX + 2 Magic + 1 Weapon Focus +2 Gloves of Dex)
Damage: d8+3

20 Arrows
1 Extra Quiver 20 Arrows

+1 Rapier
Attack: +17/+12 (BAB 9/4 + 5 DEX + 1 Magic +2 Gloves of Dex)
Damage: d6+1


+2 Studded Leather (4175 GP)
+2 Composite Longbow (8500)
+1 Rapier (2320)
Ring of Blinking (27,000)
Back of Holding Type 1 (2500)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000)
Wand: Cure Light Wounds (750)
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First Post
johnsemlak said:
Sorry for the delay guys. Takes longer than I thought.

Here's the bare bones of my character so far; let me know how it is.

I still need to come up with all hte fluff, including the name, and tidy up a few things. I'd like to also consider my selections in feats, equipment, and skills for a a bit. Any advice would be welcome.

Looks good so far. Havn't done the math, I'll do that when its more or less done.
We are using defense bonus from UA. Your defense bonus is 9, and it doesn't stack with Armor bonus.
Also, have you thought about your special power?


First Post
I've dropped the Rogue archer motif and have gone for a more standard melee rogue. Updates to come.

I've thought up the background and my exptrodinary item. Basically, he will be highly skilled in the use of a bola, which he inherited from his father. Details to come.

Calecan Four-fingered

Race: Human (Illuskan)
Character Level: 10
5 Levels in Gestalt Rogue-Fighter
AL Chaotic Good

Str: 12
Dex: 20 (18 at level 1; 19 at lvl 4; 20 at lvl 8) (22 with Gloves of Dexterity)
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

HD: 5d10+10 + 5d6+10
HP: 72
BAB: +9/+4
Ranged Attack: +16/+10
Melee Attack: +10/+5
Initiative: +9
AC: 24 (10 + 5 Armor + 5 Dex + 1 Gloves of Dex + 1 Ring + 2 Amulet)(16 Touch Attack)

Fort save: 6 + 2 = 8
Ref save: 7 + 5 +1 = 13
Will save: 3

Feats: 8 (3 Fighter Feats)
Weapon Focus (Long Sword)(Level 1)
EWP: (Bola) (Level 1 Fighter Bonus Feat)
Improved Initiative (Human Bonus Feat)
Weapon Finess (Level 2 Fighter feat)
Two weapon Fighting (Level 3 Feat)
Weapon Specialization: Long Sword (Level 4 Fighter Bonus Feat)
Dodge (Level 6)
Mobility(Level 9)

Skills: (8+3 skill points per per level)

Hide: 14 Ranks + 19
Move Silently: 14 Ranks +19
Escape Artist: 14 Ranks + 19
Balence" 14 Ranks: +19
Open Locks: 14 Ranks +19
Tumble: 14 Ranks +19

Int: +2
Search: 14 Ranks +16

Wis: +0
Spot: 14 Ranks: +14
Listen: 14 Ranks +14

Str: +1
Climb: 14 Ranks +15

Cha: -1
Use Magic Device: 14 Ranks +13

+2 Studded Leather (+5 Armor bonus, 25 lbs, 0 armor check penalty)


+2 Londsword
Attack: +18/+13 (BAB 9/4 + 5 DEX + 2 Magic +1 Weapon Focus +1 Gloves of Dex)
Damage: d8+3

Throwing Axe:
Attack +16/+14 (BAB 9/4 + 5 Dex + 1 Magic + 1 Gloves)

Mwk Light Crossbow
Attack: +16/11 (BAB 9/4 + 5 Dex +1 Mwk +1 Gloves) (also, +1 under 30')
Dmg: 1d8 (d8+1 under 30')


+2 Studded Leather (4175 GP)
+2 Longsword Sword (8315)
+1 Throwing Axe (2308)
Mwk Light Crossbow (335 gp)
Ring of Invisibility (20,000)
Back of Holding Type 1 (2500)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000)
Wand: Cure Light Wounds (750)
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First Post

When Calecan was very young up in a village in the North, the village was raided by Drow. His parents and many of the villagers were killed, and he was taken prisoner, presumably to be sacrificed.

While traveling back to the underdark, Calecan proved to be far more resistant that the drow imagined. Screaming and struggling the whole way, he then broke free and ran away. One drow pursued him. The drow caught up with him, and fed up, decided to kill the boy then and there. He was raising his sword for hte kill when out of nowhere came and a whirling bola, which strangled the drow, and freed Calecan.

The rescuer, and lone villager, warrior, and adventurer, named Arn, took the boy as his son. Together they travelled throughout the North in search of adventure. He trained him in the the fighting arts, and in skills necessary for adventure. They occasionally joined parties that ventured into the underdark.

Calecan has never forgotten the event that scarred his childhood. He occasionally has nightmares about it. He grew up with a deep hatred of hte drow. He has since tempered his views slightly, but still views all drow with suspicion and dislike.

Arn, being much older than the boy, eventually retired, and settled in his home village in the North. He gave Calecan one item, his bola, an ancestral gift. Arn trained Calecan in the use of his Bola, a weapon he was a great expert in.

Extraordinary ability/item (all details to be approved/modified by the DM of course):

Calecan's bola is a masterwork weapon. His mastery of it allows him to use his DEX bonus to make trip attacks. Calecan may also use the the bola to entagle victems as if they are hit by a net (i.e. he aims for the body rather than the legs).

(If you'll allow it, can I assume he can use this weapon w/o the EWF? IF not, no biggie.; If you doen't like the idea of this weapon, I can think of something else. I was thinking of possibly one of the exotic whips in EN Arsenal--Whips. The main idea is an exotic weapon, which he larned to use from his adoptive father.)

Vital Stats:

Age: 25 (started adventuring young)
Height: 6'
Weight: 160'
Hair: red
Eyes: grey
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First Post
johnsemlak: Your character looks ok for now. I'll do all the maths and post him in the RG thread later this weekend. there will be some time before I will be able to write you into the story, but I think you'll be in, in a couple of weeks, tops. As for the bolas, cool idea. I'll allow it.


First Post
Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of posting these last week-and-a-half. I'm on my way out now, but I'll update tomorrow. Also, I've found a way to include the new character in the near future, yay! Cya all tomorrow! :D
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First Post
Hey guys!
Finally I was able to get to my friends house and post; I no longer has access to the internet at home. They tell me I will be back online in 2-3 weeks, so hopefully that is true. In the meantime I won't be able to continue, so a holiday-break seems a good thing now. I'll be back in 2-3 weeks! (Atleast, that is what my internet provider tells me... ) :\

Voidrunner's Codex

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