[OOC Discussion] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge??)

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Nemesis Destiny

I'm glad that I popped that potion or I'd have been done for.

We still need to take care of the denouement of this adventure, but afterwards, I guess we need to discuss what happens next.


First Post
I'd like to carry on! Whether I still shuffle Zuri around depends on how folks feel about it. I'll miss her, but I'm not sure I should carry on with her. This would be a good time and place for her to reside contented, maybe.

I've been scared of wishy things ever since I saw "The Thief of Bagdad*" for the first time when I was a yoof.

* Which I still love, but many films connected to the director Michael Powell beguile me.


First Post
I went on a treasure hunt. Some this is from the earlier summaries:

Neil’s treasure hunt.

A Call for Lovers Chapter 1 Rewards Summary

Time Gold:
Wat, Sanynha, Rain, Zuri
Month 1 -3 @ lvl 1: May 10th -August 10th: 126 gp x 3 = 398 gp
Month 4 -6 @ lvl 2: August 10th -November 10th level 2: 178 gp x 3 = 534 gp
Total Time gold: 932 gp

Total Treasure Awarded so far:
Job fee: 50 gp; 1 elixir (50gp) and 1 Healing Potion (50 gp) each = 150gp each
Group Treasure: 25 gp, Ring (25 gp), Gem (100 gp); Level 5 Quest Item. Tuathan Road Whistle : http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...ar-Judge-Lord-Sessadore)/page47#ixzz2zptorddF

GM: The group gains a Lesser Tuathan Road Whistle (level 5 common wondrous item).

After a brief examination those trained in Arcana can understand how the object works.
For those who don't have access to the CBuilder or Heroes of the Feywild 1/Day you can blow the whistle while imagining a place where you have already been and a silvery path only you and allies are able to see appears and remains until you take an extended rest.

Note that it only leads to places you have already been.

This object is not for anyone in particular; for now it is a group item. At end of the adventure someone can claim it if they wish to keep it as part of their 'expected wealth levels'

Total Group Treasure = 1100 gp

Magic items Awarded so far: Level 2 Items:
Rain: Leather Armour of Aegis Expansion +1
Sabynha: Bracers of Mighty Striking
Wat: Amulet of Elegy +1
Zuri: Rebounding Hand Crossbow +1

Encounter 5 Treasure Rewards: Soryth Arrives
Gray Level 1 Item (as per wishlist): Snail goo and Shamrock Blessing: Mighty Ki Focus lvl 1
Wat: Level 4 Item: Soryth's Bloodstone: When attached to Staff, staff becomes:
Quickbeam Staff of Forceful Rebuking

Level 2 partial summary: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...r-Judge-Lord-Sessadore)/page115#ixzz2zprPbtvK

Moonstone Gems:
GM: Moonstone gems (1 each) are worth 50gp each; During this adventure until you reach level 3 they confer a 5 THP bonus to each of you which refreshes at the start of an extended and short rest in the same manner we were doing before hand. You also gain 1 THP when you spend a healing surge.

Encounter lvl 2
Treasure Awarded: +1 Farbond Spellblade (lvl 2; 520 gp for Rain)
5 x Horse's Breath = 75 gp each (Rain, Zuri, Wat, Sabynha, Shandra)
5 x Rider's Water = 30 gp each (Rain, Zuri, Wat, Sabynha, Shandra)
Ariel Attacks
Encounter level 2
Treasure: Fey Insect in Amber (30 gp)
Verbeeg Dilemma
Encounter level 4
Treasure Rewards:
+1 Vanguard Shortsword (lvl 3 680 gp for Sabynha)
Healing Potion (50 gp for Sabynha)
Crystal Glassware (100 gp)


GM: Rain receives Cape of the Mountebank +1
Wat receives a Healing Potion

GM: What receives +1 Rebuking Chain Armour; The group's Moonstone's give the 5 THP benefit once more (The kiss also confers this benefit)

GM: No check needed on the crystal decanter. Basically you got all the information there was on it. Sabynha values the set at 250 gp

Last sum up: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...r-Judge-Lord-Sessadore)/page153#ixzz2zpx4KYmy

Treasure: Apart from this 'limited wish' and all you have received up until now reward yourself the difference between lvl 3 and level 9 expected wealth level in gold pieces. This is what the Baron pays you upon your return.

35,436 - 3,348 = 32,088 gp + what you have now


First Post
Will somebody repeat the text of the White Lotus Riposte feat here for me? I was just reading elsewhere and got wind of a possible nerf. *sigh*

Nemesis Destiny

Will somebody repeat the text of the White Lotus Riposte feat here for me? I was just reading elsewhere and got wind of a possible nerf. *sigh*

Compendium said:
Heroic Tier
Prerequisite: Any arcane class
Benefit: When an enemy you hit with an arcane at-will attack power attacks you before the start of your next turn, that enemy takes damage (of the same type the attack power deals) equal to the ability modifier to the attack power’s damage.

Perhaps this is what you heard about:
Compendium said:
Paragon Tier
Prerequisite: 11th level, any arcane class, White Lotus Riposte feat
Benefit: If you hit an enemy with an arcane at-will attack power and the enemy then attacks you before the start of your next turn, you can use an immediate reaction to repeat the at-will attack against that enemy alone, but only if the enemy is not marked by you.

Update (6/14/2010)
Replace the feat’s Benefit entry with the following text: “If you hit an enemy with an arcane at-will attack power and the enemy then attacks you before the start of your next turn, you can use an immediate reaction to repeat the at-will attack against that enemy alone, but only if the enemy is not marked by you.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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