[OOC] Hall of the Dwarven Lord

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First Post
Not sure where we're going next from here. Cade will wait for another to take the lead, and just follow close behind to spot any traps along the way. He'll drink from the magic well first if the group decides to press on without resting yet, but I'll hold off on that decision until the group has decided IC where to go next and whether or not to rest first (though I'm expecting we'll just press on for now).


Thy wounds are healed!
Hey WD need to now if Brawar heard Cade from where he is.

Perception +2 I think I'm starting to dislike G. Cubes (but only as a player :lol: )


Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=ooc] Could use a heavy fighter or another warrior cleric. Do we want to recuirt just to have four bodies still in the group? [/sbock]

Re-Recruiting has started now. We need a heavy fighter and/or a character with healing focus (witch with the right hex, cleric, oracle).

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