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[OOC] Star Wars: The Fall of Eraydia


Toric and Jaik, you're in! That takes care of it, then!

I feel honored to have two excellent SW PbP DMs (including my own, thanks, Toric!) joining my first effort. I'm sure you folks will keep me straight; thanks in advance.

My friend eoghanbt should be along shortly (in fact, he's also a SW DM, albeit in the D6 era, way back when), to post his character.

I'll update the first post (and title) in a minute, but first, some basics. I'm taking a piece of style from each of the PbP DMs I'm playing with, so bear with me:

Pace of Game: Slow, maybe two rounds of posting a week; I may post more often, but you folks dictate the pace of the game, and are not obligated to keep up with me. I love PbP, so I'll post a lot. Sometimes it'll just be for chewing scenery.

Absence of Players: This is the vacation season, so I expect folks will be gone, sometimes for weeks at a time. If you can let me know in advance, do. (Post here.) Leave instructions for how you'd like your PC to act on autopilot. I'll do my best to follow them. On the other hand, if you want to bail, say so, and we'll write your critter out of the plot, and possibly replace him with another.

Dice Rolls: I'll do 'em, or you can paste links of your rolls from any of several online die rollers (Google "online die roller" to get some) that store results.

Maps: Will be posted whenever you enter combat, the best way I know how, and kept updated by me, round to round (except for space combat). Feel free to modify the map as your PC takes actions, if necessary.

Rat-bastardliness: I'm not experienced or smart enough to be a rat-bastard, but I don't fudge rolls, and I don't tone down Encounter Level. You got 28 points and max credits because you deserve a fighting chance to win against whatever is in this adventure; what you do with that is up to you and the dice.

Any other questions, post em, pm me, or email me. I'll open the IC thread this coming Sunday. Have your final sheets/backgrounds edited by then, as I'll be weaving them liberally into the story.

This is gonna be a lot of fun for me. Hope it is for you, too.
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Character Name: Poggresh Nak'Yur (aka Pog)
Class: Fringer
Species: Human




Sebulba had told Pog that if he ever set foor on Tatooine again, he'd be fed to Jabba's rancor. That did not sit too well with the diminutive man, so he left the planet on the first ship he could find. He had suggested to his wookie friend Yrshkak, that he do the same, but Sebulba's other mechanic had a mind of his own. It hadn't been Pog's fault that Sebulba lost to that human slave. It was just a little dumb luck and some brilliant racing by that kid. Still the Dug had threatened Pog's life saying that he was responsible for some malfunction with the stabilizers that caused him to wreck his pod towards the end of the race.

Pog had left Tatooine on the first ship he could find. This ship was headed to Alderaan, but the small human didn't care as long as he wasn't where Sebulba could get to him. Luckily, Poggresh had profited from many of the Dug's victories and managed to keep his winnings a secret from his employer. Being the chief mechanic had no meaning to Sebulba thought that he was due a share of your winnings as a sort of tribute. Once on Alderaan, Pog lived a pretty good life, but got caught up in the lavish lifestyle and soon drained his funds. It soon became evident that he would have to find work again due to his unluck at many a Sabbac table. Not knowing what else to do, he soon applied for and got an engineering job aboard the Republic starship Sanctuary which was leaving Alderaan the following day.


Str: 10
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 10

Vitality: 10
Wounds: 14
Defense: 18
Speed: 10 meters
Init: +3


Fortitude: 4
Reflex: 4
Will: 1

-Attack Bonus-

Melee: 0
Ranged: +3


Gamble: 4 ranks +1 wis = +5
Hide: 1 rank +3 dex = +4
Knowledge: Engineering: 3 ranks +1 int = +4
Knowledge: Physics: 2 ranks +1 int = +3
Knowledge: Technology: 3 ranks +1 int = +4
Listen: 3 ranks +1 wis = +4
Pilot: 3 ranks +3 dex = 6
Profession: Mechanic: 2 ranks +1 wis = +3
(Bonus skill) Repair: 4 ranks +1 int +2 gearhead +2 tools = 9
Search: 3 ranks +1 int = +4
Spot: 4 ranks +1 wis = +5




*Weapon Group (Primative)
*Weapon Group (Simple)
(bonus) Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols)
Armor Prof. Light

*= Starting feat


Blaster Pistol - 500 @ 1kg

Blast Helmet & Vest - 500 @ 3kg
All-temperature Cloak - 100 @ 1.5kg
Comlink - 200 @ .1kg
Glow Rod x2 - 20 @ 2kg
Grappling Spike Launcher - 50 @ .3kg
Liquid Cable Dispenser - 25 @ .2kg
Medpac x2 - 200 @ 2 kg
Power Pack x5 - 125 @ .5kg
Tool Kit - 250 @ 1kg

Total Weight carried - 11.6kg

30 credits
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Character Name: Kerraccor
Class: Scout 1
Species: Wookiee


Kerraccor stands 2.1 meters in height and weighs 130 kgs. His thick fur is a medium brown color but is streaked in spots with black. His eyes are light brown. He wears a bandolier across his chest to carry his bowcaster quarrels. He is rarely seen without his bowcaster, passed down to him by his own father. Kerraccor is very young for a Wookiee, only 22 years old.


Kerraccor was born on Kashyyyk in the city of Rwookrrorro. He was a very restless youngster however and was soon wandering off to explore the areas of Kashyyyk near the city. As he got older, he began to range further from Rwookrrorro. He got to know the terrain, the creatures and plantlife, as well as the dangers of his home planet. He also developed an interest in fixing things, starting with small electronic devices, and eventually graduating to spaceships. Soon his curiousity and wandering nature got the best of him and he signed on as a mechanic on a freighter running cargo all over the galaxy. During this time, he saw very little of the galaxy as he was always working on the ship. He rarely disembarked at the many ports of call that the ship visited. He did begin to learn other skills however, such as how to fly ships and how to navigate the hyperspace lanes of the galaxy. Recently he landed the job of co-pilot on the Republic Cruiser Sanctuary.

Kerraccor is extremely curious about things. He is also restless and is unhappy sitting in one place for too long. Flying around the galaxy helps to keep his wanderlust in check. Kerraccor is quick to anger, even more so than many of his species. His temper got him into frequent trouble as a younger child and he has been trying of late to keep it in check. He is also extremely loyal to those he has come to call friend.


Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 8 (-1)

Vitality: 10
Wounds: 14
Defense: 13
Speed: 10 meters
Init: +1


Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +2
Will: +1

-Attack Bonus-
BAB: +0
Melee: +4
Ranged: +1


Astrogate: 4 ranks +1 int = +5
Climb: 1 rank +4 str +2 wookie bonus = +7
Computer Use: 4 ranks, +1 int = +5
Hide: 2 ranks +1 dex = +3
Intimidate: 0 ranks -1 cha +4 wookie bonus = +3
Jump: 1 rank +4 str = +5
Listen: 2 ranks +0 wis = +2
Move Silently: 2 ranks +1 dex = +3
Pilot: 2 ranks +1 dex = +3
Repair: 4 ranks +1 int +2 tool kit = +7
Search: 2 ranks +1 int = +3
Spot: 2 ranks +0 wis = +2
Survival: 2 ranks +1 int = +3


*Weapon Group (Blaster Rifles)
*Weapon Group (Simple)
*Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols)
Starship Operation (Space Transports)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bowcaster)

*= Starting feat


Basic (read/write and understand only)
Shyriiwook (read/write and speak)

-Racial Abilities-

Wookie Rage
Extraordinary Recuperation


Bowcaster - 1500 @ 8kg
Bowcaster Quarrels (30) - 1200 @ 3kg
Knife - 25 @ 1kg

Tool Kit - 250 @ 1kg

Total Weight carried - 13kg

25 credits
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First Post
This was such a great format, I just had to steal it...

Character Name: Hiru Hanachi
Class: Scoundrel
Species: Human


Briefly, the Galaxy loves Hiru. He's got the lookds, he's got the smarts, and he's got the skills. Of course, his ability to find trouble is only bested by his ability to find his way out of it. Between a carefree attitude, a quick wit, and a faster mouth, gambling came naturally. Hiru has managed to pick up a wide variety of skills from a wider variety of acquaintances over the last few years. Life has been smooth sailing, pushed along by a streak of good luck. Unfortunately, three systems back, Hiru had to shoot his way out of a bad spot brought on by a streak of good luck (too good, some thought) three systems back and has been taking the first ship out of each port he lands in. He ran out of cash for transport on Alderaan but was able to talk his way into a job on a passenger ship taking care of the passengers. Now he just has to lay low and stay out of trouble for a couple ports of call...


Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Vitality: 6
Wounds: 10
Defense: 14 (2 class, 2 dex)
Speed: 10 meters
Init: +2


Fortitude: +0
Reflex: +4
Will: +1

-Attack Bonus-

Melee: -1
Ranged: +2


Appraise: 1 + 3 int = +4
Balance: 2 + 2 dex = +4
Bluff: 4 + 2 cha +2(trick) = +8
Disable Device: 1 + 3 int = +4
Escape Artist: 2 + 2 dex = +4
Gamble: 4 +1 wis +2(trick) = +7
Gather Information: 2 + 2 cha = +4
Hide: 2 + 2 dex = +4
Knowledge: Streetwise: 3 + 3 int = +6
Listen: 2 +1 wis = +4
Move Silently: 2 + 2 dex = +4
Search: 2 + 3 int = +5
Sense Motive: 2 + 1 wis = +3
Sleight of Hand: 4 + 2 dex = +6
Spot: 4 +1 wis = +5
Tumble: 4 + 2 dex = +6
Empathy: 2 + 1 wis = +3
Enhance Ability: 1 + 0 con = +1
Friendship: 2 + 2 cha = +4

(I'm really hoping that the sense motive, empathy, and maybe sleight of hand can help me out in the gambling arena...)


*Weapon Group (Simple)
*Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols)
Trick: +2 on Bluff and Gamble checks

*= Starting feat

-Class Abilities-
Illicit Barter (+5 on Diplomacy checks to buy illicit goods)


Knife 25crd, 1kg
Hold-Out Blaster 300crd, 0.5kg
Blaster Pistol (in luggage) 500 crd, 1kg

Datapad 1,000crd, 3kg
2 energy cells 20crd, -kg
1 power pack 25crd, 0.1kg
Wardrobe 200crd
Gambling equipment 200crd

715 credits
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Okay, I'm going over characters for the first time, and it seems:

Denny's over by a point on abilities; by my math, 14 14 12 14 13 10 (the abilities before racial mods) adds up to 29. Knocking down any single stat by one should do it. Don't forget to adjust any affected skill bonuses accordingly, but otherwise, it looks great.

Kerracor's 6 Charisma is going to be extremely interesting in this adventure. That stat is also just begging to be explained in the background.

Hiro looks great for stats and background, but congratulations go to his player for a picture that is both extremely funny and extremely wrong at the same time. (Ha ha! Now change it. :))

Pog looks good to go - thought you might be taking Force Sensitive for a minute. Need background.

Ka will be adventuring without Tarsk, but that's an excellent background and Jedi history.

eoghanbt promises to post on time.

I'll open the IC thread with the prologue info on Sunday.

Remember, the Sanctuary is a capital ship, a light cruiser similar to the transport Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used to get to Naboo in the Phantom Menace, but converted to hold more passengers.



Quick question about what time frame we're working with. I have ideas for Pog's background, but they would need to occur after Episode I. Also, is it possible that Pog could be working on this cruiser instead of being a passenger?

I edited Kerraccor's sheet. Lowered his Wisdom from 12 to 10 and raised his Charisma from 6 to 8. I'll still explain it in his background but 8 is a little less harsh than 6. And a Wisdom of 10 instead of 12 only lowered his Will save by 1 and lowered two skill bonuses by 1.



maddmic said:

Quick question about what time frame we're working with. I have ideas for Pog's background, but they would need to occur after Episode I. Also, is it possible that Pog could be working on this cruiser instead of being a passenger?
6 months after the Battle of Geonosis would make it after Episode II, even, so you're OK.

And, sorry, yes, you're ALL working on the Sanctuary.

[edit: also, this ship, like many of its type, has no weapons. you may slot yourselves into co-pilot, sensors, comms, engineering, and passenger supervision positions.]
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