• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Cliffhanger... Aaaaaaagggghhh!!!

I hope the next strip comes soon. Tomorrow is good for me. Anyone else got a scheduling problem with tomorrow?

Time to see Belkar finally get mileage out of his Barbarian Rage.

He ripped the head off an insect-person that was an old friend for just casually suggesting eating Mr. Scruffy, imagine what he'll do to a Linear Guild member that actually shot him.

Might we be seeing Belkar's redemption (or the closest thing to one he'll get) in his death, he dies defending or avenging the only being in the world he actually loves? (disproving V's theory that he's only capable of two emotions: lust and hate).


Well Belkar is supposed to stop breathing any day now:(

As much as I'd be okay with that concept I highly doubt it happens, at least in any permanent way. He's to prominant in the story. That said, I would love Yak Yak, derivative and maybe Thog to bite it. Their usefulness (re: entertainment value) is about toast.

As much as I'd be okay with that concept I highly doubt it happens, at least in any permanent way. He's to prominant in the story. That said, I would love Yak Yak, derivative and maybe Thog to bite it. Their usefulness (re: entertainment value) is about toast.

Rich has had the Kobold Oracle mention twice now, once in full on Prophecy mode, that Belkar is going to die, permanently, and soon.

The Oracle has never been wrong before, we know he gets his info directly from Tiamat herself. The Dragon-queen of Goddesses thinks Belkar will die within the (in-setting) year, and a few months have even passed since then.

When Roy was resurrected, he estimated Belkar had about 7 weeks left from the prophecy.

Relique du Madde

I don't think the Linear Guild will be the ones to off Belkar, especially not YukYuk since he didn't know YakYak. If anyone in the Empire of Blood were to kill him, plot wise it would have to be someone significant, like Tarquin or even maybe even the Empiress of Blood*.

*I'm pretty sure Belkar would not want to be rezzed if he was devoured and excreted... it would be too embarrassing to live down.

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