• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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I was just browsing the forums and thought since others posted illustrations here for critique and opinions, I could too!

without further ado, here is an illustration I did about a year ago, of my first 3e character - Uvaal Runegraven, a Diviner.

Pencil, Ink, Scan, Photoshop.

Matt Everhart


  • uvaal.gif
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Mr Fidgit

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welcome to the boards, stringbean :D

i really like your pic, and would like to see more, if you'd like to post them

(although i'm too sure about wizards in belly-shirts, though :p )


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Great pic, it closely resembles the same style as a close friend of mine, so I may be bias. I enjoy looking at the pics but can hardly draw a smiley face :) So I can rarely offer any true artistic advice. The only thing I could suggest is leaving a little space between his eye and nose, it detracts from the rest of his face.

Keep posting the pics.
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Quickie Portrait

I posted this in the Self-Portrait thread, but figgered it could go here as well. More to come over the weekend, as I get my scanner warmed up!


artist for hire


  • matty.gif
    22.5 KB · Views: 194


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Very cool! Your work is so, so, so clean. So crisp! How do you accomplish that? That is, if you don't mind passing a few secrets my way?;)

Can't wait to see more!


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Malessa said:
Very cool! Your work is so, so, so clean. So crisp! How do you accomplish that?

Light pencils, a substantial quantity of kneadable eraser, a fine point black pen (precise species depends on my momentary whim).

Some more eraser, then a minute or two with the Adjustments/Contrast palette in Photoshop.

Them's the basics, anyways...



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Re: Wizard Art

stringbean said:

C'mon. I dare you. Good, bad or indifferent?

Like, Don't Like?

I like it. Clean, efficient style. It also has has a personal style, easily recognisable (at least in the pictures posted here), that is golden if you ever want to do professional work.


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