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'Origin' of Your User Name


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Sialia means "bluebird."

Isn't that just darling?

...and over our heads
will float the bluebird,
singing of beautiful and
impossible things,
of things that are lovely
and that never happened,
of things that are not
and that should be.
Oscar Wilde

And, of course, the black and white profile of a bluebird in my avatar (which y'all can't see anymore) is a reference to Alfred Hitchcock.
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I needed a name for a dwarven fighter I was creating. My friend and I then decided to be twin dwarven brothers. So I became Datt Hrothgar and he became Dizz Hrothgar. And yes we have a sister named Daodder Hrothgar. I got the last name for the king in the movie The 13th Warrior.


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A while back, I happened upon a character that closely resembles my wife (a redhead of course).

Enter Dawn.
She is the Goddess of Birth and Rebirth and the Lover of Death. She is officially a creation of Joseph Linsner and was published through Sirus magazine.

She has become one of my all-time favorite RPG characters. At present there are several versions of her at different levels in different games (online and real life). She maintains the same personality (somewhat anyway – those of you fortunate enough to have a redhead in your life will know what I mean), so playing the different games is pretty easy.



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Utrecht - I am of Dutch decent and it is where most of my family is from (that and Soest) - so back in 1989, when I was first introduced to the internet, I needed something unique sounding (at least to Americans) and thus I logged on as Utrecht.

I am sure there is records of Utrechts for the past 13 years throughout all of cyberspace....... (It would be interesting to pull that)


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Tcheb is short for Tchebycheff, my favorite mathematician. He's famous (in math geek circles) for a whole bunch of things, but I got hooked on him for his decision theories since I'm an AI programmer.


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Cassiopea, a cluster of stars that appear in the autumn sky, the time of my birth, and thus my middle name is Autumn.

Sincerly, Cassiopea Autumn "LastName?"


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Mondain is a Dark Lord in Ultima I.

I'm new to the boards here. Anyway, I have only recently gotten back into pencil & paper RPGs. When I was seven years old (1985) I had played Basic D&D with some buddies and we also used to play a lot of video games (remembers flashing, blue arcades with awe) and later when I got a NES I played my first video game RPG, Ultima: Exodus (actually was Ultima III for PC) in 1988. At first, I hated the game until I played it a little longer and got the mechanics down "gee this is like a D&D video game". Anyway, I was enchanted by the idea of this little world in a box! You named your characters, they ate, slept, fought, talked, explored, and best of all matured as they saved this colorful lil world of Sosaria.

I got the Hint Book (was just a kid!) and inside was this cool manga (japanese comic) of the previous Ultima games history. In the story of Ultima I (which I've beaten on PC and enjoyed thoroughly) a hero comes forth to battle the evil wizard Mondain. Mondain is depicted as a kind of primal barbarian type with a horned helm and looks every bit the evil emperor. I liked this character so much that he is now the villain in my current 3e game (with some creative embellishment) in a world named, yes, Sosaria (Ultima's world before the tyrant Lord British renamed it Britannia Ultima IV, I liked Sosaria better).

Anyway, over the years of RPGs (video, PC, paper) I never forgot Tolkien (which I was read as a kid for bed time) and Ultima (which was the first time I really felt immersed in a fantasy myself). I've always wanted to bring the Ultima world into my DMing and having just picked up D20 am working on doing just that.

Dave S


From the name of the funniest fake Magic card ever devised (though you should have seen the illo to understand), as well as from the name of the funniest homemade creature in my old OD&D campaign (Zappo was the name of the party's pet Slivan Dragon, who caused many crisises of laughter in those good old days - think Errol from the "Guards, Guards!" Discworld novel, to get a fair picture of the creature's personality, and add to it a saliva-based breath weapon).

Both are fairly ridiculous things, and I chose it as a nickname so as to have a stark contrast with the cheesy teenager character names the rest of the group used to choose (stuff like Darkstorm Hellsword, or Gorak the Skullsmasher). I like contrast.

The It's Man

Hmm, The "It's..." Man is the only Python persona I can quote by heart ;)

I never planned to post a lot and then only short ones. So I thought this ID would be appropriate. I even created an alt-id on other boards for when I want to write long posts.

Also the one and only book I ever had signed is signed with It's...

Voidrunner's Codex

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