D&D General other possible elements?

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Agree. Definitely equate fire with plasma. Doing that allows the classical 'elements" to map neatly to the states of matter
air-> gas
water -> liquid
earth -> solid
Yeah, and there is even medieval precedence for Fire=plasma, with the alchemical "fire" being the "heavenly fire" of the sun and the "fire that burns fire". Plus, there is the oddity of the "dark fire" that is between the earth and the moon, in other words the plasmasphere.

It is amazing how accurate the medieval world can be with only careful observation and thought experiments.

It is amazing how accurate the medieval world can be with only careful observation and thought experiments.
Exactly, Aristotlean physics works well, because it's built on observation and experiments. However, once you get to "large" scales discrepancies grow. IIRC the main problems arise when you pay close attention to heavenly bodies and artillery. And odd things like octahedrons don't travel faster through air than spheres.

I sort of tried to run a world that ran on this physics model, but most of what would change wouldn't be anything observable on the PC scale. :)

Yeah, and there is even medieval precedence for Fire=plasma, with the alchemical "fire" being the "heavenly fire" of the sun and the "fire that burns fire". Plus, there is the oddity of the "dark fire" that is between the earth and the moon, in other words the plasmasphere.
Have you got a source for this. Google can't find it because wherever it is it's its buried under pages of songs containing lyrics of the general form "...fire that burns. Fire..." where the second "fire" is part of a new sentence

Voidrunner's Codex

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