D&D General other possible elements?

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Mike Gunderloy, back in the day, made a collection of specialty mages for Earth, Water, Light, Dark, Light, Lightning, Crystal, Acid, and Wind as opposed pairs. Acid and Wind were a bit clerical, allowing the creation of "corrupted" and the turning thereof.


Follower of the Way
six is for purity, eight is for wholeness.
Does that mean 48 is for wholesome purity and pure wholesomeness?

Mike Gunderloy, back in the day, made a collection of specialty mages for Earth, Water, Light, Dark, Light, Lightning, Crystal, Acid, and Wind as opposed pairs. Acid and Wind were a bit clerical, allowing the creation of "corrupted" and the turning thereof.
I'm going to assume one of those "Light"s was actually Fire? Edit: Having looked it up, it appears the full list is

"Earth and Sea, Light and Dark, Fire and Ice, Lightning and Crystal, Acid and Wind."


six is for purity, eight is for wholeness.
Six is for spirituality.

Seven is for completion, including both heavens and earth, spirituality and pragmatism, six days of the week plus a day of rest, etcetera.

Eight is for a transcending kind of wholeness − a wholeness that is able to continue entering into the unknown.

I forgot to mention, when distinguishing between Void and Ether, the Void as space-time includes the spacial and temporal movement, but it also includes prescience, knowledge, and awareness of what happens elsewhere and in past and in future.

Void: space-time, divination, teleportation, chronomancy
Ether: force, dunomancy, telekinesis, force constructs, illusion

Void and Ether can still merge as one element, but each aspect comes with a solid theme of D&D capabilities.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Unironically I think an Elemental Planes modeled after all the pokemon types would be fascinating. It even comes with a Feywilde, Shadowfell (Dark-type plane), and Dragon World. Actually, I might explore this more, thanks!
You can read Jim Butcher's fantasy series Codex Alera, that he wrote inspired by Pokemon. Personally I think it's my favorite work of his, and I like the Dresden Files a lot.


A suffusion of yellow
You can read Jim Butcher's fantasy series Codex Alera, that he wrote inspired by Pokemon. Personally I think it's my favorite work of his, and I like the Dresden Files a lot.
19 Types -
Normal, Fire, Water, Ice, Electric, Grass, Ground, Rock, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Fairy, Stellar*

That would be cool to see

In 3e Ravenloft the normal elements of air, water, earth, and fire were twisted into mist, blood, grave, and pyre

Similarly, in White Wolf's Exalted the elements in the Underworld are twisted into ash, blood, bone, pyre flame, and void (edit: source: scroll of fallen races - the dragon kings)
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Because I mainly equate "Fire" with the "plasma" state of matter of the sun, which is the "heavenly fire" sotospeak, I view "Fire" as including Light and Radiant.
Agree. Definitely equate fire with plasma. Doing that allows the classical 'elements" to map neatly to the states of matter
air-> gas
water -> liquid
earth -> solid

Voidrunner's Codex

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