D&D General other possible elements?


if you wish to move a radiation as we know it away from radiation of holy light as the game defines it, might I suggest the first be called atomic damage makes it clear of what it is.
In my games, "Radiant" is literal light, electromagnetic radiation involving photons.

Also, Radiant represents "plasma", the gas-like electrical state of matter, found in the sun, stars, lightning, and cold plasma, including the "dark fire" of the plasmosphere around Earth and the light tubes in the ceilings of kitchens and offices.

water is acid
Water (H20) is neither "acidic" nor "base/alkaline".

Acid is more like "salts", specifically it is a chemical reaction of a molecule or ion, whence an aspect of Earth.

earth has either thunder(earthquakes) or weapon.
I give Lightning-Thunder to Air for thematic reasons, including sky beings in mythology.

cold is not water, cold is not.
I view Cold as the "icy" aspect of Water.

Thematically hot Fire and Cold water are opposites.

elemental absence a vacuum of energy
Vacuum is part of Void.

hence why Ice breath attacks are the least realistic of all damage types even more so that Godzilla's radioactive particle beam.
Magical "cold" is anti-fire.

Linking Water with ice, snow, icestorms, winter, and "coldness" generally is thematically useful.

Water can inflict Weapon damage (but I tend to allocate this to Earth themes).

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
In my games, "Radiant" is literal light, electromagnetic radiation involving photons.

Also, Radiant represents "plasma", the gas-like electrical state of matter, found in the sun, stars, lightning, and cold plasma, including the "dark fire" of the plasmosphere around Earth and the light tubes in the ceilings of kitchens and offices.

Water (H20) is neither "acidic" nor "base/alkaline".

Acid is more like "salts", specifically it is a chemical reaction of a molecule or ion, whence an aspect of Earth.

I give Lightning-Thunder to Air for thematic reasons, including sky beings in mythology.

I view Cold as the "icy" aspect of Water.

Thematically hot Fire and Cold water are opposites.

Vacuum is part of Void.

Magical "cold" is anti-fire.

Linking Water with ice, snow, icestorms, winter, and "coldness" generally is thematically useful.

Water can inflict Weapon damage (but I tend to allocate this to Earth themes).
to say ice is the cold part water is the same as saying rock is the cold part of magma.

to me all elements should feel unbound to human expectations as they are supposed to be far older than us thus feeling strange to deal with.

example ice would not be the overlap of air water but water earth as it is water crystalising turning to a form of rock.

water erodes rock slowly by friction and at several points ph.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
In my games, "Radiant" is literal light, electromagnetic radiation involving photons.
I have made a fundamental conclusion the fifth element is normally of space now I need 8 I have six of the surrounding world and one of space which is rationally and conceptionally the opposite of space, heaven and void as that logically is what number 8 would be the bellow all others


to say ice is the cold part water is the same as saying rock is the cold part of magma.

to me all elements should feel unbound to human expectations as they are supposed to be far older than us thus feeling strange to deal with.

example ice would not be the overlap of air water but water earth as it is water crystalising turning to a form of rock.

water erodes rock slowly by friction and at several points ph.
In Hellenist elementalism:

• Fire = hot + dry
• Air = hot + wet
• Water = cold + wet
• Earth = cold + dry

Not sure if this would be useful, but it might be if thinking about "Cold".

now I need 8 I have six of the surrounding world and one of space which is rationally and conceptionally the opposite of space, heaven and void as that logically is what number 8 would be the bellow all others
So the elements binaries?

Fire : Water
Earth : Air
Wood : Metal
Space : ?

Maybe in the context of Wood versus Metal, the themes can be: "organic" versus "architectural".


they feel lacking in something maybe thematics?
In terms of thematics:

Void = space-time, demiplane, teleportation, chronomancy, Haste, Slow, Time Stop, empty space, outer space

Ether = ethereal plane, border ether, fey ether, shadow ether, force, force damage, gravity, telekinesis, Fly, force construct, Wall of Force, Unseen Servant, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor, quintessence, magical energy, solid illusion, conjuration, dunomancy

Voidrunner's Codex

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