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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


"Roger that Sir - I see him", Delta Six says as he jerks the LAAT's control stick to the right causing the gunship to make a hard bank towards the woods. "Gunner's see if you can lock onto that repulsorlift droid."

Pushing the throttle forward, Six accelerates the craft towards the escaping droid, "Fire when ready".

OOC: Pilot +9

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First Post
Thanks for the math, Ambrus. I was pretty tired the other day. Technically, in normal conditions, you would be right, a Spot check of that magnitude would be pretty impossible to make. Especially at that range. I didn't count X's Hide check though because of the way I remembered the rules on running and hiding at the same time. I'll let it stand for now, as Lun Xan is an NPC character anyway and the Force is strong with him, especially at this moment in his life... ;) As for the other two, Femi and Six, they will be making Spot checks this round to actually find you. Six will get a bonus because of altitude and the sensors on his LAAT, but Femi will have to rely on the Force to help him. As soon as the other two post, I'll post the results and post my rolls, if you'd like. Besides, even if they find you, hitting you with anything is an even bigger hurdle, I think....


OOC: Well, keep in mind that DRK-1X looses its dex bonus while running so its Defense rating has dropped to 16. That along with the LAAT's three blasters, two single and two twin composite-beam lasers, eight anti-aircraft rockets and two mass drivers lessens the chances the LAAT gunners will miss entirely. :eek:

Ka-Femi strides forward a bit, looking across the battlefield towards where Master Xan indicated that a droid was attempting to go for reinforcements. Unsure of his senses, he reaches out through the force for help in spotting the renegade droid.

OOC: Move 10 meters forward and use Enhance Ability +5 to try to increase Wisdom, which in turn will increase his Spot check.


First Post
Callon stood up and shouted to his men.


He surged forward.

(OOC: Run action, in the direction of the outpost. PS: Sorry everybody! I had some final stuff to get ready for graduation and didn't get around to posting.)


First Post
No worries, Galethorn, we were just wondering... I've included the BTS stuff in the Sblock so as to not ruin the story much...

The LAAT spins in midair as its guns search for something near the Communications array, but they do not fire. Delta Six is frustrated as his sensors seem to be getting interference from the Array. No sooner the LAAT turns, a shrieking sound can be heard from beyond the forest as a lone Droid Starfighter appears in view, blasters firing at the LAAT, further disrupting the gunners from getting a lock.

On the ground, another Battle Droid dropped from the combined fire of the Clone Troopers under the Jedi Lun Xan's command and protection. The Droids were too busy fighting the Jedi that had appeared in their midst to pay attention, their blasts echoing off the sides of the buildings they were supposedly guarding.

His lightsaber held at the ready, Ka Femi moved forward. His senses reached further now, with the Force on his side, but he could not find his Master's quarry. A blast came from the side of one of the buildings, too accurate to be a Droid's shot, and narrowly missed hitting one of the Clone Troopers behind him.

A few of the Republic's finest got up and ran towards the Array's buildings, needing to get closer to find another target. On the other side, Callon and his men raced towards the same buildings, rushing to get there before any reinforcements arrived. It was too late they knew now, when the Droid fighter appeared overhead.

The sleek and miniscule droid DRK-1X raced towards the Array, his form now almost invisible from sight completely in the Array's huge shadow. The only response to his queries was more static. In fact, the signal strength had begun to wane in the last few moments before it went out completely.


Delta Six (Init 26) turns the LAAT 90 degrees to the right Pilot check vs. DC10. Pilot roll: 18+9=27. As the LAAT's sensors have DRK-1X in arc, Six gets a Sensors check (Computer Use) vs. DC22 (Range 31 squares, Diminuitive Target). Computer Use roll: 1(-10)+3+4+4=1. The gunners, unable to find the target lock, do not fire.

Droid Starfighter (Init 25) appears at the edge of the battlefield from the South (top of the map). Fires Laser Cannons for effect. (Can't hit at this range.)

Callon (Init 22) surges forward. It takes a move action to stand from prone and then you can move at 10 meters...

Ka-Femi (Init 18) Moves forward 10 meters and uses Enhance Senses. Roll: 12+5=17. Bonus of +4 to All Sense rolls for the next 10 minutes. Loses 3 Vitality Points to pay for Force Ability. 18VP remaining. Spot check to see fleeing droid vs. DC57 (Range 160 meters, Hiding and Running Droid, in Combat). Spot roll: 16+3+4+4=27 (Enhance Senses, Wis bonus and bonus from Lun Xan).

Miran (Init 14) maintains the Illusion, using another 5 vitality, 13VP remaining. The Battle Droids get to make a Will save vs. DC14 as they are interacting with it. Will roll: 6-1=5.

Raek (Init 10) stops and fires on a Clonetrooper from around the corner of his hiding place. Attack roll: 15+5-4 (range 80 meters)=16 vs. Def 17 (prone).

Callon's Soldiers (Init 9) follow Callon in his charge, rising and moving forward 10 meters.

DRK-1X (Init 7) Runs forward 64 meters and takes 10 on Hide roll for total of 12 (10+22-20). Continues monitoring battle situation.

The Clone Troopers (Init 7) continue firing. They target individual Battle Droids as they are able. #1 Attack roll: 16+6-6=16 vs. Def13. Damage: 10. Droid #3 has 10WP remaining. #2 Attack roll: 16+6-6=16 vs. Def 13. Damage: 5. Droid #3 has 5 WP remaining. #3 Attack roll: 4+6-6=4 vs. Def 13. #4, 5, 6 stand from prone to move ahead 10 meters to close with the Battle Droids and drop prone. Sergeant Attack roll: 11+9-6=14 vs. Def 13. Damage: 5. Droid #3 is destroyed. Sergeant Attack roll 2: 14+4-6=12 vs. Def 13.

Lun Xan (Init 6) maintains Enhance Ability (+6 to Dex), loses 3 Vitality points. At 90 VP remaining. Moves behind Clone Troopers to help defend them. Takes Total Defense Action to keep Defense at 26.

Super Battle Droids continue firing at Illusion. Rolling will not matter, as they will hit nothing.

Round 4 actions...


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The diminutive black probe droid continues its headlong rush towards cover while continuing to watch the battle unfold and listening to its comlink for any response from its silent mistress.

OOC: Very impressive account of the battle Shadow. Just to be clear though, my intention was for DRK-1X to run diagonally south-west behind the base of the communication array to circumvent the battle (check my previous post when I first started running). As you have me on the map now, I'd have to cross in front of the array and directly into the line of fire to traverse the battlefield. I'd really rather not have to do that. DRK-1X will continue its full run action (64 meters) while continuing to hide (Hide +22, -20 for running and taking 10), hopefully arriving behind the array (on the western side) at the end of the round.


First Post
That's fine, I can edit that easily enough. I'll just mark on the map the distance 'off-map' that DRK-1X is in the next round's post. By my calculations, currently that means you should be 11 squares to the right of the map from your original position, and 11 squares towards the top of the map from your original position, after moving 16 diagonal squares. That's after some cobwebby Pythagorean math. Just so as everyone knows, the main array itself, the big building you can just see the tip of on the map, is a 60 meter square thing. The gray area surrounding it is a walkway (like a sidewalk).

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