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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


Delta Six cues his helmet mic: "General Lun Xan - I read no other droid signals between here and the command center."

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shadowbloodmoon said:
Nephtys, there are plenty of other things you could accomplish from your position without taking a direct hand in the battle...

ooc: Perhaps...


A shadow passes trough her mind, even as she finally finds a way to make herself useful. A superstitious chill moves down her spine, but she pushes the feeling away. Time enough for that later, this was more urgent than fairytales about the Sith.
Concentrating, she tries to create an Illusion in the midst of the Droids. An illusion of a Jedi she once saw from afar, a cloaked figure with a glowing green light-sabre dodging and weaving trough the fire of their guns. Perhaps, she thinks, they will target the enemy in their midst and, their blasts meeting no resistance, thereby hit eachothers.

"Master, we have to protect the troops!" Ka-Femi yelled over the sound of the battle. He started moving forward, keeping his lightsaber up and moving, deflecting any stray blaster bolts that get close enough to matter. He looks back, hoping that Master Xan is following. His intention is to get close to the remaining seven clone troopers, close enough to maybe be able to help prevent another of them from going down under the heavy fire being rained down on them.

Captain Tagon

First Post
The Jedi are moving up, that could be good or bad. Hopefully they can survive long enough for me to get to them. Raek continues to move foward steathily to get to at the back of the Clonetroopers.


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The battle had barely begun and already casualties mounted on all sides. The Jedi Master hastily replied to his Clone Pilot, "Six, can you confirm that? I'm seeing another droid trying to make a getaway. See if you can help Femi catch it before it brings reinforcements." As if to illustrate his point, a small black ball streaks out of the woods into the plains. It looks as though it is headed towards the woods on the other side of the Battle Droids. "Femi, get that droid!" The Jedi Master then moves into the midst of his clones and concentrates before joining the fight once again, his blue lightsaber held in front of him.

The soldier Callon and his men rose again and surged forward, some being dropped by the random fire of the Battle Droids, getting into another firing position even closer to the dwindling droids, even as the droids themselves were adjusting to a new threat, another Jedi had appeared in their midst. This one was reckless as he slashed with his emerald bladed lightsaber to and fro, not caring about the random red bolts that should have seered him.

The seven Clone troopers took the opportunity provided by the distraction to cut down one of the droids with their own blue beams of destruction. Inching ever closer to them is Raek, the Bothan commando. Though he has remained unseen for most of the battle, he realizes that in order to get behind the Clone Troopers, he will have to go into the open past the buildings he has been using for cover.

Speeding away as quickly as he can, DRK-1X makes a quick scan of the area. The nearest group is 140 meters from him. He counts 3 remaining of the Super Battle Droids in that location. He also counts nine organics clustered 90 meters from that group with two of them wielding lightsabers, another seven organics clustered 140 meters from the Battle Droids. Also scattered about are two other lifesigns, one still 200 meters from the Battle Droids and the other is 82 meters from the larger group of organics. In the air is the Republic LAAT with 4 organics aboard. As you finish your scan, a transmission interrupts your flight. "Ex... hear me... Ex... tunnel... running... collapsed... codes... transmitted... core mem..." The transmission goes silent, but there is a packet of data that was transmitted on a subsignal to his central node.

Miran's Illusion check =14. All except the Battle Droids and the Insurgents with Callon saved. Miran loses 5 VPs for using this this power. Callon would only be able to move 4 meters with a full round crawl, so went with rising and moving forward. All of you can use the range numbers I gave above for your measurements for the battle. If I get a chance I will try to draw up a map with my rather shoddy artwork on Dundjinni... Okay map added. It is smaller than I intended, but I had to edit it so it would upload. You may have to zoom in... I'm sure you can figure out where you are, so I won't explain that. The big gray thing is a part of the actual Communications dish. Remember that about a kilometer behind that is the Command Center and the battle there. Oh, and the scale is 4m per square.


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Cognitive Processing
Datum: Mistress Dofina is alive
Datum: Mistress Dofina is unable to transmit clearly due to unexplained equipment difficulties.
Datum: Encoded data packet received.
Proposition: Mistress Dofina's escape tunnel may be blocked by collapse.
Proposition: Mistress Dofina may be unable to reach hangar bay 17B to successfully escape Taris with DRK-1X.
Proposition: Data packet may contain new orders that supersede previous orders.
Heuristic Node: DRK-1X must reach secure location to begin processing data decryption algorithm.
Algorithmic Node: Must confirm most current orders if possible.
Emotive Node: Anxiety 32.2%; Uncertainty 25.9%; Excitement 23.5%; Determination 13.4%; Frustration 5%
Priority Hierarchy established
Uploading data to transmission buffer 37D-0
Transmitting inquiry (encrypted channel #782364B)
Awaiting reply (encrypted channel #782364B)

DRK-1X continues to stealthily skim the planet's surface at the highest speed its repulsorlift engine can propel it while heading for cover behind the towering communications array. (full run action, 64 meters, Hide +22 -20 run penalty) As it continues to track the progress of the battle, the diminutive probe droid urgently transmits a response to its mistress: "Report: data received. Audio message incomplete. Request: Please repeat previous audio message."
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First Post
OOC: Ambrus, let's see. Firstly, you are actually the spot down in that corner. Technically it's an 'X', but like I said, it's not the greatest of maps. The map is oriented so North is at the bottom. I suppose I should have put that on there... As far as the Spot goes, it would only be that high if you were Hiding. Last round you took a run action and that either 1.) makes it impossible to Hide, or 2.) Assesses a large penalty to your Hide maneuver. I went with the first one, but it wouldn't have mattered, since the Jedi Master had rolled a Natural 20 to Spot you. He then proceeded to point you out, which will give others a +4 circumstance bonus to their Spot checks to find you.

That being said, I'm not sure how DRK-1X would know that he was spotted other than a change in the plans of the other combatants, for instance if in the next round some of them head in your direction and not towards the Battle Droids. If someone had used a rangefinder or somesuch, I'd probably give you a check to detect the emissions of those, but in this case, it was the luck of the Force...

The information packet would take some time to decode, as it was sent directly to your central processing core. At first glance, it seems to be a random series of numbers...

I think that covers it. I'm just finishing a double shift and I have to be at it again in three hours... I'll take a look when I geta chance later to double check my math on those Spot checks. Especially since it was getting fairly dark.


OOC: The map is good and I'm grateful for your effort in providing one; it's more than I expected. It *was* my intention to do my best to hide while running (and suffering the -20 to the check). It's what I meant when I said "trying best to remain low to the ground and unseen ". I'm sorry, I should have been clearer in stating my intentions. Also, in my asking whether DRK-1X was aware that it'd been spotted, I wasn't sure whether you'd meant for Lun Xan's words to have carried to everyone on the battlefield or only Delta Six and Femi. That I'm not aware of it though is fine, it means I don't have to do anything about it yet. Just as a suggestion; you might as well roll spot checks for those in the know (Delta and Femi) and then reveal the results so that Toric and Melkor can respond to the Jedi Master's instructions appropriately.

As for Lun Xan's Spot check, now knowing my position on the map, I count 180 meters of distance (45 squares when counting diagonally) between him and DRK-1X. So by my math the DC of the check is +45 for distance, +22 for 1X's hide skill, +10 if 1X can take 10, -20 for 1X's run action, +5 for Lun Xan being in combat, which makes for a Spot DC of 62 (assuming he's not using binoculars). You can add or subtract any modifiers for the lighting conditions. I don't know what his Spot bonus is. If he made the check, that's cool; the force is strong with him.
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Captain Tagon

First Post
Realizing he can get no closer Raek stops at the edge of a building. Here is where I have to hope I'm good enough to do this. Please don't let the faith my people have in me prove misplaced. With that he takes careful aim and fires a shot at the nearest Clonetrooper.

OOC: Attack = +5 Damage = 3d8

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