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Outcasts Forever: Issue #1 - Red America

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Arani Korden

First Post
Hank silently padded through the familiar hallways and into the main dining room. Once there, he scanned the chairs carefully; thanks to the simian curve of his spine, normal furniture was often quite uncomfortable.

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I aim to misbehave
Beast, Sandman . . . the first meeting

Main Dining Hall - First Floor
Avengers Mansion

Beast said:
Hank silently padded through the familiar hallways and into the main dining room. Once there, he scanned the chairs carefully; thanks to the simian curve of his spine, normal furniture was often quite uncomfortable.

From the main conference area, Hank could clearly see that the other door was being held open by the butler, Jarvis. Standing in the dining hall but facing toward the opposite door way a man. Brown hair, brown eyes, standing about 6'2" and 240 pounds, the man wore jeans and a green long-sleeve knit shirt. Hank heard only the last bit of Jarvis's comments . . .

Jarvis said:
“I’m certain one of the others will be able to explain much better than I about the Avengers. I am just a butler, Master Flint."

Out of the corner of his eye, Hank did spot the special chair built (by him) from him sitting in the corner of the dining hall.

OOC: Beast, Sandman


I aim to misbehave
70th Street Curb
New York, New York

Captain America had hoped to avoid the media crowd by being dropped off by taxi at the delivery entrance to the Mansion. Surprisingly, there weren’t any vans or trucks or random satellite dishes or paparazzi filling the streets.

He paid the driver, smiled and grabbed his duffel bag and large suitcase, exiting the taxi. Cap walked up the side entrance ramp, then paused. He wasn’t certain whether he wanted to be in uniform when he entered or not. Glancing around, he noticed the alley was quite empty . . .

OOC: Captain America

kid A

First Post

First Floor - Main Dining Hall
Avengers Mansion
New York, New York

Originally posted by Jarvis
Continuing aloud, Jarvis added, “I’m certain one of the others will be able to explain much better than I about the Avengers. I am just a butler, Master Flint.”

With an odd look, Flint simply replied, "Alright. Thanks Jarvis." With that, he turned back toward the dining room, noticing the large, blue-furred Beast standing just inside another doorway. Flint stared for a moment, confused. "Hey... aren't you Henry McCoy? You're one o' that Charles Xavier's kids, ain't ya? One o' his X-Men?"
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First Post
Vision - elevator shaft

Keia said:
He paused on the second floor briefly (still in the elevator), he and Wanda had had adjoining rooms just down the hall from here . . .

The meeting was scheduled to begin in five minutes.

With five minutes left he had a 96.58% probability of making it down to the dining hall before the start of the meeting, even with adding a short detour, that was well within exceptable parameters.

Nodding slightly to himeself, Vision phases through the elevator doors and out into the second floor hallway and approaches his and Wanda's old rooms


Rogue Warrior
Captain America

He handed the cab driver a $20 and thanked him for the ride. The cab driver grunted and took his money. As he took it, he noticed the red gloved hand sticking out from the sleeve of the trench coat. "Youse supposed to be a super hero or somethin', buddy?"

He just smiled back. His big all-American smile. "No sir. I'm just a guy, like everybody else."

"Hmmmpf. Buncha loonies in this town."

"Drive safe, sir," he yelled as the cab pulled away. He loved that part. The part where he could just blend in and be like everyone else. He didn't use his secret identity for much, but it was nice to fall back on every now and then. Looks like I didn't have to worry about the press, after all. Must be getting the team together and making the announcement in the morning.

Time to be Captain America. No telling who is inside but they always enjoy seeing the uniform. With that, he pulled his mask on, slid the strap to his old, army duffel bag over his shoulder, grabbed his suitcase and headed into Avengers Mansion, once again.
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I aim to misbehave
The Vision

Avengers Mansion – 2nd Floor
New York, New York

The Vision glided through the door of the elevator shaft onto the second floor of the mansion. Immediately to his left were the adjoining rooms of Henry and Janet Pym (Yellow Jacket and Wasp), but there were new names on the doors today. In the past, name plates weren’t necessary – obviously those times have changed. The current plates read Binary and next door, Falcon.

The Vision had heard of Falcon, Captain America’s old partner, but had no record of Binary. Searching through his memory (and extensive database), the name Binary does not register. Turning in the opposite direction from the doors, on the right were the Vision’s and Wanda’s rooms. Only one nameplate was there . . . his own. Vision glided through the door . . .

The room was rather spartan, with everything covering with white sheets. A note on the bed . . .

Master Vision, personal items not taken after you left have been stored in the sub-basement level two. I didn’t want the authorities to confiscate your possessions after the ‘incident’. Signed Jarvis

OOC: Vision


I aim to misbehave
Captain America

Avengers Mansion - Delivery Room
New York, New York

Leaning into the speaker, Captain America said, “Captain America, security code #########.”

“Identified. Welcome to Avengers Mansion, Captain America. Perimeter will be re-established in . . . five seconds,” a female computerized voice replied. The was unusual to Cap, but not unexpected. Anthony Stark was frequently making upgrades to the Mansion for the Avengers benefit. Usually it was Jarvis or one of the other Avengers granting clearance.

The door clicked open and a beeping timer could be heard nearby. Stepping quickly through and closing the door tightly, Cap looked around the room. The was the deliver room – shelves and storage space covered most of the available walls. A large wooden crate stood in the corner of the room, perhaps three to four feet on a side.

The kitchen lay to the right of the delivery room, with Jarvis’ quarters nearby on the left. Peeking in the kitchen, it looked as though Jarvis had been busy . . . several plates of sandwiches and glassware full of ice was on hand and ready to be delivered.

The gallery was ahead down the hallway. From there, Cap could enter the main dining hall, where the meeting was to begin, either through the door to the foyer or through the public conference area.

OOC: Captain America

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Avengers Mansion - Front Door

The Falcon taps his foot, looks left and right.

Must be busy in there, or else this place is bigger than it looks.

He rings the doorbell again, and looks at Redwing. The bird actually shrugs its shoulders, one of the human mannerisms it'd picked up.
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I aim to misbehave
The Falcon (and Redwing)

First Floor - Foyer
Avengers Mansion
New York, New York

narrator said:
With an odd look, Flint simply replied, "Alright. Thanks Jarvis.”

Jarvis partially closed the door behind him as Master Flint entered the dining hall. ‘As usual, everyone is here at once,’ Jarvis thought. As he hustled across the foyer, Jarvis tugged on his vest making certain everything was in place. At the side of the foyer, he glanced at the security monitors. The perimeter defenses were currently active, but were ignoring Falcon and his avian companion for the moment.

Jarvis nodded to himself with pride – only minutes before Master Flint had arrived, he had programmed the defenses to ignore a flying male with avian companion – just on the off chance that Falcon would enter the yard first without checking at the gate.

He moved to the door as the bell rang again. Quickly sliding Master Flint’s duffel bag to the closet, Jarvis opened the door in time to see what appeared to be the avian shrug its shoulders . . . which it obviously wasn’t doing.

“Greetings, Master Falcon . . . and Redwing is it? You are expected, sirs” Jarvis said in a clipped British accent. “I do so apologize for the delay, sir. Would you come in. The meeting is expected to start in the main dining hall in a few minutes. If you would leave your bags, I will see them delivered to your room.”

OOC: The Falcon

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