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jcayer said:
Someone commented on how they'd go into maintenance mode after the first round. That's up to you, but I saw some substantial improvements the second time around.
That's me. My daily schedule just can't support 1.5 hours a day for 6 days a week over an extended period. I'm squeezing in my workouts as it is, at the cost of squeezing out other stuff I want/need to do.

I had to give up game nights with my friends during this 90 day regimen.

I think I can manage 3-4 days a week for the rest of my life, though. So this first round can get me where I want to be, and the maintenance can keep me there.

I do mine first thing in the morning and that means getting up between 4:30 and 5:00.
I do my workouts in the evening after the kids are in bed.

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First Post
The 1.25-1.5 hours a day is a tough commitment, so you need to work it into your life.

That's me. My daily schedule just can't support 1.5 hours a day for 6 days a week over an extended period. I'm squeezing in my workouts as it is, at the cost of squeezing out other stuff I want/need to do.

I agree with you both.
That's why I modified the program and combined it with other things. On some days I can afford the time for P90X as it normally is, sometimes I only have time to hit a baseball or play some soccer or lift weights, and sometimes I can only do the 10 Minute Trainer.

It just depends on the other things I have to accomplish. It's an excellent program but very time intensive when you also consider recuperation time. So i just mixed it with other things and modified it so that I can afford to run it without eating into my other activities.


Congrats and welcome to the P90x Graduate club. I've done 2 rounds and just finished my first round of Insanity...I'll be going back to P90x.

Don't even consider beating yourself up about the diet. Weightloss is 90% diet. If you finished, which not everyone does, you are in far better shape than most people out there. I've been working out like a madman for 8 months, and I'm not close to a 6 pack. You need to follow that diet to a T. which is extremely hard.

Stand up tall and proud. Now go start another round.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my Fitness Blog, in case, anyone wants to follow a round of P90x.


First Post
Congrats Bullgrit. I finished my first round about 6 weeks ago. Going for round 2 starting on monday. The diet is the hardest part. P90X is a fun program(well except for the yoga).



Thanks guys. It's good to see there are guys who reject the stereotype of the fat/skinny, out of shape gamer geek. :)

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I can tell you I didn't start to appreciate yoga until my second time through. It's hard, I admit that, but something P90x does that no other workout program does is work on all three parts of Fitness. Strength and Cardio being what most people concentrate on. But flexibility is the third component, usually ignored, but as I age, all the more critical.
I will agree, that it is too darn long. 1.5 hours is just hard to fit in, especially since I go it first thing in the morning before work.
Good luck on round 2.


First Post
The thing about weight-loss is that it's generally a change in life-style. A change in diet is only useful if it's maintained.

This P90x program sounds pretty good.

I follow the Warrior Workout and diet as dictated by Ross Enamait. It means a high carb/high protein/low fat and sugar diet combined with intense and aerobic exercise.
It was tough at first but after two weeks I felt my body getting stronger.
Recommended if you do any kind of martial arts or other sports which require explosive power.


Evilusion said:
P90X is a fun program(well except for the yoga).
jcayer said:
I can tell you I didn't start to appreciate yoga until my second time through. It's hard, I admit that, but something P90x does that no other workout program does is work on all three parts of Fitness. Strength and Cardio being what most people concentrate on. But flexibility is the third component, usually ignored, but as I age, all the more critical.
I will agree, that it is too darn long. 1.5 hours is just hard to fit in, especially since I go it first thing in the morning before work.
The Yoga part was my least favorite, too -- I came to actively dislike it.

For me, it was a combination of repetitive, repetitive, repetitive movements over so long a time, and how the movements often turned me away from facing the TV so I couldn't see what I was supposed to be doing. The facing issue is what finally made me substitute a Core Synergistics or Cardio X workout in place of the Yoga X.

I'd start in a position to see the TV screen, and after a few twists and turns, I'd be facing away from the TV. I'd have to come out of the balancing stance to look back at the TV to see the next movement. Then at a good break point, I'd adjust my position in front of the TV so that twisting wouldn't take my eyes away from the TV, but then the new exercise would have me twisting in the opposite direction. It got frustrating.

The actual yoga wasn't bad -- I liked the idea of building my flexibility. But the repetitiveness, the not being able to see the TV instruction half the time, and the 1.5 hours of it all just worked to kill the whole "relaxation" mood yoga seems to be built on.



Joker said:
Warrior Workout . . .
It was tough at first but after two weeks I felt my body getting stronger.
That is a wonderful feeling, isn't it. The intensity of these regimens makes it a hard first hurdle, but man, when you can actually feel your body improving in just a couple of weeks, that's way cool.


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