D&D (2024) Pact Of Chain Warlock is really powerful now.


You used AL. I'm saying it's not a good example as it's only applicable in AL.
Yes I quoted AL immediately before the words "I cite the ALDMG because A: we don't have the 2024 DMG & B: I've not seen or heard any indication that the 2024 DMG has a return of WBL or this bizarre litrpg system driven style shredder box driven Wealth by session." did you respond before reading the line below the spoiler where I explained why I cited it?

If you've got some details on the 2024 dmg that I haven't seen go ahead and share :D
10gp won't matter for to long but it may at level 1-3. There's not that much loot in DoSI for example.
Here's where I think trying to use that 10gp to limit the familiar would blow back on the gm at those levels. That might change down the road depending on how the 100gp starting funds & other 2024 stuff plays out, but at the table I think that trying to be strict enough for it to matter would come off looking like bob can't use his class feature because the GM is being obsessive with tracking every last copper in a game that (so far) still assumes no treasure fueled magic item churn or even magic items in general.

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Yes I quoted AL immediately before the words "I cite the ALDMG because A: we don't have the 2024 DMG & B: I've not seen or heard any indication that the 2024 DMG has a return of WBL or this bizarre litrpg system driven style shredder box driven Wealth by session." did you respond before reading the line below the spoiler where I explained why I cited it?

If you've got some details on the 2024 dmg that I haven't seen go ahead and share :D

Here's where I think trying to use that 10gp to limit the familiar would blow back on the gm at those levels. That might change down the road depending on how the 100gp starting funds & other 2024 stuff plays out, but at the table I think that trying to be strict enough for it to matter would come off looking like bob can't use his class feature because the GM is being obsessive with tracking every last copper in a game that (so far) still assumes no treasure fueled magic item churn or even magic items in general.

Means you should be careful with your pet. That's the problem with pet classes. White room DPR vs pet dying.


how much is worth to heal 20+ HP with potions or scrolls?

pet is worth just to tank that amount of damage for 10GP.
even if sent to trigger a nasty trap.

To many variables eg pet dies in AoE. Healing similar thing. Pets tanking damage is theoretically good but they can also get in the way and be useless (10' corridor).

Chain locks really good at low levels though.


Here's where I think trying to use that 10gp to limit the familiar would blow back on the gm at those levels. That might change down the road depending on how the 100gp starting funds & other 2024 stuff plays out, but at the table I think that trying to be strict enough for it to matter would come off looking like bob can't use his class feature because the GM is being obsessive with tracking every last copper in a game that (so far) still assumes no treasure fueled magic item churn or even magic items in general.
This is hyperbole; there is a fair amount of space between a DM enforcing material component costs and "tracking every last copper in a game." Material component costs are a balancing feature that are there for a reason; it's not punishing players to require a caster to acquire them. Securing a pearl for casting identify is often a preoccupation of a starting wizard, for example, as most L1 characters aren't going to have enough wealth to make that purchase.

I don't see that forcing a warlock to buy some incense as preventing them from using their class feature; however, it might keep them from spamming their familiar and sending it repeatedly into a dungeon to grind away encounters. If the player still wants to try that tactic, knowing the cost, more power to them.


This is hyperbole; there is a fair amount of space between a DM enforcing material component costs and "tracking every last copper in a game." Material component costs are a balancing feature that are there for a reason; it's not punishing players to require a caster to acquire them. Securing a pearl for casting identify is often a preoccupation of a starting wizard, for example, as most L1 characters aren't going to have enough wealth to make that purchase.

I don't see that forcing a warlock to buy some incense as preventing them from using their class feature; however, it might keep them from spamming their familiar and sending it repeatedly into a dungeon to grind away encounters. If the player still wants to try that tactic, knowing the cost, more power to them.
There is absolutely a wide ocean of space between those two positions, but we are talking about a 10gp component. Players aren't going to start feeling a pinch from a 10gp ritual spell that lasts until the summoned creature is killed until the GM is pushing well towards the tracking every last copper end of the scale or restricting treasure to the point that it very much appears that is expected


Means you should be careful with your pet. That's the problem with pet classes. White room DPR vs pet dying.

So a couple points here.

At level 1-2 an Imp or Quasit is more durable than a PC, a lot more durable when you consider it can attack on your turn AND then go invisible on its turn every round.

So while a dead familiar at level 1 or 2 might be a money problem, if the Familiar dies, the attacks it took to kill the familiar would have almost certainly downed the PC or another party member.

At higher levels with Investment of the Chain Master you (the PC) can take a reaction to give it resistance to damage, making an Imp or Quasit still pretty durable and the 10gp of incense is not very significant all things considered.

The biggest difference in dying is the action cast. A Familiar dying during a dungeon crawl in 2014 was pretty significant, requiring an hour to get it back. Now as long as you have the incense you get it back right away.

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