• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 4E Paizo and 4e - Vive le Revolution!


Maggan said:
Of course not.

I have a sneaky suspicion that this thread is under the "moving of the goal-posts" curse.

The OP talked about the revolution. A revolution is not "hurting" the dominating brand. It's toppling it, replacing it, out-doing it.

Aint gonna happen even if Paizo release 3.75. That's all I'm saying.


There is always fools who think that smaller companies will topple the giants. Never going to happen.

What has, and will happen, however, is the little fish force the giants to get off their rear and begin with innovations. Its happened before, it'll happen again.

L5R CCG forced magic the gathering to change a bit.

GW is begininng to change, and is forced to by its competition, their losing customers and sales. They cant be complacient.

And many of the 3rd parties items have influenced what looks like 4e. I'm not sure I like the change, but I can see other influences....

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Gundark said:
I suspect they've been play-testing for quite some time. They've been developing since 2005. The playtest reports we're reading from WotC doesn't mean that they're the FIRST bit of playtesting that they've done in house.

Show me.

Show me something that says they've been working on it since 2005.


Gundark said:
I think your comparison is flawed. Comparing GW to WotC is a bad analogy. I say this due to the general philosophy difference detween companies, and they way they interact with fans (I havn't seen a GW developer post in a forum or mailing list for quite some time). The level of care I've seen from WotC is FAR above that I've seen from GW for quite some time.

No its not. Notice I preferenced with outside boneheaded decsions?

Yes Wotc is better with its fans than GW. Hell rabid monkeys are better to interact with than GW.

but the principle of smaller companies that will take a chunk of money away from the bigger company. GW has its fish, WotC has its set of fish. The idea is still correct.


First Post
JVisgaitis said:
Um, for who? If that situation would ever occur your looking at the RPG market apocalypse. I hope you like Wow if this is what your hoping for...

The sooner D&D passes from WotC hands into more capable hands the better. WotC folks are seemingly the WoW generation, not me.


First Post
Nellisir said:
Hardly a fair comparison, since WotC intentionally got out of the adventure business for a number of years. It might also be worth noting that nearly all the "best" adventures came from only two companies, Necromancer and Goodman Games.

I'll grant that 'best' is a qualitative statement based upon a matter of taste. That said, no company other than WotC has more 3x adventures than Paradigm Concepts.

The Little Raven

First Post
Sunderstone said:
The sooner D&D passes from WotC hands into more capable hands the better. WotC folks are seemingly the WoW generation, not me.

I think a company that is attempting to grow the game and appeal to new players (WotC) is a better choice than most other companies, since most other companies would be too scared to try anything new and would keep D&D in the mold of a game made 30 years ago, because sacred cows are too scary to slaughter. WotC has the financial wherewithal to experiment and expand the game beyond what it was before. Smaller companies, honestly, don't really have that luxury, since they need to guarantee that the product will sell.
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First Post
Sunderstone said:
The sooner D&D passes from WotC hands into more capable hands the better. WotC folks are seemingly the WoW generation, not me.

Why would WOTC ever let the D&D brand go? Even without the RPG it's associated IP will be a real money maker for them in video games, books, and who knows maybe a half decent movie.

Although I can see them canceling the RPG line I don't see the bean counters ever letting go of the IP. Unless some crazy rich benefactor decides to buy it away with an obscene (compared to the brands actual worth) amount of money. I can't imagine any existing RPG company has enough money to buy up the D&D IP.

Although I guess if I squint hard enough I could imagine them licensing it out temporarily. But the problem with that scenario is that WOTC would still maintain creative control (like every other licensor of IP) so whoever picked it up would really have their hands tied.


Registered User
Sunderstone said:
The sooner D&D passes from WotC hands into more capable hands the better. WotC folks are seemingly the WoW generation, not me.

I don't agree with everything they do, or with every decision they've made. Not by a long shot. But Wizards saved D&D from oblivion at the hands of a company that was spinning itself bankrupt, because it couldn't get past old thinking and evolve. For that, they deserve an enormous amount of credit.

There is no evidence that passing the brand to another company would allow it to do better than it has over the past ten years; years I might add in which sales have gone up, the number of players has increased, organized play has exploded, etc., etc., etc.

Now of course, I'm going to be labelled a fanboy, or an apologist. So be it, I would rather err on the side of giving the people who make the game I love the benefit of the doubt, than to live in spite.


Rechan said:
If anything, D&D is an MMO by inception.

Go kill monsters to get xp to get loot and level up so you can kill more monsters to get XP and loot to kill more monsters...

I'm not sure how this is different from any other rpg? I think it's acurate to say that MMOs are D&Dish
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