Paizo Paizo PDF rulebook price increases?


Its been a while for me but I just went onto Paizo to pick up some later alien archive PDFs for Starfinder and the price on them has doubled from $10 to $20. I see this happened for the PF2e rulebooks going from $15 to $20 and for the 1e PF rule books all going from $10 to $20 as well.

When did this happen?

It was discouraging enough I didn't buy the alien archive PDFs I had planned to. I will just stick to the free online SRD/Nepthys archive stuff for now and the two volumes of the archives I have.

I thought the free SRD and cheap rules PDFs were a great combo, I bought a lot of PF1e big hardcover rulebooks as PDFs from Paizo.

I am running 5e now as my system, though I am doing a conversion of Iron Gods in 5e. I was mostly looking for some additional good flavor and inspiration stuff from Paizo stuff at this point as it is no longer the rules set I am running things in.

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Its been a while for me but I just went onto Paizo to pick up some later alien archive PDFs for Starfinder and the price on them has doubled from $10 to $20. I see this happened for the PF2e rulebooks going from $15 to $20 and for the 1e PF rule books all going from $10 to $20 as well.

When did this happen?
Pathfinder 2 rule books started at $15, and both they and Starfinder rule books went up to $20 on November 1st.


It's hard to pay people when your primary seller is way cheaper than it should be given general book prices. Note that Staffan's link goes to a general restructuring of prices - several things got a little more expensive, yeah, but a lot got way cheaper - 30 bucks slashed off the bestiary abttle cards, for example.

But also that Starfinder rulebooks were ever 10 bucks is insane. I was just straight shocked to discover that.


Since I've become an unashamed fanboy of Savage Worlds Pathfinder, I was thinking about picking up the Iron Gods AP for conversion. But Holy Macaroni those old Paizo PDFs are expensive! I can get a current popular system core book from DriveThru for the same price as one part of the old Paizo AP. So no conversion for me.


Since I've become an unashamed fanboy of Savage Worlds Pathfinder, I was thinking about picking up the Iron Gods AP for conversion. But Holy Macaroni those old Paizo PDFs are expensive! I can get a current popular system core book from DriveThru for the same price as one part of the old Paizo AP. So no conversion for me.
Watch for Humble Bundle, Paizo sometimes do deals there (though now usually for Starfinder and PF2e) and I got all the Iron Gods PDFs plus a ton of core Pathfinder stuff (a lot of which I had already gotten from Paizo) and the Fantasy Grounds counterparts there in one of their Paizo Fantasy Grounds dual bundles for something like $25.
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It's hard to pay people when your primary seller is way cheaper than it should be given general book prices.

It worked for them for years and years since Pathfinder came out. I know I bought a lot of Pathfinder and Starfinder PDFs I would not have bought at higher prices.

They seemed to have a couple strategies going on at once. The core rule books content was out for free for use and the PDFs were cheap. This enticed a number of people to use the system and to buy convenient PDFs. Hardcovers in print were expensive but could be useful at the table, so there was a bigger payoff.

Adventure and setting PDFs were expensive, in part to drive people to buy the physical product. This was stuff that could not be replicated in large part under the OGL and legally just posted for free by fans with their own copy.

Paizo also made the expensive adventure/setting PDFs basically free bonuses if you signed up for their print subscription, which was a big consistent money maker for them, particularly with regular adventure path stuff coming out each month.

The adventure path money maker was supported by people having free and cheap access to electronic sets of rule and character and monster expansion materials.

It worked for me, I have a number of Pathfinder adventure paths that I got by subscription until I basically decided to stop buying new print stuff for myself.

Note that Staffan's link goes to a general restructuring of prices - several things got a little more expensive, yeah, but a lot got way cheaper - 30 bucks slashed off the bestiary abttle cards, for example.

But also that Starfinder rulebooks were ever 10 bucks is insane. I was just straight shocked to discover that.
Starfinder did a similar pattern to Pathfinder. Free and cheap rules material online, expensive hardcovers for rules and expensive electronic adventure stuff to drive towards a print subscription.

Now they still have the free srd material but the incentives to pick up a PDF of the big rulebooks is cut down by doubling the price.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
It's hard to pay people when your primary seller is way cheaper than it should be given general book prices. Note that Staffan's link goes to a general restructuring of prices - several things got a little more expensive, yeah, but a lot got way cheaper - 30 bucks slashed off the bestiary abttle cards, for example.

But also that Starfinder rulebooks were ever 10 bucks is insane. I was just straight shocked to discover that.
It was the same with the PF1 core books as well. It was part of their sales strategy. Not only would it help encourage people to get invested in the game and buy the APs, but it was also to deal with PDF piracy - make them cheap enough that it's easy to do the right thing and buy them rather than seek them out for free.

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