Paizo Paizo PDF rulebook price increases?


$20 is a very reasonable price for a 600 page rule book.

Its just not one I am willing to pay right now for what they are offering while I was willing to pay $10 each for the next two of their 160 page(?) alien archives PDFs. Alien Archive 2 which I previously bought is 160 pages, I can't seem to find a page listing for 3 or 4.

Before they were a really great deal which I used to refer people to. That evaluation has changed with the doubling of the PDF prices.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member

Its just not one I am willing to pay right now for what they are offering while I was willing to pay $10 each for the next two of their 160 page(?) alien archives PDFs. Alien Archive 2 which I previously bought is 160 pages, I can't seem to find a page listing for 3 or 4.

Before they were a really great deal which I used to refer people to. That evaluation has changed with the doubling of the PDF prices.


it was also to deal with PDF piracy - make them cheap enough that it's easy to do the right thing and buy them rather than seek them out for free.
Given the existence of things like AoN, there is basically no reason to pirate any of the Pathfinder rules.
Its just not one I am willing to pay right now for what they are offering while I was willing to pay $10 each for the next two of their 160 page(?) alien archives PDFs.
If you don't want to pay, just use AoN for Starfinder. They have all the Starfinder rules text from every release. Only thing they don't have is encounter and story text from the APs. The monsters even have their official illustrations. AoN is an official partner of Pazio, you have ways of using the rules even if you can't/won't pay.


If you don't want to pay, just use AoN for Starfinder. They have all the Starfinder rules text from every release. Only thing they don't have is encounter and story text from the APs. The monsters even have their official illustrations. AoN is an official partner of Pazio, you have ways of using the rules even if you can't/won't pay.
That is what I have been doing. :)

Not quite the format I always want, but it is extremely useful and appreciated.


It's hard to pay people when your primary seller is way cheaper than it should be given general book prices.
It also made life damn near impossible for Pathfinder compatible publishers. We had to do full color art, similar length, and lower prices just to have 1/10 or 1/100 paizo's sales. Raising pdf prices to $20 is just a tiny bit of breathing room and hopes of making a profit.


Prices for RPG books are quite reasonable I find. $20? Given how many hours of play it supports it's a steal. If nothing else buy it to support the company. It's not like Paizo employees (or any other employees of an RPG company) are rolling in dough.
Paizo and WotC raising prices a bit might give room for other companies to live in.
In my country - Denmark - printed RPG books are quite expensive - if I am to buy a WotC hardback in my FLGS it's DKK 429 which is $61 - but I also want to support the FLGS. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have no problem paying 20-40 bucks for a good "full-length" book such as core, bestiaries etc in PDF format.

Paying 120-150 for a 10 year old AP and support book/s - yeah, I have problems with that. If I actually play it I will definitely have a low cost per hour of fun, but it will still be hard to fit in my rpg budget. And as in my earlier post, buying the AP for possible conversion to another system is just not doable to me.


Paying 120-150 for a 10 year old AP and support book/s - yeah, I have problems with that. If I actually play it I will definitely have a low cost per hour of fun, but it will still be hard to fit in my rpg budget
My suggestions... Buy it once you're sure you're going to use it. Then buy it one or two books at a time to spread out the cost. Or perhaps check secondary markets/used books.


My suggestions... Buy it once you're sure you're going to use it. Then buy it one or two books at a time to spread out the cost. Or perhaps check secondary markets/used books.
All good advice. But I specifically wanted to get the AP for evaluation, to see if it was worth trying to convert it to Savage Pathfinder, not to play with the original system. For lets say around 10 bucks a book I would have bought the AP and support books, and it could have been worth it even with no conversion, just for the joy and inspiration of reading new material.

I imagine the hardcore PF1e players have the APs they want by now, while a cheaper prize on the PF1e books could have sold pretty good to gamers like me, that never played Pathfinder but have the juices flowing for Savage Pathfinder.

But it is what it is.


Anything can be converted to Savage Worlds with enough time and effort, but as someone who has read Iron Gods in its entirety, it would be exceptionally well suited to conversion. I think it's the only AP Paizo have released where you can chop up robots with a magical chainsaw. :D

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