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Part 1: The Forgotten Forge (Knight Otu judging) [Concluded]


First Post
Kharas hear a faint noise but quickly banish it from his mind, thinking it is simply the rain. But Siobhan call make him wonder just a moment too much...

[SBLOCK=OOC]That what happen when you have a Wisom of 10... I rolled a 14. I don't know what coming, but if Rystil rolled for initiative, I suspect it is nothing good :p [/SBLOCK]

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First Post
Ahki remains near the rear trailing the party slowly. His expression is that of doubt and he grumbles to himself the farther they travel. The beast-kin, these shifters, are likely mad as a kirin bird. I am mad as well for following them on a fools errand. The shamen told me that I would have to learn to live as the other races do, my destiny lies with them now. I will have to learn to be as mad as they are. Resolved, he strides up to join the others though remains silent during their idle chatter.

When they reach the body, growing cold on the bridge, he feels a sense of relief. She may be mad, but at least she is truely a seer. He sniffs the air and looks around, feeling his hunter instincts prickling. A fresh kill, but where is the hunter? He reaches up to grasp the handle of his greatclub and is comforted by the familiar feel.

Listen check failed, 13
Initiative 21


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
[SBLOCK=OOC]No initiative for you! One round![/SBLOCK]
Doh! I failed my listen check so I didn't read what was in the Listen success sblock. :heh:
I thought we were just getting initiatives out of the way.


The man with the probe
Stulgar's ears perk up(Listen:1d20+3=22) and his sense tune into focus as he turns around, body growing leaner, taller, and lyther, almost cat like, as he faces what he heard.

"Watch yourselves! Sister, stay back!" Stulgar exclaims.

[sblock=OOC]Stulgar shifts as he turns.
Stulgar's Initiative (1d20+4=10)
Next round, Stulgar will move to attack the forge, while trying to stay between it and Siobhan.
For convenience: Stulgar's Attack and Damage (2Handed) (1d20+4=5, 1d8+4=12)
Ugh, I'd tell you to add a charging bonus, but that wouldn't help :([/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
"The murderer returns!"

*Siobhan quickly fires one of her magicked stones, slamming into the Warforged and hoping dearly that the attack hurts it through that thick Warforged armour.*

[SBLOCK=OOC]I guess Siobhan goes first of the good guys in round 1. Therefore, she will fire the sling that she has previously drawn. It has a Magic Stone even. Cool!

Rolled a 19 for a 23 total--even cooler (I wish slings critted on a 19 :( Oh wait, it's a Warforged so probably immune 25% of the time anyways).

Hit for 7 Damage (or 5 if it has the ridiculous Adamantine armour--then again, a 23 may miss with that ridiculous armour if it also has a shield :().

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On the Bloody Bridge

[Surprise Round]

Siobhan acts quickly and calls out a warning to her friends as a hooded warforged leaps over the rail to her right, beside Kharas. Her sling already drawn and a magic stone loaded, she throws it at the warforged. It smacks him squarely in the chest and the stone explodes in a shower of magical sparks.

The warforged says 'Drop the satchel weak-flesh or die.' He growls in rage, a twisted metalic growl at that. His eyes begin to burn with an unnatural amber as he attacks Kharas with his heavy battle axe. The blade bites deep into the dwarf's right leg, catching him flatfooted. Kharas looks in shock at the axe sticking out of his leg and passes out. As the warforged yanks it's blade out of the dwarf's leg it shouts, 'Flesh-loving traitor, you're next! at Weapon. At it's feet, Kharas lies bleeding and unconscious.

Weapon draws his flail as he steps towards the warforged. Swinging it in a deadly arc, he scores a hit against the warforged murder, smashing one of it's mithril plates.

Stulgar turns to face the warforged who stands beside him but misses in his haste to attack.

[Round 1]

~action paused~

23 - Del
21 - Ahki
17 - Siobhan
15 - Warforged
12 - Weapon
10 - Stulgar
07 - Kharas

Damage Recap:
Kharas - 11/9 dmg (-2 and unconscious and bleeding)
Cutter - 15/24 dmg
The warforged is in the square just north of Kharas. Weapon has stepped up into the blank spot in front of Siobhan.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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